Rescue-The-Damsel Romance


find wisdom, build hope.
......In both a traditional (rescuing from a set of tangible troubles) and emotional sense (in the sense of "saving one from oneself"). I wonder, what's your view on being the recipient of this?

I admit this is somewhat a bit whiny, so...placing the situational context and my background

Context #1 : I'm seeing a Korean drama and I feel like the protagonist's an INFJ. Bitter, hardened, strong, cynic INFJ who's putting an INTJ mask that's...I'm placing my Genre Savviness head and betting that she's going to break down soon and be rescued by the gorgeous hunk that she secretly loves (and loves her back) and then realizing the importance of blablablaaaa~~ blah.

Context #2 : I have an ENTJ friend who expressed her distaste of being on the recipient of this (and claiming that "What's with the NFPs who thinks that we are these fluffy mushball of romance waiting to be defrosted D<") so I might be influenced more or less (on the other hand, we have an ISFP friend who's a full-blown-damsel, so..)

I personally have no problem with that, but would very much prefer those knights in shining armor help me with rescuing myself if I need to. (and screw gender roles) Why saving those who don't want to be saved? about you? >_< is this just me?
Well, I sometimes do find the whole damsel-in-distress fantasy appealing because, if I am to vicariously project myself onto said damsel, it is a touching thought to think that I mean that much to someone for them to put themselves through risk to come to my rescue. But that's only if I break it down that way. Normally, I don't at all feel comfortable at the thought of being in a vulnerable position and I certainly wouldn't voluntarily put myself there just to see who does care enough to save me from distress.

All in all, I am more comfortable and used to being the rescuer, and I do tend to opt for fiction where the characters (especially female characters that I can easily identify with) are put in more able roles, so to speak.
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I am totally fine with being saved because I tend to get myself into shit A LOT.
A lot a lot. Mostly out of giving my time to assholes and then they eat me alive.
If people don't save me I usually become a misanthropic mess for a long time afterwards. I will defend someone else when they are in trouble but I have a hard time defending myself.
I'd go through hell and back for someone I love and or care about. I've lent a helping hand to strangers "damsels in distress" before, someone needs help and you are em already. I've also been "rescued" before by a woman, walking down the highway at night at 2am because my Ford Mustang went kaput. I told her straight out that I wouldn't blame her one bit if she drove on, women should not pickup strange men on the side of the road. She just laughed and said to get in the damn truck so she could take me to a pay phone.

All in all I very much appreciate help when it is given and always seek to help out anyone I am able to. I'll rescue anyone regardless of gender, but if it is a lady and she also happens to be a fox it certainly won't hurt my feelings.
My gut reaction to this is that it's well...condescending. I'm strongly fixated on self-sufficiency, so yeah, if someone would see me as a 'damsel in distress' in any way, I would consider it an insult. But I'll admit, sometimes people really need to be "saved from themselves" <.<;;
Hmmm I love being a damsel....not so much in distress....but maybe saving me from myself lol. I tend to want to take care of myself, but I like knowing that my Knight has a sword ;) ...and he sweeps me off my feet daily...
My gut reaction to this is that it's well...condescending. I'm strongly fixated on self-sufficiency, so yeah, if someone would see me as a 'damsel in distress' in any way, I would consider it an insult. But I'll admit, sometimes people really need to be "saved from themselves" <.<;;

Normally, I don't at all feel comfortable at the thought of being in a vulnerable position and I certainly wouldn't voluntarily put myself there just to see who does care enough to save me from distress.
exactly. (I'm kinda empathizing for the girls' side here... ) And moreso for the people who looked around finding "damsel in distresses". And for 'damsel in distresses' professionally looking for 'knights' to save them. And hanging around waiting for someone to save...

I told her straight out that I wouldn't blame her one bit if she drove on, women should not pickup strange men on the side of the road. She just laughed and said to get in the damn truck so she could take me to a pay phone.

All in all I very much appreciate help when it is given and always seek to help out anyone I am able to. I'll rescue anyone regardless of gender, but if it is a lady and she also happens to be a fox it certainly won't hurt my feelings.
XD you seems chivalrous~
Yeah, I tend to prefer all part of the equation to be able to save themselves and others, instead of relying and hoping for people to save them. No gender roles need to be applied here, I believe.

Hmmm I love being a damsel....not so much in distress....but maybe saving me from myself lol. I tend to want to take care of myself, but I like knowing that my Knight has a sword ;) ...and he sweeps me off my feet daily...
And this, I agreed too. >_>;
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anyone who is a romantic with resonate with this. saying you love someone and showing it are two very different things nowadays. in my opinion, men and women are different no matter how confused things have gotten with equal rights, feminism and egotistic males. i'm still with the opinion that women would love for their man to take a 'leading role' because thats what men are supposed to do - even if they aren't great at it all the time!

on the flip side, behind every successful man is a good woman still holds strong values for me, and always will.
may i ask which korean drama this is? (help out an utterly lost INFJ girl here :smile:)

......In both a traditional (rescuing from a set of tangible troubles) and emotional sense (in the sense of "saving one from oneself"). I wonder, what's your view on being the recipient of this?

I admit this is somewhat a bit whiny, so...placing the situational context and my background

Context #1 : I'm seeing a Korean drama and I feel like the protagonist's an INFJ. Bitter, hardened, strong, cynic INFJ who's putting an INTJ mask that's...I'm placing my Genre Savviness head and betting that she's going to break down soon and be rescued by the gorgeous hunk that she secretly loves (and loves her back) and then realizing the importance of blablablaaaa~~ blah.

Context #2 : I have an ENTJ friend who expressed her distaste of being on the recipient of this (and claiming that "What's with the NFPs who thinks that we are these fluffy mushball of romance waiting to be defrosted D<") so I might be influenced more or less (on the other hand, we have an ISFP friend who's a full-blown-damsel, so..)

I personally have no problem with that, but would very much prefer those knights in shining armor help me with rescuing myself if I need to. (and screw gender roles) Why saving those who don't want to be saved? about you? >_< is this just me?
Oh god I forgot. Sorry >_<
anyone who is a romantic with resonate with this. saying you love someone and showing it are two very different things nowadays. in my opinion, men and women are different no matter how confused things have gotten with equal rights, feminism and egotistic males. i'm still with the opinion that women would love for their man to take a 'leading role' because thats what men are supposed to do - even if they aren't great at it all the time!

on the flip side, behind every successful man is a good woman still holds strong values for me, and always will.

I totally agree with you on men and women being different and the importance of men taking the lead when they can. I have an amazing husband who respects my intellect and ambitious career and regards me as a truly equal partner in life. And that is great! But chivalry gets lost often and I feel like I'm one of his best guy friends rather than his love. Meanwhile his sister plays the dizzy blonde thing up and is always a damsel in distress and my husband dotes on her because of that and it actually makes me jealous. Plus I grew up on Disney movies and saw the young women as smart and brave and I loved when the caring prince would use his strength and resources to help rescue her. I never saw and still don't see why you have to have one or the other (intelligence/competency vs receiving chivalry), I think it just comes down to the differences between men and women and showing love to one another.