Obama v Romney 1st debate - who won ? | Page 7 | INFJ Forum

Obama v Romney 1st debate - who won ?

it's a thing. It's a natural tendency due to our political setup and plenty of people besides myself.

so what? Just because a lot of people have an idiotic way of thinking , doesn't give you a free pass.
Romney is like the Little Red Hen in the story. He wants people who work hard to keep their profits. Obama represents the lazier animals the ones who just say, hey, you didn't invent bread, you didn't invent ovens, give us our fair share, when in fact they've done nothing. Obama can't come out and be a communist, which he is. Romney can come out and be a capitalist, because most Americans still believe in private property as being that with which they've legitimately mixed their labor. If you go into the woods and come out with a gallon of blueberries, there's Obama, saying, give me half, you didn't invent the woods, you didn't invent blueberries. We are the 99%, give us at least that much! Romney represents the people who are fed up with the post-colonial viewpoint. Most of us just want the poor to figure out how to work for themselves, and stop using guilt to try to even things up. Romney won because his ideas are sound, and he will help us all get back to work. Obama only has some freebies. Here, you can have some foam and an abortion if it doesn't work out. Or, here, you don't have to work we will just give you foodstamps and an apartment for free in exchange for your vote. I think Romney will be better for the country in the long run as Obama's viewpoint isn't sustainable. Communism isn't sustainable. I'm for the Little Red Hen. She's a prick, I guess, but she has a point.

Wow... where do I even start with this??

If you think Obama is a Communist, you really need to go open up a text book or two. If you really think he's a Socialist but got your terms confused, you need to read a few more books after that one. America is Conservative. Every politician we've ever had, regardless of their political label is and always has been Conservative. Obama, at worst/best is a Moderate. You don't get to the extremeness you're talking about in a strictly Conservative society like ours.

Now go back and read the post I made about social programs that people abuse vs. the people who will die with out them. I take it you think we should just let Darwinism take over and let the sick die and the hungry starve? We should revert back to a Caveman society because the last several thousand years of evolution and progress just never really existed, right? All because you've heard of or know a couple people who collect Food Stamps despite being employed, or live off an unemployment check without finding a job?
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I've read five books on Obama, and have read Obama's own books. He's a post-colonial Marxist and says this over and over and over. Just because America has "always been" a conservative country, doesn't mean that it has remained a conservative country. You have your set theory somewhat confused. Obama's father (he has a book called DREAMS FROM MY FATHER, now what would you think he meant by such a title?) was a post-colonial Marxist in Kenya. His mother talked endlessly about BO's Father to little Barack. Barack also had other sources of communist intrusion. He got some of this at Harvard (read Kloppenberg's Reading Obama -- Kloppenberg is a Harvard historian who claims that Obama is a socialist), and some of it through Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the CPUSA that Obama refers to as a family friend in Hawaii. Obama is a crypto-Marxist. He says as much in his own books -- that he "sought out" Marxist professors at college. Why do you think he did that? Did you do that? I went looking for poets. He went looking for Marxist professors. He says it! It's not very hard to find a Marxist professor at any college these days. Also read Dinesh D'Souza's The Roots of Obama's Rage -- which is about the influence of the father. It's a delightful little tome. Obama wrote two poems at Occidental. One of them is for Frank Marshall Davis, a communist poet who was a kind of step-dad for Obama in Hawaii and whose connections in Chicago Obama used. Read the work of Reverend Wright -- the pastor of a church in which Obama sat for twenty years. He's an out and out Marxist of the liberation theology brand. Of course he's a Marxist. Romney is the classical liberal. He's read his Locke, Smith, and thrown away the Keynes. Wait until the next debate. What Obama talks about is fairness (which he never defines) while Romney talks about the right to make and keep profit. Logical errors abound in this thread.

Have some blueberries on your yogurt while you watch the next debate! I like all these new Greek yogurts. Greece, of course, has collapsed under the communist intrusions of their political leaders, plus no one is collecting taxes there.

You can buy off the tax collector!

