Receive Your Forum Title Here! | INFJ Forum

Receive Your Forum Title Here!


Permanent Fixture
May 24, 2016
As we all know, the mods have held a monopoly on the distribution of forum titles for too long. We're going to fix that, right now, in a mass movement of title redistribution.

Ask, and ye shall receive. And if you feel like you should have a title that's already taken, make your argument and the community will judge!
I demand the title of 'Gamer'. I am one, it shouldn't be given to any others, purely because I asked (demanded) first.

Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
I've alternated between the idea of "Mr. President" and "Chief Justice" but ultimately, I think I'd be better off accepting the title of Chief Justice. The Chief Justice is the highest ranking member of the federal judiciary. It is a lifelong position. Also, I get to judge people.

If I receive this title I will step down from all of Presidential duties as soon as my title is received.

I also demand that our forum establish a judiciary, I've already established an executive branch. However, I have yet to form a legislative branch. Therefore, the judicial branch that I establish will largely be formed in preparation for that.

Chief Justice Pin (INFJ Supreme Court)
Female Jesus? Annoying Empath? What about PAWG for phat ass white girl? Amazing loser? lol I dunno how I come across so idk haha