Replacing one addiction with another


Community Member
I am trying to replace love addiction (several years now) with work addiction. In my early 20s, I was a work addict and was very successful (I went on to a PhD in an Ivy League). Somewhere along the line, I lost myself and became a love addict. Now I am trying to become a workaholic again as it has served me well in the past.

Have you replaced one addiction with another? And how long did it take?
Whats a 'love' addiction?
I sort of became a "peace" addict in my early 20s. Prior to that I was a "war" addict in a sense, always arguing my point and fighting to be right. I go back and forth with these. It's an internal struggle just like the relationship vs career struggle.

Replacing an addiction isn't the best course of action, even though the addiction may seem to "get results," it is still a neurosis that prevents you from being a truly dynamic human.
I think the best kind of addiction is no addiction at all. Living in extremes leads to burn out. It's better to strive for balance.
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I switch obsessions every few months. The struggle is just barley holding all the other things together while I am consumed by my obsession. I need to maintain them so that they are there for when my interests circle back.
IMO, figuring out why a person needs an addiction is the best course of action. Once you figure out the root cause the need for any kind of addiction fades. Without that knowledge a person just goes back and forth from one addiction to another with no end to the madness. I would suggest counseling to help figure out why you need an addiction at all. Ive found addictions are distractions and/or just unhealthy coping mechanisms that can cause more harm to a person. This is from the perspective of a former workaholic. Good luck and take care.
I am trying to replace love addiction (several years now) with work addiction. In my early 20s, I was a work addict and was very successful (I went on to a PhD in an Ivy League). Somewhere along the line, I lost myself and became a love addict. Now I am trying to become a workaholic again as it has served me well in the past.

Have you replaced one addiction with another? And how long did it take?

Going to have to face it you are addicted to love. RIP Robert Palmer.
I'm a glutton for free time and the power to chose... It sounds so simple when expressed, but I really have become a rather selfish creature as of late. A change of sorts is what I need.

*goes and works on it, after some more free time*
I am trying to replace love addiction (several years now) with work addiction. In my early 20s, I was a work addict and was very successful (I went on to a PhD in an Ivy League). Somewhere along the line, I lost myself and became a love addict. Now I am trying to become a workaholic again as it has served me well in the past.

Have you replaced one addiction with another? And how long did it take?

Why not try to figure out where the desire comes from?
I am trying to replace love addiction (several years now) with work addiction. In my early 20s, I was a work addict and was very successful (I went on to a PhD in an Ivy League). Somewhere along the line, I lost myself and became a love addict. Now I am trying to become a workaholic again as it has served me well in the past.

Have you replaced one addiction with another? And how long did it take?

Hmm...Imo I don't think you are addicted to love. I think you may be addicted to 'disappointment'. You seem to put yourself in situations that have a predictable ending. Maybe to prove a past theory (men can't be trusted, they all lie and cheat...).

Any thoughts?

As for wanting to be a workaholic, why trade one for another?
I replaced my addiction of dick with crack.

You don't know me. You don't know my struggle.

I know you're struggling with the choice between dick and crack, Ruj. Why can't you have both?


It's all about balance, my friend.
You don't know shit. Have you tried balancing either of these? I can't have enough of either.

I hear ya.

But if you're smoking crack, you will eventually end up smoking dick every now and then. It's inevitable. I think it balances itself out. Any thoughts on that?