Obama wants us to be more like Europe!

Romney doesn't. He wants to go back to Locke and Smith and throw away the Keynes.
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Apone wants me to read American Conservative. I have a subscription. I don't know what he or she means by saying it is the "most intelligent" conservative journal. On what basis is this so?
Usually in an argument when you stake out a position you give evidence for your position, instead of just positioning an opinion without any rationale.

I like some of the libertarian journals. Liberty is fairly good. Libertarian Papers is also fairly good.

I try to read the far right. Of course many of them want Romney to be Rick Santorum. I like Rick Santorum but he is unelectable because he didn't lie enough and didn't tack with the wind.

You have to be a moving target to get elected.

Once in, you can do what you want.

Romney governed in Massachusetts and was a pretty good egg. He supported green initiatives and Massachusetts was number one in education during his tenure.

Yes, we have to cut PBS funding. It's a communist news organization and isn't fair or balanced. Big Bird is an obvious communist infiltrator, and needs to bite the dust.

Romney sees this, but also regrets that it has to be so. Big Bird costs too much to spread communist agit-prop.

Personally I like NPR, but it isn't fair that it's so skewed to the left when the government is paying for it. The fairness doctrine should apply. Put Stossel on there.

Or some Breitbart equivalent.

They fired Juan Williams for heaven's sake! He's totally for Obama! And he wasn't PC enough, and they told him to get his head examined. It was virtually what the Soviet Union did to Sakharov.

NPR is another groupthink station.

At any rate, 75% of America thinks Romney won the last debate.

Tomorrow night: Ryan will trim Biden's wings. Should be fun!
Romney governed in Massachusetts and was a pretty good egg. He supported green initiatives and Massachusetts was number one in education during his tenure.

Which shows how ethnocentric and skewed your version of American politics really is in the global scale of... the world. Massachusetts is a "Blue-ish" state surrounded by other "Blue" states. Romney had to do what most of the people wanted if he wanted to keep office. The fact that they would even elect a Conservative to start with though, shows exactly how Not-Liberal even then "Liberals" in this country are.

We're dead last in nearly every aspect that makes a "civilized" country a civilized country thanks the politics you're promoting and people like you have been promoting for nearly 100 years now - education, healthcare, crime-rate, disease, income, etc. We do, however, excel in military power and prison population. You might die young, be poor and under-educated, but you sure as hell can feel free to get a limb shot off and go to prison anytime you like!

Conservative politics is a cancer in modern society. It's the mindset that paves the way for dictators and fascism; each person is too busy serving themselves, trying to live The American Dream, to notice the absolute power they've conceded to a small group of people in the process. Even supporting anarchy and a total lack of government allows the vultures to start circling, buy everything out and gain control. No matter what stance you take in the Conservative spectrum, you're selling out everyone else's future for your own short-term goals.

When the sh** hits the fan (and it will once oil skyrockets and people start rioting on a global scale) and you, your family, friends and people you know start ending up unemployed, uninsured, and so on, do you really want to rely on the "Darwinian" politics the Conservatives are pushing, or would you rather see the supportive, "safety nets" the Liberals already put in place for you?
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Leftists just want to regulate everything and everyone to death. Move to North Korea and spent twenty years there, and see how you like it. Every moment is circumscribed by the state. Obama wants to do this, too. He wants to mandate so many rules that if you want to go into business you need a phalanx of lawyers to keep all his goons off of you.

He has even mandated that you need to hire 7% of disabled people. This means his friends, and the people who will vote for him, get jobs, so he can disable the entire economy, and ultimately the world.

How would you like to be an employer and be told that 7% of your workforce should be disabled? Why not just pay 7% more taxes to the Feds? You're going to lose that much at least, if the 7% disable your company.

Then you have to have ramps, and make sure everyone's speech is regulated all day long. Why not just think about competence and functionality when hiring people, and let them sort out the rest?

Romney and Ryan are actually the libertarian types, which means freedom for the employer and the employee. Free of all the red tape of communist agit-proppers and their dumb ideas of how to make everything sticky. You have to have this, you have to have that.

