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The Conservative Truth

Government's goal is not to take power from people. The downfall of the man in government is that he does this. Government is essentially a good thing that is used to help people. When it's members are not there for the people, we have problems.

Is not government created by man? Does he not make laws to give himself an advantage over another man? Our government is for sale. So as far as I can tell it's not working for anyone but its self. Government has become it's own entity. It does not answer to the people. It just conveniently switches sides and keeps on doing what it desires to do. It's a lot like a corporation it works for it's self. And it will feed its self until their is nothing left to take. I am sure I am wrong here...

In a nut shell this is what I want. A return to sanity.

Also Chesse pretty much hits many of the points I wanted to say. I do think we will have to go slower. I'm honestly just tired us being in the dark ages compared to the rest of the civilized world. John stewart also hits a lot of points I think are important.
Is not government created by man? Does he not make laws to give himself an advantage over another man? Our government is for sale. So as far as I can tell it's not working for anyone but its self. Government has become it's own entity. It does not answer to the people. It just conveniently switches sides and keeps on doing what it desires to do. It's a lot like a corporation it works for it's self. And it will feed its self until their is nothing left to take. I am sure I am wrong here...

Government is not created by a man. A true and well functioning government is created by the people so that it can do things in their self interests. That is the reason for voting, it gives incentives for politicians to be honest. Now that a shit ton of (now legal) corporate money is being poured into the government, it is protecting the interests of the corporations rather than the people.

I want to believe in something like libertarianism but not everyone is created economically equal. With a lack of regulation, there is no hope for the little guy. This is why I like the model of a social democracy with regulated capitalism. Ideally, it gives people freedom (social libertarianism) but does not let the interests of the wealthiest people go ahead of the poorest because they have more capital.

Now I know that everyone has their own opinions and feels that theirs is the best but honestly, I think I would pick a libertarian state over what I think would work. But I think people are greedy and the social democracy can be beneficial for the most people when power is spread out.
I think Billy called this thread.

Why is all this propaganda / mud-slinging necessary. Each option should stand on its own merit, regardless of the kind of scum, or saints who adhere to either. Exaggeration and hysteria don't do any good either.

The core of democracy is the right to vote, not the ability to successfully manipulate others' voting.