Star Wars Characters | INFJ Forum

Star Wars Characters


Retired Staff
Aug 23, 2011
This was inspired by [MENTION=3791]knight in battle[/MENTION]'s signature. :D

I'll start off, then, with Yoda and Anakin. I believe you said that Anakin was an INFP, and Yoda an INFJ. I can see how those fit, I just wanted to hear your reasoning (and anyone else's opinion on the matter).

Also, what about Luke? Han Solo? Chewie? :) Any of 'em.
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Oh God. Do you love the Borg too?? (see your profile info). (There is evidence to suggest that the INTPs and INTJs are also like the Borg amongst themselves. :D)

Yoda & Anakin. There's plenty of talk on online forums to suggest that they are INFJ and INFP. For a more "accurate" analysis, you might watch Anakin's facial expressions to see whether the actor himself is actually portraying Fi. (cf. DaveSuperPower's youtube video "Fi vs Fe" ). There are also disputes about whether Yoda is not more likely to be INTP, but Yoda is obviously a patient one-on-one mentor/trainer, something that INTPs are not---although perhaps Bill Gates (INTP) is a good mentor. Anakin is single-minded in his actions and emotions. He is captured by love, revenge, hatred, etc---romance, most of all, which is true of all NFs but particularly heightened in the INFP. He's not bound to the Jedi counsel but is taken by one strong person, the Chancellor. He is unconvinced by the counsel---not even partially. He doesn't question anything.

Luke. Dedicated. Wise. Follows his master. Careful. Not impulsive. ISFJ? Some people think he's INFP.
I'm leaning towards INTJ with Yoda; I think Anakin is an INFP. I think ObiWan is an INFJ. I really enjoy Episode 2, where ObiWan is played by Ewan McGregor as a mid-40's Jedi. I think he's hot. Crush time.
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would count dooku be a very dark INFJ? or an INTJ? i think the dark side is very NF...
I'm leaning towards INTJ with Yoda; I think Anakin is an INFP. I think ObiWan is an INFJ. I really enjoy Episode 2, where ObiWan is played by Ewan McGregor as a mid-40's Jedi. I think he's hot. Crush time.
Define "hot". In character? Appearance? Hair? Mustache? Nice smile? Fighting style?
would count dooku be a very dark INFJ? or an INTJ? i think the dark side is very NF...

Trying on the dark side for yourself? Why on earth would an NF be the dark side? NFP perhaps. The dark side is so committed to itself that it can't possibly be Ni. :D
Cognitive functions not sorted

Luke Skywalker: Ni, Fe
Han Solo: Se, Ti
Anakin: Fi
Emperor: Te, Fi, Ni
Yoda: Ni, Fe
Obiwan: Ni, Fe
I always saw Master Yoda as the quintessential INFJ "enlightened teacher" fostering the best in people for the good of the universe. Anakin seemed to exemplify the (failed) struggle of reconciling/superimposing an idealized and ugly world, something I know many INFP's in particular resonate strongly with.

Obiwan was a miniature, more human-like Yoda to me, so INFJ for him too.
I don't remember many other characters, unfortunately.
Trying on the dark side for yourself? Why on earth would an NF be the dark side? NFP perhaps. The dark side is so committed to itself that it can't possibly be Ni. :D

Count dooku is a very complicated character. He was once one of the greatest jedi and member of the council. He was very idealistic but he turned to the dark side because he believed the jedi order was corrupt. also because he was betrayed by hes best friend and he thought that with his own will and power he could bring order to the universe.
All I'm aware of is:

Han Solo - ISTP
Trying on the dark side for yourself? Why on earth would an NF be the dark side? NFP perhaps. The dark side is so committed to itself that it can't possibly be Ni. :D

I think that any use of the force sort of requires a degree of NF... you do sort of have to 'feel' it flow through you. And there's definitely some mentoring going on... you also have to be able to know whether or not your apprentice is into what you're saying before you move in and convert him/her completely.

And Jar-Jar is definitely ENTP-- he was actually brilliant at inventing new ways to ruin the entire franchise.

I'm getting chills up my spine. I guess I do sometimes side with a different side that I once found no value in, just because I thought that the people on my side of an issue, etc, were hypocritical and corrupt.

