Ni and Ti observations


As an INTJ, while speaking with others, I have realised that I tend to worry a lot about possible future negative outcomes. Each time I speak with someone about a certain plan that I must complete, I start envisioning, in a very vivid way, as if I were rendering it, a simulation of myself going through with what I have to do, and what it will feel like doing so. And in a way I find hard to explain, I can somehow sense where issues may arise. I assume that this comes from being an Ni dom. Thinking about all those negative outcomes results in me starting to feel uneasy, and I have to retreat to my shell, having to start debugging, the simulation, until I have a general sense of certainty that I will know how to solve, or get over those issues I have imagined.

Speaking with my father more extensively, him being an INTP, it seems like he has similar experiences, but, in his case they are not about future outcomes of a given situation, but rather they are about categorising things. He seems to put a lot of focus into how to best fit whatever he is trying to sort or organise, into categories. He is carefully nitpicking all the possible overlaps or contradictions that could arise from the multiple ways of organising, thinking about the pros and cons of choosing one way over another. I believe that this comes from him being a Ti dom, as this, to my best knowledge, is what stems from a Ti process, desire to logically and consistently divide the world.

Having Te instead of Ti, I usually become impatient with these ponderings, that to me seem a bit excessive, as to me, the best solution is that which is functional enough to solve the issue, I tend to accept compromise over the possible logical inconsistencies much easier, if I think the solution is good enough.

on another hand, my father seems to be annoyed with me being so indecisive about choosing a course of action and having to always get stuck into analysing the best strategy, best path to take. I believe this may also come from him having Ne and enjoying a certain level of uncertainty, it is much easier for him to just go with the flow

I was wondering, what do you think of this? Do you have any better interpretation? Have you also experienced this differences? Also, having both Ni and Ti, being INFJs, would you say you say you relate to both situations?
Sounds legit.
Ni doms relate in this kind of way, though the process and utility enacted are a bit different. INTJs being more systemization oriented and INFJs being more socially oriented. There's no/very little "debugging" from INFJs, it's more like avoidance of negative/hazardous pathways.
INTJs have more of a deconstruction approach whereas INFJs have more of an inclusion approach.
Honestly kinda thankful to not have all those downsides most NTs experience as the over the top focus on logic ect is just nuts sometimes to NFs that at least allow for some wiggle room though like NTs are sometimes easily frustrated with SJs for example being rigid. The future focus however is very useful and is something the bulk of the normal population often lacks especially on the heavier topics like economy or politics. The whole Ti/Te issue is just nuts sometimes as they both can cause a lot of problems both short and long term when not balanced much less block out other functions that make some look robotic like a crappy simulation of a human.
I flip between two, maybe three different modes @Homura . One of these is like you describe, but focused on the people outcomes rather than the logic. Another is very much like you describe. A third is highly reactive and deals with events of varying significance as they arrive in terms that prioritises them and gets them sorted. The latter two are rooted in my years of creating and managing a variety of information systems teams.

I like the richness of these different modes and to some extent can choose between them. I can come badly unstuck though if something necessary in the second and third tangles up with people who are impacted badly and who get hurt before I realise the probability that this will happen. It works best if I flip back into the first mode before committing and using that mode as a feeling based sanity check. I don’t always do that in time though, because F and T don’t talk to each other all that well. If anyone gets hurt I can feel gutted.

The first mode is my home base - the other two take me more energy to sustain, but they come with their own sort of deep satisfaction. I like to be E5 rightness! The third is good fun too if you are an adrenaline junky lol. When they go well everyone gets something out of it and that is very satisfying in the F spectrum as well as the T.
Honestly kinda thankful to not have all those downsides most NTs experience as the over the top focus on logic ect is just nuts sometimes to NFs that at least allow for some wiggle room though like NTs are sometimes easily frustrated with SJs for example being rigid. The future focus however is very useful and is something the bulk of the normal population often lacks especially on the heavier topics like economy or politics. The whole Ti/Te issue is just nuts sometimes as they both can cause a lot of problems both short and long term when not balanced much less block out other functions that make some look robotic like a crappy simulation of a human.
Ti's obsess over logic (eg intp's). INTJs obsess over making the world functional and efficient. If you've ever been surprised by how easy and quick it is to complete something (eg a particularly good airport, or a streamline insurance application process, etc), it's likely an INTJ had a hand in designing the process.