Read about it, and then tell me what do you think, so we can discuss.


Community Member
* !. We need to think more, think in a "nonstop" manner!!! (with passions and joy)
We shouldn't believe in what the "buddhism" says: kinda like, "stay not to move and think of nothing" - I think that's just dumb (no passion and no development for the people)!!! this idea had already made harm to the people! I like it to be in an American way: "with passions" -- think more & think faster; be happier & be healthier!!!!!

* 2. Think of Different Things!!!!!!!!! - (different from those things which you used to think of within your everyday's life; or your old daily thinking patterns)
Plus: I can give you some examples here:
(1). like, "the things in the nature!" - you can think of plants, animals, the weather, and the outer space, etc...
(2). like: "the things of our imagination and our intuition!!!!" --- the Precondition is that it must be "good", not "bad" at all!!!!! {For example: if you love dogs, you can think of a dog for literally hours! And still, you need to think of the good things happen to that dog... & If you are interested in a certain religion, you can try to connect with the Holy Lord all by yourself! etc....}

* 3. Think of the things differently (in different ways)!!!!
We all know that we can think of things in different ways, from different directions - and we can often get some very different results!!!!!!!! But the fact is: we just did too little of thinking of things from different views.

---- So, I think we definitely can do a better job with our life... & We will have more options, more enthusiasm, and of course more joys in our lives. (and more in it) ^_^
Peace and Joy!!!!!

:peace::angel: :peace::angel: :peace::angel:
I find it funny that there is always a simmering fad in America, in which some people want the exact opposite of what you are talking about, - they want to embrace Buddhism.

People always want what they don't have.
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I would not agree that Buddhism actually discourages thinking. In my view they emphasize that "think more & think faster" sometimes lead to illusions and imbalance.
I don't think you understand the reason why I posted this thread. :)

I find it funny that there is always a simmering fad in America, in which some people want the exact opposite of what you are talking about, - they want to embrace Buddhism.

People always want what they don't have.

First of all, I think it's very nice to hear from you; always!

I think I get what you mean; but what you pointed out is how the situations lies to be; But I am trying to introduce a new way of life here, not like the usual ways of living;

I want you to read the text again, think by yourself, and then tell me if this life is better than the Buddhist life.

Just think it fairly, and not to judge it for too soon. So, will you please read these texts again? :$
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I would not agree that Buddhism actually discourages thinking. In my view they emphasize that "think more & think faster" sometimes lead to illusions and imbalance.
I see, thank you for commenting.
First of all, I think it's very nice to hear from you; always!

I think I get what you mean; but what you pointed out is how the situations lies to be; But I am trying to introduce a new way of life here, not like the usual ways of living;

I want you to read the text again, think by yourself, and then tell me if this life is better than the Buddhist life.

Just think it fairly, and not to judge it for too soon. So, will you please read these texts again? :$

I don't know enough about Buddhism to know where you refine and where you depart from it. My comment is simply that what you see as good in an American way of life, a number of Americans try to get away from.

I just find the irony funny.
Hehe :)

I don't know enough about Buddhism to know where you refine and where you depart from it. My comment is simply that what you see as good in an American way of life, a number of Americans try to get away from.

I just find the irony funny.
Thank you for commenting back, I owe you a lot! ^_^
I think the point that Buddha was trying to make was that our concerns, beyond those related to survival, often result from our desires

I think that the process he went through was one of withdrawel and introspection so that he could identify the root cause of his uneasiness with the world

He came from a wealthy background and had everything he needed, but he wasn't happy. Worldy desires such as money, jewels, finery, luxury and power had not brought him happiness and the pursuit of these things left him feeling unsatisfied

He came to these conclusions by thinking lots....i think thinking is good as long as it is grounded in reality and alleviates the sources of anxiety

I think thinking is unhealthy when it produces feelings of inadequacy

So if someone is thinking: 'I am not as rich as others' or 'i am not as good looking as others' then these kind of thoughts can lead to neurosis

Sure you could use thinking to find solutions such as finding ways to make more money or getting plastic surgery.....but the reality is that people are rarely satisfied. When is someone rich enough....many rich people keep trying to make more money because they can never satisfy themselves

I think what Buddha was saying is that perhaps the problem is not: not having....perhaps the problem is not accepting what you have and making peace with yourself....accepting that many desires are futile and ultimately won't bring happiness (fleeting moments of happiness perhaps but not contentment or balance)

I think that when used in a practical way (ie reconciling it with a world which is built around desires) then it can help people become more at peace

I think understanding can bring pain but can also bring comfort and solutions. I think some people prefer to bury their heads in the sand but i think that their subconscious will make it self heard perhaps through creating feelings such as feelings of anxiety.....better to recognise the problem and solve it or reconcile with it and to let go of anxiety producing, futile ends
1.29_Life & Tomorrow.txt

