The Abandoned Clam, The Missing Pearl. | INFJ Forum

The Abandoned Clam, The Missing Pearl.

Dec 10, 2014
I have a really weird way of explaining things. Sorry bout that.
Anyway, i came to a 'temporary' conclusion that we're all clams.
We all have potential and something beautiful inside of us.. its just a matter of how and when, we find our pearl. Pearls are never the same, So we're all different. Some of us need help finding or realizing the existence of that pearl, some have already seen it themselves. We wont know what/how much our pearl is worth, we can only know that its there.. thats the sad part. Anyway, thats quite off topic...?
Some clams are abandoned, lost, somewhere out there alone. Sometimes they feel as though they dont have a pearl. They lose hope of ever reaching their potential, of ever glowing with beauty and brilliance, like a pearl. Some turn to knowledge and hope to justify their existence. Some just lay there, unable to be dragged back into the ocean by the waves, and also unable to move.

So. What are unhealthy INFJs like?
I'm trying to find my pearl.

feel free to reply even if youre not an infj. I highly doubt im one but im sure we all can relate to some negative aspects of unhealthy types.
One unhealthy aspect of developing INFJ is being lost in their mind. Not being able to properly understand their thought patterns, desires, how theyr emotions are being affected by their thoughts and trying to understand their reality through overanalysis.

There is really one way to find our pearl and that is by waking up to our souls and what it desires. Without this connection; the search for the "pearl" or "self" or "identity" will always be elusive. There are stages of development after one wakes up to their inner self. Usually acceptance and development of the aspects that will bring satisfaction to the soul. After a period of cultivating self acceptance which includes the understanding of one's gifts and abilities; the call to service is then initiated. Service to others can only occur after a service to one self ; the honoring of who you are and why you are here.

There will be a lot of distractions along the way. The most potent distraction is the false belief that "one" specific desire will answer and solve all the problems one experiences. The answers fall like breadcrumbs and intuition should be utilized to make sense of the lessons.

Everything will depend on what level of maturing one is experiencing regardles of type. Everyone must go through initiations and everyone is given a chance to discover and unearth who they are.
The thing I like about your metaphor is that a clam only makes the pearl if it gets some dirt or something in it that shouldn't be there. So maybe we have to have experienced dirtiness, imperfection, or some other adversity in order to have the opportunity to make it into something beautiful?