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Roses In The Vineyard

Well-known member
I thought this thread was going to be about Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote, “Do one thing that scares you everyday.” That being said, Russia is scary.
"These people have only one ambition and that is to drink more vodka than the next person."

Some things never change lmaooo
I thought this thread was going to be about Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote, “Do one thing that scares you everyday.” That being said, Russia is scary.
They are scary. But who’s scarier, Russians or Chinese?? This is actually a question I contemplate quite often hahaa
Ya know, that kind of bugs me. America never really let go of the old cold-war propaganda against the Russians, and we frequently engage in forms of racist speech against them. That's kind of bothersome. I bet most Americans don't even know why they don't like Russia anymore!

But I'm just kinda ranting now so I'ma stop.
I enjoy seeing different parts of the world and comparing American public policies to theirs. Americans are fortunate to be the beneficiaries of strategic brilliance and good fortune on the international front, mostly due to the aftermath of WWII.

Domestically, the United States has undergone a decline in social mobility. There are multiple reasons as to why. Regardless, it's unfortunate to see. Our issues are causing American life to become extremely obscene, especially for those living below the federal poverty line.

It's a positive thing to see international development in areas which directly effect the optimization of human life: healthcare, education, the reduction of homelessness. It gives an observer of American politics and culture the hope that significant advancements on these fronts is not just possible, but imminent.