IDEAL LIFE: Peace & Hope + Power + Care & Courage + Logic & Think more of a different.
1. Life's "wholeness" --- See your life as a journey, make wise & thoughtful plans!!!
2. Life's "fulness" --- Reach out all the meaningful ways to your life!!!
3. Life's "Meaning" --- Be strong and healthy - physically, mentally; And, Find The Right Joys From Life Everyday!!!!!
4. Life is "No-lose"/"No-win"; Just take the good care of yourself, and follow your own heart - live with the best principles!!!!!
+ Life's "Left and Right" -- maybe, choose to have a 'right-turn', then, "Go straight ahead"!
#1. Always apply to the 'good'; let always the 'good' direct your mind & your action!
#2. With The Best Principles; and "The Best - Time, Energy - Management"!
Life is always about:
*1st, Always A healthy body!!!!!! ===> (#1. Always apply to the 'good'; And let those direct your way.)
*2nd, Always A healthy mind!!!!!! ===> (#1. Always apply to the 'good'; And let those direct your way.)
*3rd, Have a lot of pleasure in your everyday life!!!!!! ===> (#2. With The Best Principles; And "The Best - Time, Energy - Management".)
P.S.: "I believe in the basic goodness of people".
Let yourself go inside to the brain! - find the peace, power & harmony;
Let yourself find for a better achievable goal if that old one is so "impossible";
Let me start with learning, then find the new joys of life;
Let us move on with the changes happen;
Let things be, then we improve (change) them; /// Let things "fly";
Let the pain (upon your soul) vanish;
Let the struggles be your No.1 Enemy if you do have it;
& Just let me find you in the end!!!!!
* 1. We need to think more, even in a "nonstop" manner!!! (with passion and the joy)
We shall not believe what the buddhists say:" stay still (with no movements) and think of nothing is the best way of a living!" I think they're just dumb - (there will be 'no passion', 'no development' in people at all!!!) Instead, I like it in the American way: "with passion -- think more, think faster -- and have all the joys"!!!!!!
* 2. Think of Different Things - (think of those things which are different from the thing that you used to think of, or different from your original thinking pattern!)
I give you some examples here: (1) "the things of our nature"! --- you can think of the plants, the animals, the weather, the outer space, or etc... (2) "the things in our imagination or the things with our intuitive thinking"! --- the precondition of doing it is "your thinking must be "good" enough; not "bad" at all! {For example: If you love dogs, you can think of a dog's whole-life for literally hours! But still, you need to think of good things happen to that very dog.} + {And if you are interested in religion, you can try your best to reach out to the Holy Lord all by yourself!}
* 3. Think of things in different ways!!!!
We all know that we can think of things in different ways, from different aspects... and we often can get the very different results from that!
My realization to this world:
The thing needs us to change, to perfect is the "global-world". (and the change to our world won't come to us only by individual changes!) It seems to me: we need a "real" leader - a person who can tell all of the people what to do, what should be done, etc...; And a person who can actually make the all of us take the same right action! -- A REAL LEADER!!!
*We need to change to way in which our society worked everyday; We need to find the 'fix' to the problems of our modern world!
*We need to perfect the way how people think; Better education to our next generations, etc...
*We've got to have more tolerance, stop wars, and so on!
*We need to make more discoveries in the science...
*We need to live a simpler life, but always is joyful! (And, total freedom)
So, we must unite, now. All together, to contribute the bright, new ideas for the future.
Plus: If we can never act out like that, then I think we are just too cowardly; Living a life like this (like nowadays) is quite stressful and purposeless to everyone of us!!!
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The update.

IDEAL LIFE: Peace & Hope + Care & Courage + Logic & Power + Think more of a different...
**Life is not about 'staying still', but to 'go all along with ease and courage'. --- *There's always a 'better-sth'* - A spirit!
1. Life's "wholeness" --- Seek your life as a whole journey! So, make your own wise & thoughtful plans!!!
2. Life's "fullness" --- Reach out all the meaningful ways to a perfect life!!!
3. Life's "Meaning" --- "Be Healthy Enough, Mentally & Physically", & "Find The Right Joys from Life, from Time To Time!"

+ Life is "No-lose"/"No-win" --- Just take good care of ourselves, and follow our own heart; Plus: live with (the very best) principles!!!

#1. Always apply to the 'good'; let always the 'good' direct your mind & action!
#2. Live With the Very Best "Principles", & "Right - Time, Energy - Management"!
Life is about:
*1st, Always Having A healthy body!!! ===> (apply to the #1.)
*2nd, Always Having A healthy mind!! ===> (apply to the #1.)
*3rd, Have lots of pleasure in your everyday's life!!!! ===> (with the #2.)
P.S.: "I believe in the basic goodness of people".

