

Town Drunkard
There has been plenty of paleontological, archaeological and DNA-biological evidence presented about the Neanderthals. It is interesting to look for and speculate on how they influenced modern human development. For instance, the bible passages dealing with the Nephilim...
The Nephilim were Giants but Neanderthals were not. End of Story!

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Wrong! When the early translators of the Bible came across the hebrew wordNephilim, they understood it to mean the fallen ones, because the word was based upon the root Hebrew word “Naphal (to fall)”. However, when they compared this to the word found in the Septuagint, the oldest Greek version of the Old Testament, the word Nephilim was rendered in Greek as “gigantes”. This has the meaning “earth-born”. However the translators were aware of the Greek myth of a tribe of one hundred giants born to Gaia the Earth called Gigantes (hence Earth-Born”) who were also known as the Titans. The Titans fought the gods and lost and this may account for their name being called the “fallen ones” because they fell in battle. Influenced by this ancient myth the Bible translatoers translated the word “Nephilim” as “giants” and this how the famous 1611 King James Bible rendered it. However, today most modern versions of the Bible have left the word “Nephilim” untranslated recognising that they were not.
The testimony of Josephus, the famous first century Jewish historian, does not refer the Nephilim as giants. In his monumental volume, Antiquities of the Jews he reveals his acquaintance with the tradition of the fallen angels consorting with women of Earth. He not only knows of the tradition but tells us how the children of such union possessed super human strength, and were known for their extreme wickedness. “For many angels of God accompanied with women, and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of the confidence they had in their own strength; for the tradition is, that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians call giants. ”
Josephus calls the children of the angels of god “sons”, not giants. What he was saying was, and which he emphasised, the Nephilim were were strong powerful beings because he says that their strength their deeds resembled what the giants of Greek mythology did. Resembling the acts of the legendary Grecian mythical giants is one thing, but saying that the Nephilim were giants, Josephus does not.
Rabbi Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra (also known as Abenezra) who was born in 1089 was one of the most distinguished Jewish men of letters and writers of the Middle Ages and he did not refer to the Nephilim as giants. Instead he called them the “fallen ones”, first because that is what the word means and secondly, his interperpration was that they were called such because men’s hearts would fail at the sight of them. So feaful in countenance they were. That would be understandable because as they are referred to in the scriptures as “mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” Note that they are not called giants of renown, but men of renown. That is because the Nephilim were not giants but very muscular, strong and powerful looking men, not the sort you would want to pick a fight with. And guess what? The Neanderthals are described as muscular, strong and powerful. What a coincidence! Accept it is not a coincidence.
So the nephilim are said to be the offspring of the fallen angels and human females

I think the neanderthal angle is interesting though

I do think there is more to our past then we are being told. I also think that we have a deeper connection to reality than we see on the surface...subtle energies and that perhaps the neanderthals were better with those subtle energies

I have built things with my bare hands so when i see any of the ancient monuments it is always mindblowing how they managed to construct those things. We are faced with a strange paradox that as technology has improved the quality of work has decreased! Unless of course there was advanced technology that has now been concealed from us

I think the RH negative aspect is interesting though a little difficult to talk about because of the whole eugenics implications of such talk

I believe in psychic abilities but rather than seeing them as 'paranormal' i just think that we don't yet understand the true nature of reality and that once we do all the psychic phenomena will make sense

There does seem to be a conspiracy of people who have been bound together over the centuries and who work with qabalistic psycho-spiritual technology and that these people have formed together in secret societies, guarded secrets and have set out to infiltrate the royal bloodines with their own DNA

These people could well see themselves as the descendants of the nephilim. The problem with such perceptions is that then people start getting divisive ideas for example that they are 'gods' chosen people and that they should rule over everyone else and that is only going to end in tears
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Passage from the website you have linked to:

I wonder what the implications for MBTI are for this:
Did Neanderthal Genes Cause the Advancement of Human Civilization?

