[INFJ] Simple tips how to prevent Coronavirus

stay away from other people not in your household. .wear a mask when you do go to places where you can't maintain a safe distance. much more effective in preventing covid infection. The virus is stil actively circulating around us, just because people are tired of it doesn't mean it's tired and hibernating
stay away from other people not in your household. .wear a mask when you do go to places where you can't maintain a safe distance. much more effective in preventing covid infection. The virus is stil actively circulating around us, just because people are tired of it doesn't mean it's tired and hibernating

Thanks, I agree :) A plexiglass mask might be more advisable than a regular mask because of CO2 inhalation and the microbial load that collects in the mask after a while. Most important is probably distance. Try to avoid public transportation and being in rooms with other people without air circulation etc..

I just posted this to show that there are a lof ot other means of protection which are never mentioned in the mass media - a strong immune system is probably the best protection, at least for yourself.

lol ;-)
Thanks, I agree :) A plexiglass mask might be more advisable than a regular mask because of CO2 inhalation and the microbial load that collects in the mask after a while. Most important is probably distance. Try to avoid public transportation and being in rooms with other people without air circulation etc..

I just posted this to show that there are a lof ot other means of protection which are never mentioned in the mass media - a strong immune system is probably the best protection, at least for yourself.

lol ;-)
for sure, good information
Coronavirus treatment which apparently can save some 98 % of COVID patients!!! PLEASE CHECK AND DISTRIBUTE THIS INFORMATION!!!

On May 14, the Alliance for Natural Health published an article on a treatment which apparently can save some 98 % of COVID patients.[1]

The doctors (Dr. Pierre Kory et al.) have called it MATH+:

intravenous methylprednisolone;

intravenous ascorbic acid (vitamin C);

thiamine (vitamin B1), vitamin D and zinc ;




Russell B, Moss C, Rigg A, Van Hemelrijck M. COVID-19 and treatment with NSAIDs and corticosteroids: should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting? Ecancermedicalscience. 2020 Mar 30;14:1023. doi:
10.3332/ecancer.2020.1023. PMID: 32256706; PMCID: PMC7105332
It is (almost ;-)) shocking that there is not more information about coronavirus (covid-19) in this entire forum, good that I am here to bring you the latest news ;-)
(well, from my POV and from the POV of the search engine in this forum this is fact, so this is just a fact :-D...so I am not praising myself or something, I am just stating how it is)

Latest news is that Quercetin and zinc can replace Hydroxychloroquine and zinc, so ANYONE can successfully prevent Coronavirus (Covid-19) now, here two texts about it, Vitamine D works too (!):
Quercetin can replace HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) in combination with zinc!!!!

I hope that I dont have to tell you that this should be THE top thread here, please spread this information, someones life might depend on getting this out ASAP:
We need to focus on the truth and not on politics.

Dr Zelenko's protocol advocates using quercetin and zinc sulfate. He says it can do the same thing as hydroxychloroquine (plaquenil). Quercetin and zinc sulfate as prophylaxis or plan B where hydroxychloroquine is unavailable due to political reasons.
(Please look up the correct dosage yourself, see the PDF at the end)

Dr. Drew 36K subscribers
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Speaks Openly On Hydroxychloroquine. Drdrew.tv is courtesy of drdrew.com. Find more here. https://drdrew.com/2020/dr-vladimir-zelenko-speaks-openly-on-hydroxychloriquine/
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, M.D. is a practicing front line family practitioner in New York who has been working in the epicentre of the Covid-19 pandemic in the early part of 2020 to present. His hands on medical experience has proven the Zelenko Protocol works after his many cases during this time to be positive regarding the use of the medication Hydroxychloroquine plus Azithromycin for Covid-19 patients in combination with Zinc. In a recent tweet, @zev_dr reported the combination is less expensive and as effective in certain cases without a hospital stay. Remdesivir: Over $3,000 & at best shortens hospital stays from 15 days to 10 days. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=#ZelenkoProtocol: $20 & keeps you out of the hospital altogether. My data shows a 99.3% survival rate after prescribing these 3 drugs in the pre-hospital setting: Here are his findings. https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202007.0025/v1
Go to TheZelenkoProtocol.com you will find the new retrospective study using Zelenko’s patient data.

