Over 19,000 Democratic National Committee Leaks


Permanent Fixture
I posted this on my blog, but considering the deafening silence over recent Islamic atrocities and Hillary scandals, I thought I'd update you on how awful and phony a candidate Hillary is!

Several mass-media outlets have been confirmed to be colluding with Hillary in order to suppress and smear Trump and Bernie related news stories. I particularly hope Hillary-shills see this thread; you'll be so triggered that your knees will jerk steadfast into the jaws of infinite.

I'll provide a few juicy examples with a link to the full leak at the end of this post.

The DNC requesting a pull on a commentary segment: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/6107

The DNC trying to control media output with perfectly-timed stories: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/12450

Conspiring with Reuters, one of the world's largest outlets, to create false information to smear Trump: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/7102

Hillary supporters infiltrating the Sanders campaign: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/4776

DNC members complaining about a media segment mentioning a 'rigged system' - The Democrats really hate the 1st Amendment: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/8806

Democrats screaming for attention and demanding preferential treatment: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/13762

Producing fake outrage over Trump confirmed. Direct quote: "We could set up a ‘demo’ where we pretend that Trump just said a really offensive thing and then the process of clipping video and getting a release out the door…"

A direct collusion between Buzzfeed and the DNC (like we didn't see that coming) - https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/10933

Linking news articles of Trump to generate negative coverage: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/7586

I could go on, but have a dig at them yourself! The full leaks are here: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/

Who cares??? These are the ususal machinations of political parties and if the RNC e-mails were leaked they would as bad, likely much much worse.

Right now Americans have a choice between Trump and Hillary and any sane person has to chose Hillary warts and all.

Any attempt to suppress and smear media stories about Trump has been an abject failure, given the amount of media coverage he been able to generate for himself. Smearing Trump with Hispanics?? He is the one who referred to Hispanics as "rapists and criminals", he has done to swear himself than the DNC could ever dream up. Pretend Trump is really offensive? News flash @JJJA he IS really offensive.

Just one of the quotes from Trump himself:

“They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing their problems,” Trump said. “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some I assume are good people but I speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting

The Washington Post editorial about Trump was bang on!

Quoting the Washington Post Editorial about Trump:

"DONALD J. TRUMP, until now a Republican problem, this week became a challenge the nation must confront and overcome. The real estate tycoon is uniquely unqualified to serve as president, in experience and temperament. He is mounting a campaign of snarl and sneer, not substance. To the extent he has views, they are wrong in their diagnosis of America’s problems and dangerous in their proposed solutions. Mr. Trump’s politics of denigration and division could strain the bonds that have held a diverse nation together. His contempt for constitutional norms might reveal the nation’s two-century-old experiment in checks and balances to be more fragile than we knew."

Read more here https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...d823cc-4f4f-11e6-aa14-e0c1087f7583_story.html

Trump threatens democracy he is unqualified to hold the office. Hillary is a flawed candidate but she is only rational choice a thinking American could vote for in November. I don't a thinking person can deny what the WP editorial says about Trump, its a clear and succinct statement about Trump, about who he is and what he is about and Americans need to pay attention.
I believe the thread topic is Hillary Clinton, so keeping it in line with that...

Really not a surprise here. Hillary is as corrupt as they come. I doubt a picture of her choking a baby would have any effect on her poll numbers at this point. In fact if you could prove the baby was conservative (I admit that would be hard... prove the baby's parents were conservative her approval numbers would soar across the Democrat base.
Really not a surprise here. Hillary is as corrupt as they come. I doubt a picture of her choking a baby would have any effect on her poll numbers at this point. In fact if you could prove the baby was conservative (I admit that would be hard... prove the baby's parents were conservative her approval numbers would soar across the Democrat base.

You mean like Trump's numbers with the Republican Base if he stood on New York’s Fifth Avenue “and shot somebody”? Its not a matter of voting against a Conservative at this point, its a matter of voting against Trump. Prove that he is a better candidate than she is, if you can, prove that he more qualified and less corrupt than she is. If you can't, resign yourself to voting for her and get on with your lives.
Smear campaigns are nothing new. What's surprising is how many still fall for them.

Smear campaigns should only include broad swathes of peanut butter, imo.


#Peanut Butter 2016

(But seriously, it is a shame that so many do)
Smear campaigns should only include broad swathes of peanut butter, imo.