France, a very enlightened state, has now mandated 70% taxes on all those with a million dollars or more. This means all the French richies are flying out of the Riviera to America. From here maybe they can hide in the Polynesian Islands. Communists are just jealous because they can't do anything right, so they want to make sure everyone has two left feet just like them.

I would like to shoot blueberries at them. I sure hope Ryan creams Biden tonight.

Obama and Biden have made life almost impossible for the kids under 25. No one wants to hire them because it's too costly. Women have also gone off the employer's screen. The only people profiting are the white males. This is sad, because it is only those who are already competent and can work for themselves who can survive all this government red tape. There's no point in hiring anybody or being hired by anyone in this climate. You have to get your skillz together and work for yourself.

Irony is everywhere in these debates. Biden wants to help the middle class but he's buried them under regulations and debt. Ryan wants to get rid of the strangulations of the nerdbutts and get things going again. This will help the poor, the women, and the kidz. All boats will lift. Obama has depressed the economy beyond relief with his silly regulations and his ninnyish nannyishness. I hope he takes the next shuttle to Neptune. He can start passing new regulations for that planet right now as far as I am concerned. He can intervene in police procedure as he did with Crowleygate (he knew nothing but assumed he knew everything) or as with the Zimmerman case (guy looked like me, so he had to be entirely innocent) or with Obamacare (I'm not a doctor, and know nothing about medicine or insurance, so I will pass a 3000 page law to tell everybody how they will have to act in that field henceforth).

Pass the bluebberies, Lerxst, before the Unions mandate a 99% union boss surcharge, and they are redistributed to the communist hordes, leaving me nothing but memories of what could have been without that stupid post-colonial prick and his new colonizations of the free market.
Leftists just want to regulate everything and everyone to death. Move to North Korea and spent twenty years there, and see how you like it. Every moment is circumscribed by the state. Obama wants to do this, too. He wants to mandate so many rules that if you want to go into business you need a phalanx of lawyers to keep all his goons off of you.

He has even mandated that you need to hire 7% of disabled people. This means his friends, and the people who will vote for him, get jobs, so he can disable the entire economy, and ultimately the world.

How would you like to be an employer and be told that 7% of your workforce should be disabled? Why not just pay 7% more taxes to the Feds? You're going to lose that much at least, if the 7% disable your company.

Then you have to have ramps, and make sure everyone's speech is regulated all day long. Why not just think about competence and functionality when hiring people, and let them sort out the rest?

Romney and Ryan are actually the libertarian types, which means freedom for the employer and the employee. Free of all the red tape of communist agit-proppers and their dumb ideas of how to make everything sticky. You have to have this, you have to have that.

France, a very enlightened state, has now mandated 70% taxes on all those with a million dollars or more. This means all the French richies are flying out of the Riviera to America. From here maybe they can hide in the Polynesian Islands. Communists are just jealous because they can't do anything right, so they want to make sure everyone has two left feet just like them.

I would like to shoot blueberries at them. I sure hope Ryan creams Biden tonight.

Obama and Biden have made life almost impossible for the kids under 25. No one wants to hire them because it's too costly. Women have also gone off the employer's screen. The only people profiting are the white males. This is sad, because it is only those who are already competent and can work for themselves who can survive all this government red tape. There's no point in hiring anybody or being hired by anyone in this climate. You have to get your skillz together and work for yourself.

Irony is everywhere in these debates. Biden wants to help the middle class but he's buried them under regulations and debt. Ryan wants to get rid of the strangulations of the nerdbutts and get things going again. This will help the poor, the women, and the kidz. All boats will lift. Obama has depressed the economy beyond relief with his silly regulations and his ninnyish nannyishness. I hope he takes the next shuttle to Neptune. He can start passing new regulations for that planet right now as far as I am concerned. He can intervene in police procedure as he did with Crowleygate (he knew nothing but assumed he knew everything) or as with the Zimmerman case (guy looked like me, so he had to be entirely innocent) or with Obamacare (I'm not a doctor, and know nothing about medicine or insurance, so I will pass a 3000 page law to tell everybody how they will have to act in that field henceforth).