also see
(this link doubts HCQ, but we know it works, so please ignore that and focus on the Quercetin information)


also read


Another very important piece of information regarding coronavirus (covid-19):

It turned out all substances which help to transport zinc into the cell are working for covid-19 and other RNA-Viruses..."even" green tea or an extract of it!



as mentioned there it turned out that green tea can also do the trick, let the water boil, wait for 1,5 - 2 minutes cooloff, then brew the tea for NOT LONGER than 5 minutes. This way, you will get the highest concentration of the main ingredient EGCG, here:

Flavonoids are well bioavailable with > 15% [1]. Preparation in water can lead to a 50% loss of water-soluble flavonoids. A temperature of 85 °C is suitable for optimal brewing of green tea. After only 3 minutes, the EGCG content of 50.69 mg/100 ml is at its highest [4]. In a study it was found that the contents of epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin gallate increase within the first 3 to 5 minutes.
With the duration of the infusion time, the content of epicatechin, epicatechin gallate and epigallocatechin gallate in green tea decreases [5].

Here is an overview of the best way to achieve the appropriate temperature:
Water temperature

The water temperature can also be roughly determined without a thermometer. The later the water is used for infusion after boiling, the lower the temperature of the water.

As a rule of thumb:
Water temperature directly after boiling about 95 °C (black tea, fruit tea, herbal tea)
Water temperature 1 to 2 minutes after boiling about 80 °C (Oolong tea, yellow tea, white tea)
Water temperature 3 to 4 minutes after boiling about 70 °C (green tea, yellow tea, white tea)
Water temperature 8 to 9 minutes after boiling about 60 °C (Japanese green tea)

Always COMBINE this with zinc, as zinc is the key here.

You can use the tea leafs for a second brew, but you will not get the EGCG with the second brew, so just drink it for pleasure :-)
(and to use the green tea to the max, as there will be other valuable substances in the 2nd brew :-))

Vitamine D, Sunshine & COVID-19 (Coronavirus): great facts!
Fact #1: A study from Indonesia, which looked at data from 780 COVID-19 patients, found those with a vitamin D level between 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L) and 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L) had a sevenfold higher risk of death than those with a level above 30 ng/mL. Having a level below 20 ng/mL was associated with a 12 times higher risk of death.

Fact #2: Another study, which provides data from 20 European countries, also found that “the probability of developing COVID-19, and of dying from it, is NEGATIVELY correlated with mean population vitamin D status, with both probabilities reaching zero above about 75 nmol/L,” (30 ng/mL) A vitamin D3 blood level of at least 75 nmol/L (30 ng/ml) is needed for protection against COVID-19.

In the paper, authors concluded, “We believe that we can advise vitamin D supplementation to protect against SARS-CoV2 infection.” Moreover, toxicity has not been demonstrated until blood levels go above 200 ng/mL (500 nmol/L).

The recommended blood level for optimal health is currently between 60 ng/mL (150 nmol/L) and 80 ng/mL (200 nmol/L). In other words, there’s a significant margin of safety, even if you manage to exceed the optimal range.

Fact #03: In addition to vitamin D optimization, QUERCETIN — which acts similarly to the drug hydroxychloroquine — and ZINC may further lower your risk of COVID-19. Compelling evidence suggests the reason hydroxychloroquine appears so useful in the treatment of COVID-19 is a zinc improves zinc uptake into the cell.
(So this also works for prevention!!!)

FACT #4: We could fix the COVID-19 pandemic in as little as 30 days simply by making sure everyone is taking vitamin D in sufficiently large doses. Get some beach sunshine this week and all summer!!