Let’s look at the facts: modern humans made basically zero progress for over 163,000 years. They didn’t invent much. They didn’t develop any significant societies. They didn’t build much of anything. They were basically hunter-gatherers that did not make any technological progress for 163,000 years. To put that in perspective, virtually all of human progress has been made over the last 37,000 years.

The traits of modern humans could be summed up as very traditional, stable, with a low capacity/tolerance for risk, innovation, change and progress. In short, they were temperamentally too stable and too disinclined towards free thought or creativity to make any recognizable progress over the first 163,000 years of their existence on this planet.

Modern humans were also trapped mostly in Africa because their rivals — the Neanderthals — occupied Europe and Asia and could basically kick the living crap out of them if they ever dared to venture into this Neanderthal territory, because Neanderthals were extremely combative, powerful, and skillful warriors. In fact, Neanderthals were the total opposite temperament of modern humans. Neanderthals were wild and relentlessly creative to a fault. They were innovative, but because they couldn’t stop innovating, battling, and moving on to the next new thing they could not maintain any progress. Think of a tribe that was 100% ADHD and bipolar — no stability — complete and utter madness. Without any stability their abundant creations, breakthroughs and innovations would be short-lived and forgotten by subsequent generations. Their attention could not be held for long enough to create a lasting legacy. Neanderthals were Uprisers — radical change agents who couldn’t stop changing.

Just as easily as they would rise up against other tribes — they probably rose up against each other at the expense of their own progress.

Were Neanderthals the Original Rebel Visionaries?

Neanderthals were thrill-seekers — sensation junkies. (Much like some of our beloved trailblazing heroes of today.) They loved battle, and music, and had a propensity for inciting chaos. They were the original rebel rock stars. Neanderthals are seen as a warlike species; but what we overlook is that they were just happy to fight. They were the original fight club. They were the original musicians, singers and poets. Archaeological evidence demonstrates that Neanderthals made musical instruments. The book “Neanderthals Sing” explores their amazing propensity for singing — even above language. So even though they may have had a bellicose nature — they also may had a much deeper, more beautiful and tender way of communing with each other through song. The curiously empathic Neanderthals were tapped into the symphony of nature.

The Neanderthals were so random and so creative that they could not create any kind of society because all their inspiration, ideas and creations ended up dying off in the chaos. On the other hand, the modern humans were just too fragile and too uncreative to compete with the Neanderthals or make any progress on their own. So the wild maniacal Neanderthals held all of Europe and Asia and the modern humans were stuck in Africa.

Neanderthals & Modern Humans Collide: Technology Explodes.

Then something miraculous happened. About 37,000 years ago Neanderthals likely intermingled with modern humans, because boom – all of a sudden there’s a new gene in the human genome, the DRD4 7R gene — which has been a prime suspect for originating from Neanderthals for some time now. This gene is associated with risk-taking, sensation-seeking and novelty-seeking, and correlated with openness to new experiences, intolerance to monotony, and exploratory behavior — you know… Neanderthal stuff. (According to the human genome the DRD4 7R gene suddenly showed up about 37,000 years ago, spread due to natural selection and is unlikely to be of modern human origin, due to the “highly unlikely recombination mutation events required” to generate the 7R version from the modern human 4R version of the gene according to a recent Yale School of Medicine publication.)
This miraculous combination created a new kind of “super” human hybrid tribe: part Neanderthal, part modern human — and they DOMINATED. They had the battle skills and ingenuity of Neanderthals and the stability of modern humans working together to sustain their growth, progress and eventual dominion. Suddenly Earth was transformed — virtually overnight evolutionarily speaking. Within the cosmic blink of an eye, mankind was creating and sustaining large civilizations fueled by innovations in language, agriculture, technology and culture. And this DRD4 7R gene is likely the cause.

The reason this works is that some people in the population have the activated DRD4 7R gene (about 10%), some are just carriers (about 20%) and some don’t have it at all (the vast majority — 80%). If you’ve got the active DRD4 7R gene – you’re going to be risk-taking, creative, innovative and very hard to reign in – much like the Neanderthals. Let’s call these people the Uprisers. If you don’t have it, you’re going to be more stable and traditional — much like the modern humans. Let’s call these people the Stabilizers. So right now — worldwide — 10% of people are Uprisers, 90% are stabilizers.