I'm getting chills up my spine. I guess I do sometimes side with a different side that I once found no value in, just because I thought that the people on my side of an issue, etc, were hypocritical and corrupt.

thats exactly what happened to dooku xd i really relate to his character and the dark side in general. The nice thing about star wars character is that they are more humanly portrait. In the sense that they have flaws and have complex morals. Heck even Luke and Obi wan had a dark side. Darth Vader and Palpaltine also have a reason for being how they are ect

Oh God. Do you love the Borg too?? (see your profile info). (There is evidence to suggest that the INTPs and INTJs are also like the Borg amongst themselves. :D)

Naw, though I do thoroughly enjoy Star Trek (and Star Wars, one might have guessed). I am fascinated by the concept of the Borg, but would not enjoy having to endure an existence as one. I put BORG as my type 'cause at the time I was fed up with MBTI, Socionics, etc., and my persistent inability to peg down my type. Thus, I put up something random, mindless, and what I thought was typeless. INTJ/P, you say? Hm...

Yoda & Anakin. There's plenty of talk on online forums to suggest that they are INFJ and INFP. For a more "accurate" analysis, you might watch Anakin's facial expressions to see whether the actor himself is actually portraying Fi. (cf. DaveSuperPower's youtube video "Fi vs Fe" ). There are also disputes about whether Yoda is not more likely to be INTP, but Yoda is obviously a patient one-on-one mentor/trainer, something that INTPs are not---although perhaps Bill Gates (INTP) is a good mentor. Anakin is single-minded in his actions and emotions. He is captured by love, revenge, hatred, etc---romance, most of all, which is true of all NFs but particularly heightened in the INFP. He's not bound to the Jedi counsel but is taken by one strong person, the Chancellor. He is unconvinced by the counsel---not even partially. He doesn't question anything.

Luke. Dedicated. Wise. Follows his master. Careful. Not impulsive. ISFJ? Some people think he's INFP.

Anakin, I definitely see some Fi. I'm not sure about S vs. N, though - I can see both ISFP and INFP as having potential.

For some strange reason I used to see Luke as ESTP, but Han Solo seems to be much more suited to that type. ISTJ for Luke, maybe? Or, do you think he's more F than T?

I'm not sure about auxiliary Fe for Yoda, but INxJ does sound like a good fit. Perhaps INTJ, as [MENTION=4624]MissionHouse[/MENTION] suggested?

Of course, these are just fictional characters, but still, it's fun. ;)
yoda, TE!??
ahem, yoda is perhaps the most Fe'ish character in star wars, for indirectly he speaks.
te's just hate that kind of talking.
te's want to be boxed.
te's want everything blunt and defined.
that is, if Te comes before feelings, at least.

or maybe ive seen too many istj's pretending to be intj. since the intj forum intjs dont seem to correspond a real intj in intellectual level comparison.
but then, istjs are a number huge, itd be no surprice were that to be how it is.

also the whole concept of constant peace of being is Fe + Ti thing.
(why i_tps appear oh so calm until they fail to maintain their weakness.)
also: asoka = ENFP
Oh wow, I need to bump this thread!
Here's how I type the Star Wars characters:
Anakin: ENFP then ESTJ as Vader
Obi-Wan: INFJ
Qui-Gon Jinn: ISTP
Yoda: INFJ
Palpatine: INTJ
Padmé: ESFJ
Mace Windu: ENTJ
Ki-Adi-Mundi: INTP
Quinlan Vos: EXTP
Count Dooku: INFJ
Luke: INFP
Chewbacca: ISTP
Han Solo: ESTP
Grand Moff Tarkin: INTJ
Leia: ENTJ
Lando: ENTP
Boba Fett: ISTP
Revan: INFP
Bastila: ENTJ
Canderous: ISTP
Mission Vao: ISFP
Jolee Bindo: INTP
The Exile: ENFJ
Exar Kun: ESTP
Darth Malgus: INTJ
Darth Bane: ENTJ
Darth Kaan: ENTP
Kyle Katarn: INTP
Oh wow, I need to bump this thread!
Here's how I type the Star Wars characters:
Anakin: ENFP then ESTJ as Vader

Hm, most people agree Anakin is INFP. Vader being ESTJ...i actually could agree with that. Interesting tought...infp's shadow is estj, isn't it? That would make sense...
Exactly, I read this theory somewhere but it's not perfect because the prequels...are bad. Anakin fall to the dark side should have been quicker, in a EU Luke fashion. Instead, we got two movies of him "whining" his way to the dark side which makes it blurrier as to when he is ENFP and when he is ESTJ.