Personality and talent


Is there a link between individual personality and how we approach or exercise our talents? Personality in this case is not related to MBTI, but just your personality or traits as an individual. Talent can be anything you're good at.

For example, I'm watching a cooking show contest with all-star chefs, and it's interesting how their personalities are so tied in with how they approach their work as chefs include style, decision making or choices, and attitude.

So this inspired the question, how much impact does our personality have on how we live and exercise our talents? Can our personalities help or harm how our talents? Can our personalities be obstacles to the development of a talent?
I think personality qualities can interfere in a talent. I think a talent takes a lot of practice, when you have a talent you're always practicing it and reaching towards that standard of excellence. Some people might not be as conscientious, or maybe they have some other personality quality that calls for spending a lot of time elsewhere, such as being a highly sociable person. Or in the practice of some talents, being highly sociable could be helpful.
Is there a link between individual personality and how we approach or exercise our talents? Personality in this case is not related to MBTI, but just your personality or traits as an individual. Talent can be anything you're good at.

For example, I'm watching a cooking show contest with all-star chefs, and it's interesting how their personalities are so tied in with how they approach their work as chefs include style, decision making or choices, and attitude.

So this inspired the question, how much impact does our personality have on how we live and exercise our talents? Can our personalities help or harm how our talents? Can our personalities be obstacles to the development of a talent?

Yes...I think our personality can effect per suit and execution of our talents.
how much impact does our personality have on how we live and exercise our talents? Can our personalities help or harm how our talents? Can our personalities be obstacles to the development of a talent?
Because of practicality imposed on me by 'advisors' (family & school) and them saying "artists" starve", "you'll never have anything", "you need a jon with good pay and benefits"...I chose office work as opposed to a career in the arts. I believe I'm a talented artist. My personality did not 'fit' in the corporate sector.
So I quit corporate and went to work for myself as an artist...I've not starved yet.

Talents do develop...with practice and commitment.
Personality can limit your growth, as I believe we are all inherent to a unique talent(s) for a purpose.
Is there a link between individual personality and how we approach or exercise our talents? Personality in this case is not related to MBTI, but just your personality or traits as an individual. Talent can be anything you're good at.

For example, I'm watching a cooking show contest with all-star chefs, and it's interesting how their personalities are so tied in with how they approach their work as chefs include style, decision making or choices, and attitude.

So this inspired the question, how much impact does our personality have on how we live and exercise our talents? Can our personalities help or harm how our talents? Can our personalities be obstacles to the development of a talent?
I play five instruments. I taught myself four with a few lessons from an expert on piano. Since I"m so hard on myself and desire nothing but perfection I approach music like this. If I don't get it right I get it wrong. My personality doesn't just affect my music but writing as well. Sometimes I'll be writing an essay for one of my classes and I contradict the thesis by the end because I start to understand both sides better.
I think personality qualities can interfere in a talent. I think a talent takes a lot of practice, when you have a talent you're always practicing it and reaching towards that standard of excellence. Some people might not be as conscientious, or maybe they have some other personality quality that calls for spending a lot of time elsewhere, such as being a highly sociable person. Or in the practice of some talents, being highly sociable could be helpful.

Maybe I was partly wrong about this. Maybe personality naturally goes together with talent, and maybe it's mainly circumstances that interfere or facilitate the development of talent.