This new hybrid “super” human tribe became successful because it had the best of both worlds — the Uprisers (those with the Neanderthal disposition) who would rebel, innovate, pioneer and lead change — and the Stabilizers (those with the modern human disposition) who would stabilize and institutionalize all the positive innovation and changes trail-blazed by the Uprisers, which would have been doomed to collapse under its own disorder if it weren’t for the steady hands of the Stabilizers.

Establishing and sustaining human progress is like building a skyscraper. You need Uprisers to rise up and bring the tower to a higher level, and you also need Stabilizers to hold that tower in place. If there were no Uprisers there would be no tower — the structure would stay at ground level and there would be no progress. If there were no Stabilizers, the tower would collapse and topple, because nothing keeps it together.

Understanding this principle and recognizing people’s inherent gifts as Uprisers or Stablizers can go a long way in minimizing conflict and misunderstanding between these two temperaments. Unfortunately, because Uprisers are surrounded by a vast majority of Stabilizers, who not only don’t understand them at all, but tend to actively distrust and dislike their disposition, Uprisers tend to suffer.

If a typical Neanderthal lived in our society today they would most likely be labeled with ADHD, bipolar, Asperger’s or autism. They would have addictive personalities causing them to go way over the top with whatever caught their passion. They would be seen as troublemakers in school and would quickly assume the role of misfit or rebel. So it is with those who still carry their genes.
Even in their day the Neanderthals must have recognized how the inherent ADHD of their disposition, while great for innovation and battle, really hampered their ability to sustain a stable life, because at their burial sites we’ve found ephedrine — which is a drug similar in effect to Ritalin, Adderall and Concerta — which stabilizes the brain thus reducing the symptoms of ADHD and bipolar suffered by less inhibited brains.

The DRD4 7R gene makes you think like a Neanderthal. If you’ve got this Neanderthal gene activated, you become sensation-seeking, risk-taking, impulsive, and highly creative. You don’t think like modern humans, you “think differently.” Welcome to the tribe. We’re ADHD, bipolar, addictive personalities.

One might wonder are these people mad or genius? And the answer is yes. We are. We are mad and genius. We love to ride that fine line between genius and insanity. We bring that double-edged sword to the table. America is a melting pot of this risk-taking temperament, because at one time or another just about every population of Uprisers (those with the active Neanderthal DRD4 7R gene) were drawn to taking the risk of leaving their homeland to pursue the American dream just like their nomadic Neanderthal ancestors. The rest of the world thinks we’re mad — because we are — but we’re also crazy smart and innovative. By the way, this higher incidence of the DRD4 7R gene in America has already been revealed.

Stabilizers, to this day, tend to be very uncomfortable and feel threatened by Neanderthal traits. Those possessing Neanderthal traits (the Uprisers) are often rebuked, shamed and marginalized because they violate the norm. The tragic thing is that there seems to be something deep in the modern human psyche that abhors the Neanderthal genome — literally an instinctive desire to genocide our Neanderthal lineage. In the past we’ve scapegoated, witch hunted, crucified, and martyred those with Neanderthal traits. Today we are labeling these Upriser Neanderthal traits with psychological disorder diagnoses like ADHD and bipolar and then drugging those traits out of our collective experience. Finally, as these Upriser traits are increasingly discovered to be ancient genetic relics from modern human’s brief tryst with the Neanderthals, will a neo-genocide occur through quiet but selective genetic screening? Will expectant mothers soon hear, “Would you like Neanderthal gene contaminations removed from your embryo which would put your child at high risk for developing ADHD, bipolar disorder, Asperger’s, autism and addictions?” What mother could resist, unless she knew that those very genes could very well also be the greatest gift to human progress?