Pass the bluebberies, Lerxst, before the Unions mandate a 99% union boss surcharge, and they are redistributed to the communist hordes, leaving me nothing but memories of what could have been without that stupid post-colonial prick and his new colonizations of the free market.

Are you serious? Ron Paul is a libertarian, Romney and Ryan aren't at all.

No offense problemz, but you're honestly in lalaland when it comes to how you view the country. You remind me of people who are really smart, but restrict themselves in such a small bubble and don't see the big picture, so they end up speaking very eloquently about nonsense. I was the one who mentioned The American Conservative, and they have extremely intelligent, well credentialed, rational writers who are killing Romney and are disgusted with the two party system, and you're over here spewing back at us all of the right wing, horseshit propaganda points. And I don't even consider myself liberal or conservative i'm just a regular American. But honestly man, you're so out of touch with realities of this country none of us can have a rational discussion with you. And I'm sorry for cursing but this is just ridiculous.

Yes we are overregulated and overtaxed. But this is so the people who bankroll both Romney and Obama can maintain a hegemony over the US political system by keeping us down.
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Leftists just want to regulate everything and everyone to death. Move to North Korea and spent twenty years there, and see how you like it. Every moment is circumscribed by the state. Obama wants to do this, too. He wants to mandate so many rules that if you want to go into business you need a phalanx of lawyers to keep all his goons off of you.

He has even mandated that you need to hire 7% of disabled people. This means his friends, and the people who will vote for him, get jobs, so he can disable the entire economy, and ultimately the world.

How would you like to be an employer and be told that 7% of your workforce should be disabled? Why not just pay 7% more taxes to the Feds? You're going to lose that much at least, if the 7% disable your company.

Then you have to have ramps, and make sure everyone's speech is regulated all day long. Why not just think about competence and functionality when hiring people, and let them sort out the rest?

Romney and Ryan are actually the libertarian types, which means freedom for the employer and the employee. Free of all the red tape of communist agit-proppers and their dumb ideas of how to make everything sticky. You have to have this, you have to have that.

France, a very enlightened state, has now mandated 70% taxes on all those with a million dollars or more. This means all the French richies are flying out of the Riviera to America. From here maybe they can hide in the Polynesian Islands. Communists are just jealous because they can't do anything right, so they want to make sure everyone has two left feet just like them.

I would like to shoot blueberries at them. I sure hope Ryan creams Biden tonight.

Obama and Biden have made life almost impossible for the kids under 25. No one wants to hire them because it's too costly. Women have also gone off the employer's screen. The only people profiting are the white males. This is sad, because it is only those who are already competent and can work for themselves who can survive all this government red tape. There's no point in hiring anybody or being hired by anyone in this climate. You have to get your skillz together and work for yourself.

Irony is everywhere in these debates. Biden wants to help the middle class but he's buried them under regulations and debt. Ryan wants to get rid of the strangulations of the nerdbutts and get things going again. This will help the poor, the women, and the kidz. All boats will lift. Obama has depressed the economy beyond relief with his silly regulations and his ninnyish nannyishness. I hope he takes the next shuttle to Neptune. He can start passing new regulations for that planet right now as far as I am concerned. He can intervene in police procedure as he did with Crowleygate (he knew nothing but assumed he knew everything) or as with the Zimmerman case (guy looked like me, so he had to be entirely innocent) or with Obamacare (I'm not a doctor, and know nothing about medicine or insurance, so I will pass a 3000 page law to tell everybody how they will have to act in that field henceforth).

Pass the bluebberies, Lerxst, before the Unions mandate a 99% union boss surcharge, and they are redistributed to the communist hordes, leaving me nothing but memories of what could have been without that stupid post-colonial prick and his new colonizations of the free market.

Thanks. People need to hear this.
Who is watching the VP debate?
Keep dropping those facts on Ryan boyyyy!