Dr Michael


You can read more about all this here
If we are to live in the world of truth, how many viruses have we defeated? Small pox and rinderpest. Reinterpret is a virus in cattle, so that leaves one, small pox. This is not going to go away by magic, or by science..there will eventually be a vaccine, but not for awhile...again, how many vaccines are there that prevent viruses..and even is you get a vaccine,there is the possibility that you will still contract the disease.
So wear your damn mask when you are in public places..maintain your distance..I know we want there to be treatment,and some things may help, but there is no treatment that has stood up to scientific study. Treatment that crop up from time to time are interesting,but nothing more
If we are to live in the world of truth, how many viruses have we defeated? Small pox and rinderpest. Reinterpret is a virus in cattle, so that leaves one, small pox. This is not going to go away by magic, or by science..there will eventually be a vaccine, but not for awhile...again, how many vaccines are there that prevent viruses..and even is you get a vaccine,there is the possibility that you will still contract the disease.
So wear your damn mask when you are in public places..maintain your distance..I know we want there to be treatment,and some things may help, but there is no treatment that has stood up to scientific study. Treatment that crop up from time to time are interesting,but nothing more

Hm, I think you are just misinformed, I suggest you spend a little time researching this topic. Nowadays, most science is pseudoscience, the results of a study are determined in advance by the corporation financing the study. Etc., I dont want to go into details here. You can see this with Hydroxychloroquine when they intentionally used it 1.) in late stage (when it is almost useless) or 2.) used a FAR TOO HIGH starting dosage. So they know it works and had to twist the study. But there are more than enough "real studies" about it by now. The same goes for Vitamine D. Enough.
truth remains truth. no matter what you see or read. no matter how much you want to believe there is a cure, there is not. Hydroxywhatever is not a cure for covid, no matter what you blend it with. This has been debunked over and over. Believe what you choose to, it is a free will life. Placebo effect treatments, and snake oil remedies are not the answer to this deadly disease.
I think you are brainwashed and are living in fantasy land, but this is your choice. I suggest you inform yourself from credible sources and stop listening to corrupt "fact checkers", instead, listen to the doctors themselves, for example the American Frontline Doctors. Also listen to doctors like Dr. Zelenko who treated hundreds of patients successfully. There are also more than enough studies by now which show the effectiveness of for example HCQ and Vitamine D, performed by real scientists (aka scientists who did not take money to suppress this information). Please note that Google is not a neutral search engine anymore (as exposed by "Project Veritas"). Learn how to use the Internet and start thinking for yourself.
I made another thread in the meantime, about the coronavirus vaccination, masks, lockdowns and the political background, here

If you think about getting the vaccination, I think you should read this FIRST. I suggest you read the entire thread. I have a german one which is much longer, as I compiled much more information in german than in english.
I follow the health guidelines, but I'm sceptical of their efficacy, and act accordingly.

Masks probably only reduce the probability that an infected person can spread corona, so I self isolate for two weeks before visiting elderly relatives. It's a pain in the arse, but it seems worthwhile.
In the Czech Republic (where I now live) borders are locked, no shops open. mandatory masks and distancing. I haven't been into work since May. If you don't do all these things, what are you doing? We opened over the summer which came back to bite us, but we learned. Same can't be said for my destroyed home land of England.
I follow the health guidelines, but I'm sceptical of their efficacy, and act accordingly.

Masks probably only reduce the probability that an infected person can spread corona, so I self isolate for two weeks before visiting elderly relatives. It's a pain in the arse, but it seems worthwhile.

Since the Wuhan study with 10 million participants we know for sure that asymptomatic people do not spread. So all you have to do is measure your temperature and ask yourself if you have any symptoms, if you dont, you cannot infect anyone, so quarantine is not necessary. One word, science. Of course politicians never heard about it and dont care about it, they have their own agenda.
I think some here should better watch this:

According to my information, the information presented there is correct. Please note that I am talking about the content of the video and not about the commentary in text form below it (you can see a preview above)...nobody knows for sure when and if anyone who got the shot is dieing when, so I am not talking about this, I am talking about the content of the video.

Please distribute this information, it can be life-saving!!!