#Peanut Butter 2016

(But seriously, it is a shame that so many do)
Oh yeah, baby, smear it just like that. Spread it all.....
I need to remind myself to add peanut butter to the grocery list.
Oh yeah, baby, smear it just like that. Spread it all.....
I need to remind myself to add peanut butter to the grocery list.


It's uh, suddenly been added to mine as well.


OK: I can't just listen today. I tried.

Vote for "none of the above".
On an up side I just learned that Virginia felons will not be allowed to vote. What is Hillary going to do without her base?
On an up side I just learned that Virginia felons will not be allowed to vote. What is Hillary going to do without her base?

And yet, with no background checks required in person to person sales they can still go buy a gun.
Stop trying to make the US sound like it is sensible.
Plenty of us. Where's my dislike button?

Okay why do you care? What you did learn about the workings of a major political party that you didn't already know?

Is it shocking that:
The DNC trying to control media output with perfectly-timed stories: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/12450

Do you honestly believe Republicans do any more or less? If the 19,000 e-mails were leaked from RNC what do you think they would contain?

The question you should be asking is who did the hack? Its pretty obvious that a foreign government (yes the Russian government) has hacked the DNC. It has stolen documents and timed their release to explode with maximum damage.

You can read more about it here: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_...6/07/the_dnc_hack_is_watergate_but_worse.html
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Okay why do you care? What you did learn about the workings of a major political party that you didn't already know?

Is it shocking that:

Do you honestly believe Republicans do any more or less? If the 19,000 e-mails were leaked from RNC what do you think they would contain?

The question you should be asking is who did the hack? Its pretty obvious that a foreign government (yes the Russian government) has hacked the DNC. It has stolen documents and timed their release to explode with maximum damage.

You can read more about it here: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_...6/07/the_dnc_hack_is_watergate_but_worse.html

I'm not understanding if/how the multi-quote is working. Anyway, I agree with @Peppermint that it is something worth caring about. You are right that it's nothing surprising that a political party would angle to have a preferred candidate win, but there's nothing wrong with people taking issue with what's supposed to be an impartial process.

I would agree that the Republican party would function no differently were conditions more ideal and they weren't dealing with an upstart candidate. However, I find it very frustrating that the gradual erosion of our rights is inevitably met with threads that are guaranteed to start with (or devolve quickly into) the eternal game of partisan finger-pointing that amounts to a paralytic apathy, all for the sake of laying blame (the latter part being more of a commentary on the general state of most of our politics threads as opposed to being addressed specifically to you).

I don't see the ultimate value in figuring out who leaked the emails. I think that the Republicans have a point in saying that it doesn't matter, and what matters is the substance itself. The Democratic party only has itself to blame for having such information in the first place. Again, this does not absolve the Republicans from any mischief that they might be engaged in, but the point remains that it's better not to have dirty laundry than to have to hide it, though this is not always conducive to political victories, which is sad.

On a side note: this makes me wonder about the whole Trump/Putin relationship. I've heard suspected reports of some kind of "bromance" between the two, but it sounds stupid. However, if Russia was responsible for the leak, I'd bet that Putin would want Trump in power because he's either more unstable or easier to manipulate due to his ego, either of which could work to Russia's advantage.
I don't see the ultimate value in figuring out who leaked the emails.

So if Russia did hack and leak the e-mails, you don't care that a foreign country has stolen this information and is now using that information to influence the US political process? My only point that there is little in the way of damning information in the content of the e-mails, especially to people who even a small understanding about how the parties work.

Yes you should wonder about the Putin/Trump relationship, it appears to be something more than a "bromance" http://www.slate.com/articles/news_...he_real_winner_of_the_rnc_is_the_kremlin.html

As for the partisan nature of the political threads on the site, for the my part I am reading things posted and responding to them for the most part. When I read things I either don't agree with or know to be factually inaccurate, I respond. I find especially frustrated when I read posts that are completely factually inaccurate and are purposely posted to support a particular political position.
All of America is losing. Whats really really interesting this election is looking past the crap candidates and seeing the revolt. The revolt was successfully in the gop..I just wish another candidate besides Trump made it... Sanders was the clear winner with the commoners of the DNC ...but the DNC said "No way, we already promised Hillary. "
What the American people should take away from this is that the whole thing is a scam.