Please Understand Me's test

I bought Bates and Keirsey's book and took the test and came out ISTJ. Prior to this, I had gone to Keirsey's site and took his test and also came out ISTJ.

The very first MBTI test I ever took (back in middle school) I tested as INTJ. I remember distinctly because I thought the title "Mastermind" sounded soo cool. Ten years later, I have subsequently taken every test I can find, and I test as either INFJ or INTJ. With cognitive processes in mind, I feel I am represented by the INFJ type. Notwithstanding, I can see some personal traits of mine in the ISTJ when reading a description. I just don't feel like it is a complete representation, but more of a "side" of me, i.e. "that's just one side of me".

My question is whether anyone on this forum has had any experience with this Keirsey test and if they received an odd result too.

Thanks Yall,
Keirsey is a behaviorist. His approach to typology is radically different because it excludes cognitive functions completely and focuses on temperament. Basically, Keirsey just categorizes people based on the observable behavior, without exploring the underlying causes of behaviors. I really wouldn't give his test any merit.
I took the Jung test online, the MBTI online (not a real test, you basically self-type), and I recently took one of the test links that was posted in another thread. Hmm... can't find the thread now, but thread was someone asking to be typed and put up pictures of himself as a kid. Someone linked a cognitive processes test and I took that.

In every single test, I've been classified as an INFP. I agree with it, but I also think in a lot of ways, I'm an INTP. I share traits with BOTH type descriptions, and while I definitely do tend to be ruled by my emotions, I'm still a very cerebral person that loves to problem solve and be intellectually stimulated. So I think it's very possible that you can be in between or share traits from two types. In the end, type us all you want, but we're all individuals with our own traits and quirks.
As of the past few months I have tested based off cognitive function as an ISTJ. For me, it is simply because I use Si and Te quite a bit on a regular basis. However, like you, the description of the type does not fit me nearly as well as the INFJ description has and still does.

Keep in mind though, that the online descriptions of a type vary greatly depending on what source you go to. I think hanging around on here would give you deeper insight onto what most INFJ's would be like. Even so I often don't feel like I act like most of the INFJ's here. With that being said though, there are a handful that I do think I resemble in many ways and that reaffirms what I think as far as my type goes.

Just because one test says one one thing, does not mean it is the case. You can also look at many different tests on here. Many people will have differing results depending on what test they take, as all tests have a bais. Don't let just one test make you rethink things. Although it certainly gives you insight to further detains into your persona.
I took the Jung test online, the MBTI online (not a real test, you basically self-type), and I recently took one of the test links that was posted in another thread. Hmm... can't find the thread now, but thread was someone asking to be typed and put up pictures of himself as a kid. Someone linked a cognitive processes test and I took that.

In every single test, I've been classified as an INFP. I agree with it, but I also think in a lot of ways, I'm an INTP. I share traits with BOTH type descriptions, and while I definitely do tend to be ruled by my emotions, I'm still a very cerebral person that loves to problem solve and be intellectually stimulated. So I think it's very possible that you can be in between or share traits from two types. In the end, type us all you want, but we're all individuals with our own traits and quirks.

Absolutely. (And spoken like a true INFP, by the way...)

Our ability to use our cognitive functions does not have any bearing on our type. It is possible for every type to develop all of their functions very well.

Type is, and can only be, our reflexive preferences to the functions. For example, if someone is an INFJ, then they could have a very well developed Ni, Fe, Ti, Se, Ne, Fi, Te, and Si... to a degree that they are all equally developed. However, if Ni and Fe come into conflict (the pattern they are seeing does not line up with the way they feel things should be), the INFJ will reflexively give preference to Ni. If Fe and Ti come into conflict (the way they believe things should be do not line up with how they are working), the INFJ will give preference to Fe. If Ti and Se come into conflict (the way things work do not line up with the here and now), the INFJ will give preference to Ti, and so on.
I took the Jung test online, the MBTI online (not a real test, you basically self-type), and I recently took one of the test links that was posted in another thread. Hmm... can't find the thread now, but thread was someone asking to be typed and put up pictures of himself as a kid. Someone linked a cognitive processes test and I took that.

In every single test, I've been classified as an INFP. I agree with it, but I also think in a lot of ways, I'm an INTP. I share traits with BOTH type descriptions, and while I definitely do tend to be ruled by my emotions, I'm still a very cerebral person that loves to problem solve and be intellectually stimulated. So I think it's very possible that you can be in between or share traits from two types. In the end, type us all you want, but we're all individuals with our own traits and quirks.

I think being intellectually stimulated might be more of an N thing than a T thing.

I am not quite in full understanding of the functions yet. I just took a functions test yesterday and have been mulling over the results. They looked like Ne>Ni>Fe>Fi>Te>Ti>Se>Si.

So I spent like the entire day yesterday mulling over what that might be. I think the test was mainly from the Ti perspective. Honestly I spent an entire day of mulling and that was the best I could come up with. Reading the results now, I definitely see a pattern in taking the external world in as strong as I can before using my introvertive functions to analyze it. I also like how clearly of an INFJ I see myself as from that test. I also noted how weak my sensing functions are. No wonder my life is sensotard moments abound!