The Adventure Test | INFJ Forum

The Adventure Test

You are Content

You seek moderation by compensating for extremes.
If you're extreme one way, you're also extreme the other way.
While you can be brutally honest, you're still quite a charmer.
You say it all with a smile.

You are magnetic, endearing, and people tend to love you.
You are a positive force in this world.
You're a bit of an introvert, but you're never lonely.
You know how to entertain yourself.

[h=4]You Are Open[/h]You see life as your one chance to experience everything, and you just go for it!
You prefer to open things up for discussion and see where the brainstorming takes you. You don't have expectations.

You are big on mixing and matching. In some ways, your life is one big mashup.
You believe in expressing gratitude, even when times are tough. You are proud to be an optimist.
You Are Content

You seek moderation by compensating for extremes. If you're extreme one way, you're also extreme the other way.
While you can be brutally honest, you're still quite a charmer. You say it all with a smile.

You are magnetic, endearing, and people tend to love you. You are a positive force in this world.
You're a bit of an introvert, but you're never lonely. You know how to entertain yourself.
You are Philosophical.

You feel connected, trusting, and content. You feel at peace with your place in the world.
You are autonomous and fulfilled. You know how to make yourself happy.

You cherish all of the little things life offers you. You are easily fascinated, and you enjoy new experiences.
You have an incredible amount of inner strength. Use it, and you can achieve almost anything.