So, what's your multiple intelligence IQ? | INFJ Forum

So, what's your multiple intelligence IQ?

What are your top three multiple intelligences?

  • Naturalist or Environmental or Ecological

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • Musical Intelligence

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Logical or Mathematical

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • Visual or Spatial

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Existential or Philosophical

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Interpersonal or Social

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • Intrapersonal or Self

    Votes: 15 62.5%
  • Physical, Body or Kinesthetic

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Linguistic or Verbal or Language

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Other (please explain in thread)

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters


Sep 5, 2009
To put wagging fingers to rest, let's see how everyone pairs up?

My top three are linguistic, musical, and self.

poll to be added . . .

You can take this quiz if you're not sure. Please post and select only your top three multiple IQs in the poll.

The Nine Types of Intelligence

By Howard Gardner

1. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)

Designates the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations). This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters, gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist or chef. It is also speculated that much of our consumer society exploits the naturalist intelligences, which can be mobilized in the discrimination among cars, sneakers, kinds of makeup, and the like.

2. Musical Intelligence (“Musical Smart”)

Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence enables us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listeners. Interestingly, there is often an affective connection between music and the emotions; and mathematical and musical intelligences may share common thinking processes. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are usually singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss.

3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)

Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. It enables us to perceive relationships and connections and to use abstract, symbolic thought; sequential reasoning skills; and inductive and deductive thinking patterns. Logical intelligence is usually well developed in mathematicians, scientists, and detectives. Young adults with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories, and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments.

4. Existential Intelligence

Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here.

5. Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart”)

Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. It involves effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to note distinctions among others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability to entertain multiple perspectives. Teachers, social workers, actors, and politicians all exhibit interpersonal intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are leaders among their peers, are good at communicating, and seem to understand others’ feelings and motives.

6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)

Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craftspeople exhibit well-developed bodily kinesthetic intelligence.

7. Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)

Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of language. Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared human competence and is evident in poets, novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers. Young adults with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.

8. Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart”)

Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself and one’s thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directioning one’s life. Intra-personal intelligence involves not only an appreciation of the self, but also of the human condition. It is evident in psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers. These young adults may be shy. They are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated.

9. Spatial Intelligence (“Picture Smart”)

Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions. Core capacities include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and an active imagination. Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects all exhibit spatial intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing or daydreaming. Nine Types of Intelligence.htm
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poll posted!!! :D
A couple of questions on this quiz concern me, but I took it anyway.
The questions that I find problematic are these:
'I pride myself on having a large vocabulary.' I answered this with 2. I consider myself to have a decent vocabulary, but I don't pride myself on it. I feel a little tricked by this question.

'I enjoy caring for my house plants.' I answered this as 3. I don't have house plants. I think plants belong outside. I'd enjoy caring for them if I had them, though.

My top three results are:
Musical 4.43
You like the rhythm and sound of language. You like poems, songs, and jingles. You enjoy humming or singing along with music. You probably remember things well when they are associated with music or rhythm.

Logic/Math 4.43
You enjoy exploring how things are related, and you like to understand how things work. You like mathematical concepts, puzzles and manipulative games.

Spatial 4.43
You remember things visually, including exact sizes and shapes of objects. You like posters, charts, and graphics. You like any kind of visual clues. You enjoy drawing.

Since my top four are actually tied, I'll also put up my Nature score which is also 4.43
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"This free Multiple Intelligences testing instrument has not been scientifically validated or normed."

Apparently also hasn't been subjected to peer review if the way the assessment items themselves are written is any indication. Seems more like a test on ego and less on abilities in the range of subjects listed.

e: Because how much you like your abilities is not a measure of your actual abilities.
e2: Yes, I am aware that I am no fun.

Well to be fair I don't see that the goal of this is to measure anything, but rather to find learning styles and preferences. I think it is a valid endeavor which is unfortunately derailed by loaded terms such as 'IQ' and 'intelligence'.

I think the information could be useful in determining how to approach someone in a learning environment, if the person is a reliable source about what they prefer (and if they are not, you're going to have bigger problems than this with them)
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I voted Social, Philosophical, and Language, but Philosophical was not measured on the test.

On the test, my top three were Social 4.57, Language 4.14, and Nature 4.
The concept of "mathematically conscious" is somewhat.... I dunno.... ridiculous to me.
3.29 on language (linguistic) and self (interpersonal)
2.84 on nature.... *shrugs* not really concerning to me right now.
The concept of "mathematically conscious" is somewhat.... I dunno.... ridiculous to me.

Really? You never see the relationships of real world interactions? Such as tire contact patch vs. weight distribution vs. surface strength vs. shear strength?

