[PAX] - Music with a Positive Message | INFJ Forum

[PAX] Music with a Positive Message


Capitalist pig
Dec 30, 2008
In light of a post I made in my blog right before deciding to create this thread, I wanted to make a place where music specifically with a positive message could be posted. I know that even the term 'positive message' fluxes from person to person.

For me, a song with a positive message is one without vulgar language that is a message about some universal concept like love or trust or getting through a hard time. I have a tendency to like sort of slower beat, sometimes 'pop' music, and I absolutely love songs that are 'pop' but also have strings like the violin in them. I just love that.

So I'm going to post three to get this started.

I'm just asking that the songs posted here be respectful, not too much crude language if you can avoid it; I really would prefer to avoid songs about people shaking their booty, sex appeal as the most important thing in the world, and of course...song about someone letting the dog out.

The reason why?: To me, this song is beautiful just in composition- how it sounds, especially because of the strings, but too, the message. It's a song about love that's failing and just the feelings of that, it's very expressive, wonderful in the words he puts it and I can 'feel' the emotions coming through. I say it's a positive message because, what it's saying to me, is that we all have these 'loves' we can let go of...in the end, the character of the song does let it go, and there is resolution. It is a feeling many of us can relate to.

The reason why?: This is a song about new beginnings, love, the concept that people can't expect just to be alone and that it's important to work together and accept togetherness as an important way of life. Most of all: it's communicating me, that love, the expression of love, is something that takes strength and faith in order to just 'give yourself' to someone else...it's ride that you 'flow' with each other and there will be good and bad but it's the fact you took the risk with someone that's important. I used to think love and not wanting to be alone was for people who were weak, but to me this song just sort of communicates...it takes a STRONG person who isn't afraid to allow their mind, body, and soul to 'go' and 'show' in togetherness with other people.

The reason why?: I'm not sure exactly what this song is about but it's beautiful...I love the music, I love the lyrics and the premise....every word I love...This is the ideal love song, "If I knew where all those tears were coming from, I'd guide them to a river where I'd swim with you downstream..."

Reason: The message is 100% of it - despite everything life throws at us, we can still hold on to that small chance of finding someone.


Reason: The song's about social justice. Pretty positive message IMO!


Reason: This is just a really nice, calm song that has some really meaningful lyrics.


Reason: Very uplifting and positive song by Jethro Tull. Beautiful composition and lyrics as well.
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Reason: More need be aware of the issues plaguing our world and our assumed natures. We can be agents of massive change when given motivation to do so - awareness is the first step. History need not tragically repeat itself endlessly if humanity would simply LEARN.


Reason: As above, yet more personal and eloquent.

Reason: Need I say?


Reason: This song is so very beautiful, and the theme is eternal: believe in love and love will endure.

Warning: next song contains swearing

Reason: Release self-impairing preconceptions and assumptions; regain communication and rebuild bridges between all of our Islands. Self-actualization and achievement!

The first thing to come to mind when I saw the thread's title was Matisyahu.

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a very positive meaning. though, it makes alot of people cry. fuck it, i've even cried listening to this. whatever.

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God, how could I forget these!!


Reason: Don't worry, be happy.


Reason: Grateful Dead... need I say more?


Reason: Other than "bumble bee girl" you mean? Something about the INFJ in me just really elates to this song, about being different... being depressed. But the song never gets too dark or depressing itself.

Reason: Simple message. Muster strength and courage to fight lifes' obsacles and disappointments.


Reason: Life can get overwhelming but one must learn and wave goodbye to the past; composure....
Always gets me feeling positive ;)
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Always gets me feeling positive ;)

@2:46 - 2:48 --> Daffy duck impersonation. :lol:


Reason: There's always someone out there ready to lend a hand when life throws us to the ground.
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Reason?; I'm not so sure the message of the song is "positive" but I remember the first time I heard this in "high quality" I was going through something in my life at the time where I was infatuated with my best friend and she didn't feel the same way about things as I did. I remember walking through life in a bit of a daze, I picked up a mobile fidelity/sound labs original master copy of abby road at a used records store one day during this time (I was buying a lot of records at the time, mostly NIN stuff for collection purposes) I remember coming home after school and putting the album on my dads record player and pacing around the family room. Hearing this in good quality for the first time I got entirely lost in it as if others had felt the same things I was feeling and that I wasn't all alone.

Reason?: This song literally saved my life when I was younger. It reminded me that life if full of ups and downs and that there will always be a spring after the winter is weathered.
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Reason: Well, just listen to it. It's a "political"/philosophical song that actually has a positive message to it.