Perfect INFJ first date???


Update! I found one of your type! Oh yeah! Very excited! She and I have been writing and talking for three days! Magic! Woot woot!
We are both uber geeks and loving it! LOL!

Our first date is on my next weekend off! We are going to a art museum, out to eat, and for a walk.

Any other other ideas for a perfect INFJ first date? The only bummer is she is in MPLS and I live 160 miles away :-(

I found her on Tango Type web site.

One of three on there in MN.

So please give me ideas ladies!
Update! I found one of your type! Oh yeah! Very excited! She and I have been writing and talking for three days! Magic! Woot woot!
We are both uber geeks and loving it! LOL!

Our first date is on my next weekend off! We are going to a art museum, out to eat, and for a walk.

Any other other ideas for a perfect INFJ first date? The only bummer is she is in MPLS and I live 160 miles away :-(

I found her on Tango Type web site.

One of three on there in MN.

So please give me ideas ladies!

I'm not a lady, but I'll give some advice from an INFJ type of person. The only thing I can think of (seeing your type) that stands out is that "P"... oh that cured "P"! The best advice I can give when you're dealing with any INFJ is to... follow through. It doesn't matter so much what you do or where you go, just make sure you see it through to the end. It doesn't matter what it is you see through to the end, just tie it up neatly for them.

Don't leave things ambiguous, if you value her sanity that is. If it goes well, make sure you let her know. If it ends badly, let her know. The last thing you want is for an INFJ to start using their Ni against you. You know, that voice we get in our heads that occupies all of our free time with things like, "I wonder if they meant this, or if they really meant that? Why didn't they say this to me, but they did say this instead?"

It's going to happen regardless of what you do or don't do, but don't let it escalate out of control!
Very good advice. The last INFJ read into everything even though I am like a open book and always say exactly what I think whether they want to hear it or not. Keeping secrets is like toxic to me.
We are having our first date in the morning. We both have Monday off. We are going to a art museum, out to eat, and for a walk if warm enough. I was thinking about going to a large public greenhouse. Any ideas? Are you INFJ ladies holding out on your secrets?