Sleeping more than the average person | INFJ Forum

Sleeping more than the average person


Jul 31, 2013
I am not sure if I am posting this in the right area or not. If it needs to be moved then please do so.

I find that the most common argument among myself and my boyfriend is my sleeping habits. I am not a late owl and find that staying up late is boring and non stimulating. I don't see a reason to be up past 10 if I have no plans and am just going to sit in front of a TV. If I try to stay up late and watch TV I will always fall asleep even if I am not tired. Am I the only one who does this?

I am not sure what exact personality type my boyfriend is, but I know he is pure extrovert. He views night as a time to spend together. He also views sleep as an awful thing that shouldn't exist.

We live together and I don't get much alone time like I used to. I find that in the rare occasion that I am alone for the night, I will stay up later doing things that I do enjoy that he wouldn't get. I am thinking I use sleep as my alone time. I'm not sure.

Am I alone on this?


On days i don't have to get up (read that: 0630 for work or whenever i have classes) I don't even hear my alarm. I'll wake up like 12 hours later.

sleep is my favourite part of the day because i can lose consciousness and forget about the world :)
You sound normal to me. Try feeding your boyfriend warm milk with nutmeg, dimming the lights, and playing relaxing music and aromatherapy near bedtime, and make sure he gets lots of exercise during the day and that you play with him enough at home at night (not just sitting in front of the TV together but more active things), to adjust his sleep schedule to yours. I am the extrovert in the relationship who sort of feels the same way. I think this might work lol.
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You sound normal to me. Try feeding your boyfriend warm milk with nutmeg, dimming the lights, and playing relaxing music and aromatherapy near bedtime, and make sure he gets lots of exercise during the day and that you play with him enough at home at night (not just sitting in front of the TV together but more active things), to adjust his sleep schedule to yours. I am the extrovert in the relationship who sort of feels the same way. I think this might work lol.
Jeez what is he, a hamster....get him a wheel, have his favorite treats available to stuff into his cheek
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Jeez what is he, a hamster....get him a wheel, have his favorite treats available to stuff into his cheek

It is my dream to be treated like a hamster

It's true though, I'm always lying awake with my eyes wide open several hours after he has fallen asleep and eventually I end up going to the kitchen and eating all his cereal. Buy him a treadmill!!
[mods]Thread moved to Health & Wellness as it seems to more closely relate[/mods]
You sound normal to me. Try feeding your boyfriend warm milk with nutmeg, dimming the lights, and playing relaxing music and aromatherapy near bedtime, and make sure he gets lots of exercise during the day and that you play with him enough at home at night (not just sitting in front of the TV together but more active things), to adjust his sleep schedule to yours. I am the extrovert in the relationship who sort of feels the same way. I think this might work lol.

That sounds so nice and cozy! :m109:

OR you could just slip him a roofie.

He'll never know. :m097:
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OR you could just slip him a roofie.

He'll never know. :m097:
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I wouldn't look at it in terms of type, since most of the extroverts I know go to sleep before I do. I wonder how his melatonin levels are, with all that light/stimulation he gives himself at night?
I wouldn't look at it in terms of type, since most of the extroverts I know go to sleep before I do. I wonder how his melatonin levels are, with all that light/stimulation he gives himself at night?

I'd have to agree. Definitely not a type thing. My husband is a pure introvert, and will be up till the crack of dawn doing things. I can stay up for a while too but I have my limits. I made him go to his doctor so that he could get a prescription for sleeping pills. He did and he sleeps when he takes them. Problem now? When taken, he snores really loud. AND he talks in his sleep.

I can't f'ing win.
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I'm quite the opposite, I love staying up late reading, researching, writing, and thinking.
nah... there’s nothing wrong with sleeping... if you can handle staying up with him a couple nights a week it would be nice for him and good for your relationship :)
Chronic lack of sleep is a dangerous condition in many ways. Sleep is important. Often, I go through periods of insomnia which, by the end, leave me slightly crazy/out of balance. I have never been a "sleeper". My sister says sleeping is her hobby. I think it is a learned preference. I tend to think that if you are getting at least 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep, things are good.
You could try looking into polyphasic sleep. The night time can be very nice.
There is some evidence to suggest that this is more natural and was the norm in years gone by.

There is some evidence also to suggest that feeling the need to sleep a lot more than average is indicative of dissatisfaction with waking life, though.
I know that is has been for me but now I will admit that it is really just down to bad habit/having little to do that is constructive.
Sleep would be the extroverts vital alone time since they are less likely to be able to consciously enjoy it. But by no means is that black and white.