Ni and Si | INFJ Forum

Ni and Si


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2010
9w8 sx/sp
Ni is information that will directly effect the future, while Si is information that will directly impact the current sensory surroundings.
Ni is information that will directly effect the future, while Si is information that will directly impact the current sensory surroundings.

Ni is information processing that relates to convergence of ideas. Si is information processing that relates to the convergence of sensory experiences.
Thought this was a good read:

The Introverted Sensation Function (Si) and Misconceptions

Despite being one of the most commonly preferred functions by members of society, the Introverted Sensation is probably one of the most misunderstood functions among Typology forum communities, along with Extraverted Sensation (Se). This article is intended to pick out the misconceptions of the Introverted Sensation (Si) function, explain how it really works, and compare/contrast its working to that of the Introverted Intuition (Ni) function as both functions operate in seemingly similar ways, which often times lead individuals to confuse their cognitive preference for one or the other.

One of the major misconceptions of the Introverted Sensation function is that many people often confuse it as sort of a
Maybe the sandwich will just be what you want it to be rather than what it has always been...

Or maybe it's just a freaking sandwich and who cares how you make it.....
Si users rely on Experience. They follow instructions exactly, enjoy their comfort zone and what they've already experienced, compares new information to the old, and will always be prepared when going into the unknown. Once he makes a mistake, it can almost be guaranteed he won't make it again. He is traditional, cautious, steadfast.

Ni users rely on Intuition. They perceive universal truths eg. "what goes around comes around" and "do to others as you would like to be treated." They are naturally aware of and listen to their conscience, see "visions/premonitions" of the future, take nothing as what it may seem on the surface but at it's greatest depths, sometimes just "know."

Se users rely on their Instincts, Ne users their Insight.