I cannot stand Paul Ryan.
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Who is watching the VP debate?
Keep dropping those facts on Ryan boyyyy!

I cannot stand Paul Ryan.
You like his pretty blue eyes.

i like how they addressed the question about mudslinging by slinging mud.
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Leftists just want to regulate everything and everyone to death. Move to North Korea and spent twenty years there, and see how you like it. Every moment is circumscribed by the state. Obama wants to do this, too. He wants to mandate so many rules that if you want to go into business you need a phalanx of lawyers to keep all his goons off of you.

He has even mandated that you need to hire 7% of disabled people. This means his friends, and the people who will vote for him, get jobs, so he can disable the entire economy, and ultimately the world.

How would you like to be an employer and be told that 7% of your workforce should be disabled? Why not just pay 7% more taxes to the Feds? You're going to lose that much at least, if the 7% disable your company.

Then you have to have ramps, and make sure everyone's speech is regulated all day long. Why not just think about competence and functionality when hiring people, and let them sort out the rest?

Romney and Ryan are actually the libertarian types, which means freedom for the employer and the employee. Free of all the red tape of communist agit-proppers and their dumb ideas of how to make everything sticky. You have to have this, you have to have that.

France, a very enlightened state, has now mandated 70% taxes on all those with a million dollars or more. This means all the French richies are flying out of the Riviera to America. From here maybe they can hide in the Polynesian Islands. Communists are just jealous because they can't do anything right, so they want to make sure everyone has two left feet just like them.

I would like to shoot blueberries at them. I sure hope Ryan creams Biden tonight.

Obama and Biden have made life almost impossible for the kids under 25. No one wants to hire them because it's too costly. Women have also gone off the employer's screen. The only people profiting are the white males. This is sad, because it is only those who are already competent and can work for themselves who can survive all this government red tape. There's no point in hiring anybody or being hired by anyone in this climate. You have to get your skillz together and work for yourself.

Irony is everywhere in these debates. Biden wants to help the middle class but he's buried them under regulations and debt. Ryan wants to get rid of the strangulations of the nerdbutts and get things going again. This will help the poor, the women, and the kidz. All boats will lift. Obama has depressed the economy beyond relief with his silly regulations and his ninnyish nannyishness. I hope he takes the next shuttle to Neptune. He can start passing new regulations for that planet right now as far as I am concerned. He can intervene in police procedure as he did with Crowleygate (he knew nothing but assumed he knew everything) or as with the Zimmerman case (guy looked like me, so he had to be entirely innocent) or with Obamacare (I'm not a doctor, and know nothing about medicine or insurance, so I will pass a 3000 page law to tell everybody how they will have to act in that field henceforth).

Pass the bluebberies, Lerxst, before the Unions mandate a 99% union boss surcharge, and they are redistributed to the communist hordes, leaving me nothing but memories of what could have been without that stupid post-colonial prick and his new colonizations of the free market.

Yes, Romney is obviously overburdened by taxes, and Obama wants the rich to pay 70%:D
Only through his utter brilliance does he manage to make money in the face of such oppressive circumstances. Poor Romney paying at a smaller rate than somebody who makes 150k a year. Obama's such a communist that he took Romney's company from him and now it's State of Obama owned! And their stances on social-issues are so libertarian too... >.>
Also, don't forget about how great of an idea it is to tax cut our way to getting out of the deficit in the next 4 years.:D Exactly what we need, à la Bush, we will increase military spending with wars and lower taxes so that we can get this deficit back under control! Whizzo problemz, et voilà, now with 35% more more.
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Considering Ryan the douchebags abortion stance is this how he thinks we should raise our children?

Wow... my kid looked like a "bean" in the womb, therefore abortions are illegal!
Wow... where do I even start with this??

If you think Obama is a Communist, you really need to go open up a text book or two. If you really think he's a Socialist but got your terms confused, you need to read a few more books after that one. America is Conservative. Every politician we've ever had, regardless of their political label is and always has been Conservative. Obama, at worst/best is a Moderate. You don't get to the extremeness you're talking about in a strictly Conservative society like ours.

