News Sources? | INFJ Forum

News Sources?


Community Member
Jul 24, 2012
6 (w/strong 2) sp/sx
(If this isn't the right spot for this, feel free to move it!)

Where do you get your news from (media and source)? Why that source?

My goto lately has been BBC World News (GMT) in the morning but I used to generally just watch the local news before work. What I like about GMT is that it's actually world news unlike a lot of the American programming that I've watched in the past.

Give me some new stuff to get addicted to/informed by. :eek:)

Actually, I hardly watch any television as of lately, but when I do it is usually for the news. I prefer PBS, but I also get radio news via NPR as well. I do like BBC World News on PBS and Charlie Rose. I like news to be undramatic, which seems to be hard to come by. Other than television and radio I get my news on the internet and will mostly read the NY times online to fill in the news gaps.

Actually, I hardly watch any television as of lately, but when I do it is usually for the news. I prefer PBS, but I also get radio news via NPR as well. I do like BBC World News on PBS and Charlie Rose. I like news to be undramatic, which seems to be hard to come by. Other than television and radio I get my news on the internet and will mostly read the NY times online to fill in the news gaps.

That. is fucking good, they're amazing, they hold nothing back and their writers are stellar.

I watch Rachel Maddow every once in a while too but lol that might be because I have a crush on her. :p

Steve Pieczenik, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for 3 different Presidents, a psychological warfare/regime change guy, has an unbelievable blog I love to check it out. is really good as well. is a website by Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator who went through hell after notifying her higher ups that information about the 9/11 attacks was deliberately ignored before they happened, her website's really good.
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