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someone help please?


Oct 8, 2010
The Challenger
I've been trying to figure out the answer to this question all day. and I have decided to give up.

I am asking you, because I can't find it anywhere on the internet lol and it's bugging me.

Ten Numbers (1-10) were put in a bag and one number drawn out. Two of six people predicted correct by making the following statements below. Which number was drawn?

Alan: It was a odd number.
Bill: It was a square root.
Connie: It was a number less then 7.
David: It was a prime number.
Eileen: It was a even number.
Fiona: It was a number between 3 and 7 inclusive.

I'm just so tempted to go along with the idea of this just being a trick question...

that'll teach me for reading stuff that doesn't include the answers just to be annoying.
Alan's options: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Bill's options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Connie's options: 6, 5 ,4 ,3 ,2 ,1
David's options: 2, 3, 5, 7
Eileen's options: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Fiona's options: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

My conclusion:
I don't see how anybody could guess the number by asking those questions.
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My reaction to the question;


lol, I suck at maths...
I guess it's two but I'm not sure.

I paired the six people up.... and there are 15 ways to pair them. When they are paired, there are certain numbers that satisfy their description.

But when you pair David and Eileen up, only the number 2 satisfies both their description (when others are paired there are more than 1 numbers that satisfy their description). 2 is both a prime and an even number.
what about 10.

the only guesses that could fit into would be a square root and an even number...
I'm not 100% but Bill and Alan.

2 HAVE to have gotten them right.

So obviously either Alan or Eileen got it right for sure.

Than you pick the only one that agrees with them. If more than one agrees with them, it's not them.
what about 10.

the only guesses that could fit into would be a square root and an even number...

10 would be a number that satisfies both Eileen's and Bill's descriptions but so do other numbers like 2, 4, 6, and 8.
ah, but it doesn't say they predicted the numbers, it actually just said they made the following statements, so tried to predict the number by making statements about what kind of number it would be.
if 10 was drawn, only 2 people could be right...
ah, but it doesn't say they predicted the numbers, it actually just said they made the following statements, so tried to predict the number by making statements about what kind of number it would be.
if 10 was drawn, only 2 people could be right...

I don't get it anymore :( :( :(

You tried to solve this all day!?!?!? I can't even open my book to study for my entrance tests right now. bwahahahhaha :( :(

I'll eat all day :)
that's true, unles they wrote a crappy riddle and it should be a perfect square, which would mean 1, 4 or 9...

oh and here's another one I can't work out.

Add one letter, not necessarily the same letter, to each word at the front, end, or middle to find two word that are opposite in meaning.


why the hell did I get given a book with no answers!
You tried to solve this all day!?!?!? I can't even open my book to study for my entrance tests right now. bwahahahhaha :( :(

my friends and I play serious trivia on friday nights, which is tomorrow, and we're desperate to beat the team that show us up every damn week.

I hate you, Does Dark Matter. haaaaate you!
Well, I think I know how you could beat them. Read the answers on the back of the cards before they come over. :thumb:
I've been trying to figure out the answer to this question all day. and I have decided to give up.

I am asking you, because I can't find it anywhere on the internet lol and it's bugging me.

Ten Numbers (1-10) were put in a bag and one number drawn out. Two of six people predicted correct by making the following statements below. Which number was drawn?

Alan: It was a odd number.
Bill: It was a square root.
Connie: It was a number less then 7.
David: It was a prime number.
Eileen: It was a even number.
Fiona: It was a number between 3 and 7 inclusive.

I'm just so tempted to go along with the idea of this just being a trick question...

that'll teach me for reading stuff that doesn't include the answers just to be annoying.

By necessity, Bill is one of the 2. As his set includes all numbers between 1-10

There is a 2/3 chance that Eileen is the second person and a 1/3 chance that Alan is the second person.

Detailed breakdown if they only choose one number from their set as a guess and that number is at random.
Alan's options: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Bill's options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Connie's options: 6, 5 ,4 ,3 ,2 ,1
David's options: 2, 3, 5, 7
Eileen's options: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Fiona's options: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

10% chance of 1. .2 Alan, .1 Bill, and .167 Connie respectively
(.2)(.1)(.833) = 1.67% chance of Alan and Bill
(.2)(.167)(.9) = 3% chance of Alan and Connie
(.8)(.2)(.167) = 2.67% chance of Bill and Connie

10% chance of 2. .1 Bill, .167 Connie, .25 David, .2 Eileen
(.1)(.167)(.75)(.8) = 1.002% chance of Bill and Connie
(.1)(.833)(.25)(.8) = 1.67% chance of Bill and David
(.1)(.833)(.75)(.2) = 1.2495% chance of Bill and Eileen

If I really wanted to I could keep going, but I really don't want to. It looks like Bill and Eileen will have the highest percentage together by the end(But I'm not completely sure, Bill and Connie have the first 6 numbers together after all).
I think it's just a badly written problem in a badly written book...

I don't see how you can get the number for a definite from it if the book didn't mean a perfect square as in 1,4, or 89

as for the second one, I've figured it out. it's spend and hoard.