Or that a craft cannot get off the ground if its thrust to weight ratio is less than 1, unless you help it with aerodynamic lift? That the thrust to weight ratio is also the g-force that the vehicle can generate, and therefore it must exceed local gravity to fly (1 g, therefore can't be less than 1 because it would be less than the power of gravity) unless you help it with wings?
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Really? You never see the relationships of real world interactions? Such as tire contact patch vs. weight distribution vs. surface strength vs. shear strength?

Or that a craft cannot get off the ground if its thrust to weight ratio is less than 1, unless you help it with aerodynamic lift? That the thrust to weight ratio is also the g-force that the vehicle can generate, and therefore it must exceed local gravity to fly (1 g, therefore can't be less than 1 because it would be less than the power of gravity) unless you help it with wings?

I love that stuff but it's not present with me unless there is a specific need for it to be such as purchasing tires. I don't know higher math and wish I did. I don't know many formulas but don't care at all about that since I have an internet connection. Life is open book as far as I'm concerned--unless it's something meaningful to me my brain doesn't bother to commit facts and details to permanent storage. I imagine the world must look very different to someone who intuitively grasps higher math and knows all of the formulas by heart.
I love that stuff but it's not present with me unless there is a specific need for it to be such as purchasing tires. I don't know higher math and wish I did. I don't know many formulas but don't care at all about that since I have an internet connection. Life is open book as far as I'm concerned--unless it's something meaningful to me my brain doesn't bother to commit facts and details to permanent storage. I imagine the world must look very different to someone who intuitively grasps higher math and knows all of the formulas by heart.

Nothing wrong with that. I'm not even that good with math myself. But there's a math mindset that goes beyond formulas.

One example with me is that in school when I was experimentally kicked from fourth grade to sixth grade and then refused to do well, I was made to go back and tutor a fourth grader who could not grasp multiplication. This was significant for me because it made me think about math abstractly because I had to fully grasp it to solve a novel problem from my perspective - teaching this kid to multiply beyond memorizing multiplication tables. I had to figure out a way to convey to him what multiplication is, in such a way that he could actually solve the problems by thinking it through rather than mechanically applying rote methods which were clearly not working with him.

I actually got him started on being able to solve random problems that I'd throw to him because I was able to give him the abstract and elementary essence of multiplication that goes beyond memory and rule following. It was simplified at the time (I was no mathematician) and my method only really applied to whole numbers greater than 1, but that was all he needed to get him started. I also actually enjoyed it.
This was really meant to be a fun thread to get away from the focus on IQ and why. I just thought it would be nice to see how many people have strengths in the different types of multiple intelligences. I used the word "IQ" in the thread title as an ironic throwaway since there's no way way anyone could measure one person against another in the thread unless they revealed their scores since the poll in thread is anonymous.
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Not surprisingly so far, the top ones are self, verbal, and intrapersonal intelligences.
I got; self 4,43 - spatial 4,29 - social 3,57
(language was a close call at 3,43, the other four were siginifically lower)
Doesn't sound too off to me, based on how I experience where my intellectual strenghts lie... don't think the test seemed much more better than to give a pointing finger (it didn't even include anything regarding existential intelligence? but I guess their main purpose was to give hints for the most optimal way of learning, it might have been deemed irrelevant? idk idk)

I'm a little curious what their intention was with the "I enjoy going to the zoo"-question. I like animals and dislike visiting zoos since I know their living conditions can be really awful, and I don't really enjoy staring at caged animals, it just feels... disgsusting, unethical and wrong. I guess that question had some relation to naturalist intelligence, but I don't know if it was in favor of it or not..?
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Really? You never see the relationships of real world interactions? Such as tire contact patch vs. weight distribution vs. surface strength vs. shear strength?

Or that a craft cannot get off the ground if its thrust to weight ratio is less than 1, unless you help it with aerodynamic lift? That the thrust to weight ratio is also the g-force that the vehicle can generate, and therefore it must exceed local gravity to fly (1 g, therefore can't be less than 1 because it would be less than the power of gravity) unless you help it with wings?
Umm.... no. Maybe I'm too young to think that way? Those things never really cross my mind honestly.
Umm.... no. Maybe I'm too young to think that way? Those things never really cross my mind honestly.

Ok. Nothing wrong with that, people are different. :D

It's hard to describe. It's just like being able to see stuff that your eyes don't see directly.

Like watching a hawk gliding on an updraft without flapping her wings. From my perspective it wasn't mysterious, I didn't have to think about it, nor puzzle it out. The answer was just right there, apparent to me.
4.43 for nature, 4.29 for musical, and 3.57 tie for self & spatial.
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4.86 for Musical, Social, and Lingusitic
4.57 for Self
3.86 for Spatial and Logical/Mathematical

Geez...Tie much? lol
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I took it for shits and gigs.

Musical: 4.86
Social: 4.71
Self: 4.43
Nature: 4.43
Language: 4.14
Spatial: 4.14
Logic/Math: 4
Kinesthetic: 4

Took some impressive mental gymnastics for me to interpret some of the questions so that they made sense to me within the context of the test.
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