Let yourself go inside to the brain; find the peace & power;
Let yourself find for a better achievable goal if the original one is so "impossible";
Let me start with learning - then, find the new joys of life;
Let us move on with the changes happen;
Let things be, then we improve (change) them; /// Let things "fly";
Let the pain (upon your soul) vanish;
Let the struggle be your No.1 Enemy if you do have it;
& Just let me find you in the end!!!!!

* 1. We need to think more - even in a "nonstop" manner!!! (with passions and joy)
First of all, we shall not agree with what the buddhists say: "stay still - with no 'flows', and think of nothing is the best way to live!" Well, I think they are just dumb - (there will be 'no passion', 'no development' in person at all!!!) Instead, I like it - the American way: "with passions"!!!!! *** So, think of more - with all the joy and touch!!!
* 2. Think of Different Things - (those things which different from the thing that you used to think of, or those thing which different with your original thinking pattern!)
I can give you some example here: (1) "the things of our nature"!!! --- you can think of the plants (the grass), the animals, the weather, the outer space, and etc... (2) "those things within our imaginations; or those thing in our intuitive thinking"!!! --- the precondition of it is: "you can only think "good enough"; not "bad" at all. {For example: If you love dogs, you can actually think of a dog's life for hours! But still, you need to think of the good things happen to that dog. +++ And, if you are interested in religion, you can try do your best to reach out to the Holy Lord!}
* 3. Think of the same thing in different ways!!!!
We know "we can think of things in different ways, from different aspects, and we will often get the very different result from doing it"!

My realization to this world:
The thing needs us to change, to perfect is the "global-world". (and the change to our world won't come to us only by individual changes!) It seems to me: we need a "real" leader - a person who can tell all of the people what to do, what should be done, etc...; And a person who can actually make the all of us take the same right action! -- A REAL LEADER!!!
*We need to change to way in which our society worked everyday; We need to find the 'fix' to the problems of our modern world!
*We need to perfect the way how people think; Better education to our next generations, etc...
*We've got to have more tolerance, stop wars, and so on!
*We need to make more discoveries in the science...
*We need to live a simpler life, but always is joyful! (And, total freedom)
So, we must unite, now. All together, to contribute the bright, new ideas for the future.
Plus: If we can never act out like that, then I think we are just too cowardly; Living a life like this (like nowadays) is quite stressful and purposeless to everyone of us!!!
Here's the new update of 'Life & tomorrow'.

"I am very glad if I can really help!"
IDEAL LIFE: Peace & Hope + the Care, the Courage + Logic & your Power + Think more of (a) different-'sth'

*Life is about 'not staying still', and to go all along with ease and the courage.
*There's always a better-'sth'* -- It's A Spirit!

1. Life's "wholeness" --- Seek your life as a whole journey! So, make your own wise & thoughtful plan!
2. Life's "fullness" --- Reach out of all the meaningful ways to a perfect life!!!
3. Life's "Meaning" --- Be 'Healthy'! - Mentally & Physically!!!! And, Find The Right Joys from Your Life In Everyday!!!
+ Life is "No-lose"/"No-win" --- Just take care of ourselves, and follow our own hearts; Live with principles!!!


#1. Always apply to 'the good'; let always 'the good' direct your mind & actions!
#2. Live with the very best principles; & "The Right Time & Energy Management!"
Life is about:
*1st, Having A healthy body!!! ===> (apply to #1.)
*2nd, Having A healthy mind!! ===> (apply to #1.)
*3rd, Have a lot of joy in your everyday's life!!! ===> (with #2.)
P.S.: "I believe in the basic goodness of people".

Let yourself go inside to the brain, find the peace & that power;
Let you find another better - achievable goal, if the original one is so 'impossible';
Let me start with the learning, will find myself the new joys of life;
Let us move on with changes happen;
Let things be, then we improve them; /// Let things "fly";
Let the pain (upon your souls) vanish;
Let the struggles be your No.1 Enemy if you do have it;
Just let me find you in the end!!!!!!

1. We need to think more, even in a "nonstop" manner, with 'passion' and the joy!!!!!!!
*We shall not agree upon with what those buddhists say: "staying still, with no 'flow'; Think of less could be the best way of living!" - Well, I think they are so dumb - (So, there will be 'no passion' & 'no development' in that person.) Instead, I like it "the American way": With Passions!!!!!! *** So, think of more, with 'passion', all the joys and the touches!

2. Think of Different Things - (those things which are different from the things that you used to think of, or those things of which are different with your original thinking pattern!)
*I can give you examples here: (1) "the things in our nature"!!! --- you can think of the plants (the grass), the animals, the weather, outer space, and etc... (2) "those things in our imaginations"!!! --- the precondition of it is: only think of "the good", not "bad" at all! For another example: If you love dogs, you can actually think of a dog and its life for hours!!! (Still, you have to think of the good things happen to that dog.)

3. Think of things in very different ways!!!!
*Briefly, we know "we can think of things in different ways, from different aspects, and we will often get the very different result from doing it"!