Our opportunity as human beings to maximize progress is to instill great cooperation between the Uprisers and the Stabilizers. Stabilizers need to recognize and honor the gifts offered by young Uprisers and help stabilize the towers they can’t help but erect, and Uprisers need to recognize and honor the gifts of stability and order Stabilizers are trying to offer them, to help their towers last and not come crashing down.

So, if you find you strongly relate to the wild and creative Neanderthal/Upriser temperament, realize that the key to your success will be finding a group of Stabilizers that can work with your innovativeness to build something great.
And if you find yourself somewhat repelled by people who act like Neanderthals, realize that these crazy, irrepressible, insufferable people are the key to progress; and if you can just tolerate their insanity well enough to work with them you will likely become the esteemed steward of a human breakthrough.
Cool thread!

Neanderthals... Hmm. My $.02:

What color are you? The humans that came out of Africa are black. Years before that happened, humanity's brothers and sisters ventured off into Eurasia. -and adapted! Humans were born in the sun. We were born with dark skin. Then we left Africa to meet up with our brothers and sisters. And it obviously wasn't always strife between us! We started dating them. We brought the best of humanity with us when we left Africa: ingenuity , intelligence, technology... But we were not adapted to living beneath glaciers. Our brothers and sisters were. They had spent a long time getting used to that environment. The children of the two strains of humans merged the best of our traits. We held on to the humanity we brought with us from Africa while absorbing the adaptations of Neanderthals: less prominent facial features, white skin. I don't think Neanderthals were wiped out or went extinct. I think they just merged their distinctions back into the line of humans and exist today. I am a Neanderthal, in some respects, being blonde with blue eyes and all.

That "merging" traits back into common line is the exact same thing we see in "melting pot" cities across the world. Humans with all sorts of different traits from all sorts of different ancestral locations are coming together and mating. Modern humans from Africa dating Neanderthals is no different from today's mixes: white + Asian = same thing. White dating black=same thing. Black dating Latinos... Pacific Islanders, Inuits... We've been doing this for a long time and it has only served to bring about the best in our line.
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This thread is separitist. racist. Race is irrelevant. Species is irrelevant. Just about as irrelevant and annoying as culture and religion and personality typing. And tiring. This is what we are like that's what they are like me you same different. Difference difference separation me vs you groups cliques stagnant disassociated territory security hierarchy superior inferior my story your story past hate guilt history blame justice projection patriotism closedeyes attack defend protect delusion belief programming brain seed war fear control judge project judge project meaningless bullshit. Enough. Fuck these labels.
We are One. All of it, All That Is. This Earth and the rest. That much is True.

Anyway, carry on. Just another 2 cents. No offense intended to anybody

And I Love You All
So the nephilim are said to be the offspring of the fallen angels and human females

I think the neanderthal angle is interesting though

I do think there is more to our past then we are being told. I also think that we have a deeper connection to reality than we see on the surface...subtle energies and that perhaps the neanderthals were better with those subtle energies

I have built things with my bare hands so when i see any of the ancient monuments it is always mindblowing how they managed to construct those things. We are faced with a strange paradox that as technology has improved the quality of work has decreased! Unless of course there was advanced technology that has now been concealed from us

I think the RH negative aspect is interesting though a little difficult to talk about because of the whole eugenics implications of such talk

I believe in psychic abilities but rather than seeing them as 'paranormal' i just think that we don't yet understand the true nature of reality and that once we do all the psychic phenomena will make sense

There does seem to be a conspiracy of people who have been bound together over the centuries and who work with qabalistic psycho-spiritual technology and that these people have formed together in secret societies, guarded secrets and have set out to infiltrate the royal bloodines with their own DNA

These people could well see themselves as the descendants of the nephilim. The problem with such perceptions is that then people start getting divisive ideas for example that they are 'gods' chosen people and that they should rule over everyone else and that is only going to end in tears


Edit: this is a ship carrying another ship by the way.

Sorry for the slight derail.

But yes, quality of work is different now. I think back then they didn't know certain things were 'impossible' so the energy and approach was likely entirely different.

