[INFJ] - The Elusive INFJ and an INFJ /INFP Test | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

[INFJ] The Elusive INFJ and an INFJ /INFP Test

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It didn't come up but I had INFJ 53% INFP 47%

Based on the Work of Myers, Briggs, and Jung

Your result is: INFP INFJ

Idealistic, imaginative, and passionate, you have a strong sense of your personal values and ideals and you tend to feel ill at ease in situations where you have to compromise these ideals due to external demands. You are very sensitive to the dictates of your own imagination and conscience and by default, you dearly want to give others space to be who they are. Thoughtful and considerate, you most likely find it easy to accept society's eccentrics and misfits without rendering judgment. Open and tolerant, you dislike prejudice and stereotypes and you are sometimes liable to give people the benefit of the doubt in situations where others think that "you should know better." Because of your idealism, you may sometimes neglect to give yourself enough credit for the things you accomplish or to speak up for yourself in relationships and groups. Your challenge in life is to balance authenticity with practicality and find a way to be true to yourself and yet live in harmony with the world around you.

Sensitive, empathic, and insightful, you care deeply about people, wanting to accommodate them on the one hand, and having strong visions that you desperately want to turn into reality on the other. Often preoccupied with mulling over your personal thoughts in your own head, others are likely to describe you as tolerant, courteous, and appreciative, but also a bit remote and dreamy. Thoughtful and caring, you have a well-developed facility for putting yourself in another person's place and an instinctive understanding of how people work. Though you tend to spend considerable time fantasizing about how society could be improved, you typically refrain from arguing passionately in favor of your solutions. Instead, you prefer to influence others by gently letting them know how their individual contributions would be invaluable in the greater scheme of things.