Now go back and read the post I made about social programs that people abuse vs. the people who will die with out them. I take it you think we should just let Darwinism take over and let the sick die and the hungry starve? We should revert back to a Caveman society because the last several thousand years of evolution and progress just never really existed, right? All because you've heard of or know a couple people who collect Food Stamps despite being employed, or live off an unemployment check without finding a job?

Good post
I've read five books on Obama, and have read Obama's own books. He's a post-colonial Marxist and says this over and over and over. Just because America has "always been" a conservative country, doesn't mean that it has remained a conservative country. You have your set theory somewhat confused. Obama's father (he has a book called DREAMS FROM MY FATHER, now what would you think he meant by such a title?) was a post-colonial Marxist in Kenya. His mother talked endlessly about BO's Father to little Barack. Barack also had other sources of communist intrusion. He got some of this at Harvard (read Kloppenberg's Reading Obama -- Kloppenberg is a Harvard historian who claims that Obama is a socialist), and some of it through Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the CPUSA that Obama refers to as a family friend in Hawaii. Obama is a crypto-Marxist. He says as much in his own books -- that he "sought out" Marxist professors at college. Why do you think he did that? Did you do that? I went looking for poets. He went looking for Marxist professors. He says it! It's not very hard to find a Marxist professor at any college these days. Also read Dinesh D'Souza's The Roots of Obama's Rage -- which is about the influence of the father. It's a delightful little tome. Obama wrote two poems at Occidental. One of them is for Frank Marshall Davis, a communist poet who was a kind of step-dad for Obama in Hawaii and whose connections in Chicago Obama used. Read the work of Reverend Wright -- the pastor of a church in which Obama sat for twenty years. He's an out and out Marxist of the liberation theology brand. Of course he's a Marxist. Romney is the classical liberal. He's read his Locke, Smith, and thrown away the Keynes. Wait until the next debate. What Obama talks about is fairness (which he never defines) while Romney talks about the right to make and keep profit. Logical errors abound in this thread.

Have some blueberries on your yogurt while you watch the next debate! I like all these new Greek yogurts. Greece, of course, has collapsed under the communist intrusions of their political leaders, plus no one is collecting taxes there.

You can buy off the tax collector!

Obama wants us to be more like Europe!

Romney doesn't. He wants to go back to Locke and Smith and throw away the Keynes.

Being concerned about people doesn't make you a Marxist. Doesn't make you a communist. It makes you human. You invalidate yourself and everything you say when you make bazaar claims.

It's like me calling Romney a KKK supporter because he thinks 47% of us are lazy Puerto Ricans and black people.
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Apone wants me to read American Conservative. I have a subscription. I don't know what he or she means by saying it is the "most intelligent" conservative journal. On what basis is this so?
Usually in an argument when you stake out a position you give evidence for your position, instead of just positioning an opinion without any rationale.

I like some of the libertarian journals. Liberty is fairly good. Libertarian Papers is also fairly good.

I try to read the far right. Of course many of them want Romney to be Rick Santorum. I like Rick Santorum but he is unelectable because he didn't lie enough and didn't tack with the wind.

You have to be a moving target to get elected.

Once in, you can do what you want.

Romney governed in Massachusetts and was a pretty good egg. He supported green initiatives and Massachusetts was number one in education during his tenure.

Yes, we have to cut PBS funding. It's a communist news organization and isn't fair or balanced. Big Bird is an obvious communist infiltrator, and needs to bite the dust.

Romney sees this, but also regrets that it has to be so. Big Bird costs too much to spread communist agit-prop.

Personally I like NPR, but it isn't fair that it's so skewed to the left when the government is paying for it. The fairness doctrine should apply. Put Stossel on there.

Or some Breitbart equivalent.

They fired Juan Williams for heaven's sake! He's totally for Obama! And he wasn't PC enough, and they told him to get his head examined. It was virtually what the Soviet Union did to Sakharov.