I think maybe the tropes of technology simply didn't get in the way. They probably knew more about applied physics than people do now because maybe it was all they had so they were very good at it, unlike now where we have the luxury of simulation and design process and theoretical physics.
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This thread is separitist. racist. Race is irrelevant. Species is irrelevant. Just about as irrelevant and annoying as culture and religion and personality typing. And tiring. This is what we are like that's what they are like me you same different. Difference difference separation me vs you groups cliques stagnant disassociated territory security hierarchy superior inferior my story your story past hate guilt history blame justice projection patriotism closedeyes attack defend protect delusion belief programming brain seed war fear control judge project judge project meaningless bullshit. Enough. Fuck these labels.
We are One. All of it, All That Is. This Earth and the rest. That much is True.

Anyway, carry on. Just another 2 cents. No offense intended to anybody

And I Love You All

Racism is the belief that one group is superior to another

We all have neanderthal DNA

If there is a group of people who are arranging themselves in secret societies because they percieve themselves to be superior to others because they believe themselves to have more neanderthal DNA then i want to know about it

If you look into the secret societies and the occult you find certain themes such as risk taking and overt sexuality

I have spoken about some of these people as being psychopaths; david ike speaks about them as being possessed by negative entities but the neanderthal aspect is an interesting one; are people carrying on sex,violence and thrill seeking occult activites because of a culture or because of a genetic hangover or both...i'm interested and i'm not going to bury my head in the sand over it

The whole 'new age' movement has been born out of the occult and the new world order want a new synthesised religion for their one world government; the new age movement is being steered as much as anything else so i am wary of new agers telling me not to pay attention but to go and hug a tree instead

What the new agers will end up hugging is a full blown interface with the matrix prison the secret societies are currently building (a dream within a dream)

Its time to be vigilent and its time to get everything out of the shadows and work through it...warts and all

I'm not sure how aware of the transhumanism aspect of the new age movement people are but they are basically currently trying to map the human brain so that they can download it onto computers. They want to merge humans with machines; even in the gaming world they are now selling virtual reality goggles called oculus rift:

This is only the beginning

Here is the website of new age guru ken wilbur...note how robotised it is:

Google has recently bought an artificial intelligence company as well as DAARPA who are making all the scary military are just an extension of the pentagon

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I think hugging a tree might be the answer but the problem will be all the people who aren't doing that.

I don't know exactly what happened but I think the Garden of Eden metaphor might be accurate somehow even if not literal. Something happened to us. Metaphorically speaking we ate from the tree of knowledge. Opened Pandora's jar, were horrified by what came out, closed it again but the one thing that was left inside was hope.
Racism is the belief that one group is superior to another

We all have neanderthal DNA

If there is a group of people who are arranging themselves in secret societies because they percieve themselves to be superior to others because they believe themselves to have more neanderthal DNA then i want to know about it

If you look into the secret societies and the occult you find certain themes such as risk taking and overt sexuality

I have spoken about some of these people as being psychopaths; david ike speaks about them as being possessed by negative entities but the neanderthal aspect is an interesting one; are people carrying on sex,violence and thrill seeking occult activites because of a culture or because of a genetic hangover or both...i'm interested and i'm not going to bury my head in the sand over it

The whole 'new age' movement has been born out of the occult and the new world order want a new synthesised religion for their one world government; the new age movement is being steered as much as anything else so i am wary of new agers telling me not to pay attention but to go and hug a tree instead

What the new agers will end up hugging is a full blown interface with the matrix prison the secret societies are currently building (a dream within a dream)

Its time to be vigilent and its time to get everything out of the shadows and work through it...warts and all

I'm not sure how aware of the transhumanism aspect of the new age movement people are but they are basically currently trying to map the human brain so that they can download it onto computers. They want to merge humans with machines; even in the gaming world they are now selling virtual reality goggles called oculus rift:

This is only the beginning

Here is the website of new age guru ken wilbur...note how robotised it is:

Google has recently bought an artificial intelligence company as well as DAARPA who are making all the scary military are just an extension of the pentagon


Sorry friend

do what you will

im out

Love and Peace to you. Remember who and what You are. Fuck what anyone else, any organisation says, go see for ourself.
I think hugging a tree might be the answer but the problem will be all the people who aren't doing that.

