Royalty for a day


So, if you were a President, Prime Minister, King or Queen for a day, what would you be.

Where would you rule.

What kind of power would you have.

What would you wear.

Who would be your main advisor.

If you pass or repeal only one law which would it be
So, if you were a President, Prime Minister, King or Queen for a day, what would you be.
- I'd be queen of a small island

Where would you rule.
- Probably a nerdy country

What kind of power would you have.
- It'd be cool to supervise or manage cultural affairs of state

What would you wear.

Who would be your main advisor.
- no clue, maybe my chef :D

If you pass or repeal only one law which would it be
- Heirs to the throne shouldn't have any limits to who they can marry
So, if you were a President, Prime Minister, King or Queen for a day, what would you be.
A Queen of course. Who wants to be elected? Give me rule by the fate of birth!

Where would you rule.
England! Have you seen the palace? That carriage? Those hats they make people wear!

What kind of power would you have.
Nominal and Ceremonial. Just enough to have everybody concerned about seeing to my comforts like the real Queen of England.

What would you wear.
Are you kidding! That neato Crown and Ermine with an elegant, understated gown to go along with it. I'd have to have some lackey nearby to hold the crown when my head got tired though--it looks kinda heavy.

Who would be your main advisor.
[MENTION=1814]invisible[/MENTION] Because all good advisors should be invisible.

If you pass or repeal only one law which would it be
Hum....that no one could eat fish and chips....ewww
So, if you were a President, Prime Minister, King or Queen for a day, what would you be.

Where would you rule.

What kind of power would you have.

What would you wear.

Who would be your main advisor.

If you pass or repeal only one law which would it be

I'd be King of the world.

I would have the best power, absolute.

I would wear a bowtie and "fuck you" flip flops.

My main adviser would be me.

If I could pass one law, I would create a world wide orgy day where everybody does the dirty at the same time all around the world annually.
If I was ruling for a single day I would have no power at all (seeing as anything I decreed could be changed the day after, and likely couldn't be enforced).

That said, if I could change anything I would probably either provide universal social housing (although it might have to be in the style of those Japanese pod hotels), or invest in decentralised renewable energy.
I know I would appoint my parents to a royal position and then when my royal day is over a new royal lifetime will begin.