Support - how much and other Qs | INFJ Forum

Support - how much and other Qs


life is good
Nov 18, 2008
I was thinking about this recently. The idea of 'invisible' and 'visible' forms of support most people receive. I consider the invisible form to be the kind of support most people receive on a daily basis like having someone to say hello to, people to chat with throughout the day, colleagues/acquaintances/friends and/or family we connect with over the course of our days - it doesn't have to be people we're close with but essentially any relationship that we welcome in our lives. Sometimes this includes simply knowing that our lives are full in this regard, and that should we need to connect with someone there will be someone to whom we can reach out. This kind of support tends to be taken for granted, I think, because it seems so widespread (in reality for some people and via media) but is no less significant than the support we might ask for/receive during times when we're upset or feel disturbed by how life is unfolding.

I'm curious about the different levels of support we all require and thrive off of. How much is enough and optimal for one person vs another. This includes both support during times of stress, as well as the regular day-to-day 'invisible' kind.

So... I'll throw out some questions, although naturally any other thoughts are welcome. :)

How much contact and connection with others do you enjoy having on a day to day basis?

How much and what kinds of support do you need to keep you feeling balanced and dandy (as far as social-emotional needs go)? How about to thrive?

At what point do you notice yourself sliding into feelings (or a state) of loneliness and emotional pain or mental dysfunction (ex. spaciness, disconnect, etc.) as a result of not having these needs met?

At what point do you notice yourself sliding into feelings of (insert feelings/state) as a result from an overexposure to people/emotional intimacy, etc.?

Are different types of contact equally or differently fulfilling? (ex. close friends vs. casual friends vs. colleagues) Do you rely predominantly on one or two types of connection for your sense of emotional/mental well-being?

What is the longest period of time you have spent by yourself with absolutely zero connection or contact (in person or otherwise) with others?

Do you agree/disagree that this kind of (invisible) support is often both ubiquitous and thus taken for granted by most/many people?

Other thoughts?