NPR is another groupthink station.

At any rate, 75% of America thinks Romney won the last debate.

Tomorrow night: Ryan will trim Biden's wings. Should be fun!

If you took religion out if politics. If GW never wanted to change the constitution of the United States so gay people never marry. If they let abortions be the decision of the mother. If they found value in big bird, space exploration and stem cell research, and quit starting and funding wars and let the rest of the world govern itself. I might vote conservative, but them they'd be progressives.
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Leftists just want to regulate everything and everyone to death. Move to North Korea and spent twenty years there, and see how you like it. Every moment is circumscribed by the state. Obama wants to do this, too. He wants to mandate so many rules that if you want to go into business you need a phalanx of lawyers to keep all his goons off of you.

He has even mandated that you need to hire 7% of disabled people. This means his friends, and the people who will vote for him, get jobs, so he can disable the entire economy, and ultimately the world.

How would you like to be an employer and be told that 7% of your workforce should be disabled? Why not just pay 7% more taxes to the Feds? You're going to lose that much at least, if the 7% disable your company.

Then you have to have ramps, and make sure everyone's speech is regulated all day long. Why not just think about competence and functionality when hiring people, and let them sort out the rest?

Romney and Ryan are actually the libertarian types, which means freedom for the employer and the employee. Free of all the red tape of communist agit-proppers and their dumb ideas of how to make everything sticky. You have to have this, you have to have that.

France, a very enlightened state, has now mandated 70% taxes on all those with a million dollars or more. This means all the French richies are flying out of the Riviera to America. From here maybe they can hide in the Polynesian Islands. Communists are just jealous because they can't do anything right, so they want to make sure everyone has two left feet just like them.

I would like to shoot blueberries at them. I sure hope Ryan creams Biden tonight.

Obama and Biden have made life almost impossible for the kids under 25. No one wants to hire them because it's too costly. Women have also gone off the employer's screen. The only people profiting are the white males. This is sad, because it is only those who are already competent and can work for themselves who can survive all this government red tape. There's no point in hiring anybody or being hired by anyone in this climate. You have to get your skillz together and work for yourself.

Irony is everywhere in these debates. Biden wants to help the middle class but he's buried them under regulations and debt. Ryan wants to get rid of the strangulations of the nerdbutts and get things going again. This will help the poor, the women, and the kidz. All boats will lift. Obama has depressed the economy beyond relief with his silly regulations and his ninnyish nannyishness. I hope he takes the next shuttle to Neptune. He can start passing new regulations for that planet right now as far as I am concerned. He can intervene in police procedure as he did with Crowleygate (he knew nothing but assumed he knew everything) or as with the Zimmerman case (guy looked like me, so he had to be entirely innocent) or with Obamacare (I'm not a doctor, and know nothing about medicine or insurance, so I will pass a 3000 page law to tell everybody how they will have to act in that field henceforth).

Pass the bluebberies, Lerxst, before the Unions mandate a 99% union boss surcharge, and they are redistributed to the communist hordes, leaving me nothing but memories of what could have been without that stupid post-colonial prick and his new colonizations of the free market.

Leftist don't want to regulated because it sounds like a great idea. They want to stop assholes from destroying our lives.
Seriously, after the financial meltdown that has caused immeasurable losses.
House values lost. Retirements lost.
And we should trust the free market to take care of us. Wow.
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Being concerned about people doesn't make you a Marxist. Doesn't make you a communist. It makes you human. You invalidate yourself and everything you say when you make bazaar claims.

It's like me calling Romney a KKK supporter because he thinks 47% of us are lazy Puerto Ricans and black people.

Curse that f***ing Dali Lama for his Communist values and being compassionate and stuff.
Curse that f***ing Dali Lama for his Communist values and being compassionate and stuff.

I'm telling you. I met him. Guy is just evil. Preaching all that self immolation. Showing off.
The Dali Llama has no country. Why should we emulate him when he's busy immolating himself? The communists own his turf, and he hasn't even got a pair with which to fight back. Om.