Sung-Bong Choi | INFJ Forum

Sung-Bong Choi

I deliberately did not watch the video, but just listened to the sound, because I didn't want to be hypnotized into thinking he is my (reality show type of) friend. As for the music, if he was my real firend I would be very impressed, but for a random dude on TV, not really.
I deliberately did not watch the video, but just listened to the sound, because I didn't want to be hypnotized into thinking he is my (reality show type of) friend. As for the music, if he was my real firend I would be very impressed, but for a random dude on TV, not really.

If you didn't read the subtitles you missed the point.
Saw this and it is the best
If you didn't read the subtitles you missed the point.

Not a word. :) I only heard some almost very good singing.

I suppose he is one of the new breed of sympathy stars. LOL, I'm sure I appear like an ass now to those of you who saw the whole thing.
Okay, yeah.
He was amazing!
My INFJ is bleeding all over the place.
Happy VH?
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