I don't know exactly what happened but I think the Garden of Eden metaphor might be accurate somehow even if not literal. Something happened to us. Metaphorically speaking we ate from the tree of knowledge. Opened Pandora's jar, were horrified by what came out, closed it again but the one thing that was left inside was hope.

Hope...and the way Home

I think hugging a tree might be the answer but the problem will be all the people who aren't doing that.

I don't know exactly what happened but I think the Garden of Eden metaphor might be accurate somehow even if not literal. Something happened to us. Metaphorically speaking we ate from the tree of knowledge. Opened Pandora's jar, were horrified by what came out, closed it again but the one thing that was left inside was hope.

There are a number of different interpretations for the garden of eden story; in the original story jehovah wasn't even in it

I think people do need to hug trees but as you say its the people who aren't doing that that will come along and plug all the blissed out folks right into their new mainframe...unless the awakening expands fast enough of course

The awakening is not about turning over and going back to is about sitting up with eyes wide open and having a good look around so that we can take individual and collective responsibility for this co-created reality

We have been turning a blind eye and the demons have run amok as Bill hicks would say
The Sumerian story known today as the Epic of Gilgamesh is among the world's oldest surviving texts, commonly dated to the seventeenth to eighteenth century BC, though the earliest Sumerian poems can be traced to the Third Dynasty of Ur (2150-2000 BC). The Akkadian version, consisting of twelve tablets edited by the scribe Sin-liqe-unninni sometime between 1300 and 1000 BC, was rediscovered in 1853 in the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal in Nineveh. Sin-liqe-unninni conflated several much more ancient stories to create the Epic of Gilgamesh we know today, and he is also the oldest known 'author' in history, being the first to sign his name to his work.

At heart, Gilgamesh combines two stories, that of the friendship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, and later, Gilgamesh's odyssey in search of immortality. Here, we will examine the first part of the epic: the story of Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, "two-thirds god and one-third human... terrifying" in his perfection, and his "noble" companion Enkidu, the domesticated savage, his name literally meaning [the god] Enki's creation, formed of "a pinch of clay, let fall into the wilderness."

Such primal word pictures indicate that Gilgamesh is much more than a mere work of fiction; it is clearly a myth: a story that encodes, preserves and transmits truths about the origins and prehistory of humanity in allusive form.

............the story of the friendship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu takes on an entirely new meaning and is, I believe, in great part a parable recording ancient man's cohabitation with Neanderthals and their subsequent extinction.

[creation of Enkidu]

That task fell to Araru, goddess of creation, apparently bidden by Enki (above, who also created mankind to serve the gods and saved them from the flood):

She dipped her hands in water and pinched off clay, she let it fall in the wilderness, and noble Enkidu was created... There was virtue in him of the god of war, of Ninurta himself. His body was rough, he had long hair like a woman's; it waved like the hair of Nisaba, the goddess of corn. His body was covered with matted hair like Samugan's, the god of cattle. He was innocent of mankind; he knew nothing of the cultivated land... Enkidu ate grass in the hills with the gazelle and lurked with wild beasts at the water-holes; he had joy of the water with the herds of wild game.

Well, this is all quite obvious, really: Enkidu = Neanderthal. But Enkidu, the wild man, was causing civilized men great trouble by interfering with their hunts. A trapper recounts, "there is a man, unlike any other, who comes down from the hills... He fills in the pits which I dig and tears up my traps; he helps the beasts to escape and now they slip through my fingers." So a clever plot is hatched by the trapper's father; Enkidu will be seduced to sleep with a whore, and once tamed, he will "change the old order" and put King Gilgamesh in his place.

[The whore] was not ashamed to take him, she made herself naked and welcomed his eagerness; as he lay on her murmuring love she taught him the woman's art. For six days and seven nights they lay together, for Enkidu had forgotten his home in the hills; but when he was satisfied he went back to the wild beasts. Then, when the gazelle saw him, they bolted away; when the wild creatures saw him they fled. Enkidu would have followed, but his body was bound as though with a cord, his knees gave way when he started to run, his swiftness was gone. And now the wild creatures had all fled away; Enkidu was grown weak, for wisdom was in him, and the thoughts of a man were in his heart.

Interbreeding with ancient humans has civilized the Neanderthals, but also weakened and deracinated them, estranging them from nature. Indeed, the process is cast as a seduction and wisdom a degenerative corruption perpetrated by a whore

I think hugging a tree might be the answer but the problem will be all the people who aren't doing that.

I don't know exactly what happened but I think the Garden of Eden metaphor might be accurate somehow even if not literal. Something happened to us. Metaphorically speaking we ate from the tree of knowledge. Opened Pandora's jar, were horrified by what came out, closed it again but the one thing that was left inside was hope.
I don't think we were banished from it, I'm more inclined to believe we cut it down. If there is anything to genetic memory, inherited knowledge, then it certainly exists here. -Being born from wilderness, an all.
I don't think we were banished from it, I'm more inclined to believe we cut it down. If there is anything to genetic memory, inherited knowledge, then it certainly exists here. -Being born from wilderness, an all.

Yeah I'm not talking about the physical banishment from a location part of it. I'm talking about the loss of innocence and perhaps the gain of more knowledge than we knew what to do with.
Yeah I'm not talking about the physical banishment from a location part of it. I'm talking about the loss of innocence and perhaps the gain of more knowledge than we knew what to do with.
Hmm, sounds like you're speaking of transition into sentience.

Loss of innocence... I believe in the concepts of good and bad. They don't exist in nature though! They are human constructs and apply only to us. Well, more accurately, to sentient species. Life was simpler when we ran on instinct. That gain in knowledge and loss of innocence were the same thing. Now, we don't react, we act. We choose. All that is a reflection of the knowledge we gained. We can also choose wrong -deliberately! And thus goes our innocence.

I'm not sure I agree with having more knowledge than we know what to do with. It seems most of our existence has been characterized by not knowing what to do thanks to lack of knowledge. That's my take, anyway.
[MENTION=10289]Rift Zone[/MENTION]

I'm talking about knowing a ton of things yet not actually knowing what is really necessary to know, let alone knowing what to NOT do. Thinking we have to know something is also a part of it.

Don't know what to do? About what? What really needs doing that couldn't be more easily solved by not having done something else prior to cause a need for more doing?
@Rift Zone

I'm talking about knowing a ton of things yet not actually knowing what is really necessary to know, let alone knowing what to NOT do. Thinking we have to know something is also a part of it.

Don't know what to do? About what? What really needs doing that couldn't be more easily solved by not having done something else prior to cause a need for more doing?
Ok, well I'm lost. I was just thinking of humanity being born into sentience with nothing! No knowledge what so ever. It's taken quite a bit to get us here. Needless to say, we didn't always know what we were doing.

But out you seem to be having another conversation... No worries! I'm on board... Now what are we talking about? I'm following your first line, what's the context?
Ok, well I'm lost. I was just thinking of humanity being born into sentience with nothing! No knowledge what so ever. It's taken quite a bit to get us here. Needless to say, we didn't always know what we were doing.

But out you seem to be having another conversation... No worries! I'm on board... Now what are we talking about? I'm following your first line, what's the context?

Knowledge gave us just about every problem we have. Including knowledge about having problems in the first place.
Knowledge gave us just about every problem we have. Including knowledge about having problems in the first place.
Now I'm very lost. I have no idea what you mean to apply that to. Where do you find that to hold true?

Taken just by itself, I'm not sure I can agree. I think I'm more inclined to take the opposing view found in my signature.
Now I'm very lost. I have no idea what you mean to apply that to. Where do you find that to hold true?

Taken just by itself, I'm not sure I can agree. I think I'm more inclined to take the opposing view found in my signature.

Ok, name any problem you think we have today and I will relate it to that.