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Movie Discussion Thread

I don't know if this is a film review thread but I'll cast my opinion.

Film:Terminator Salvation

Viewed: 21/11/2011

Story: 4/10
Graphics: 7/10
Music Score: 5/10
Film Technique: 6/10
Action: 7/10
Drama: 5/10

Total Score: 6/10

Being a fan of the original two by James Cameron, and after the disappointment of Terminator 3, I was curious to see whether or not Terminator Salvation managed to pick up the baton and successfully carry on the story that the originals sparked. Sadly not. The plot was remarkably thin in its foundations in comparison to the originals. There were characters introduced that had little to no relevance to the plot portrayed in Terminator Salvation, yet alone any of the other Terminator films including the character of Marcus Right (supporting actor).

As far as the plot goes with Terminator Salvation, I would have to put it on par with Terminator 3. It appeared to me that any action that was in Terminator Salvation was used as a gap filler for the apparent cracks in the plot. Any drama in the film was melodramatic, without reason or explanation. I felt without getting to know any of the characters, it was hard to connect emotionally with what they were going through. Terminator Salvation could of and should of began with the end (following the life of John Connor and his comrades that he meet along the way in between Terminator 3 and Salvation) and ended with the beginning (following the life of Kyle Reese). In my opinion, way too much emphasis was placed on a character that didn't need to be there in the first place, Marcus Right, his character I felt was a poor attempt to replace T-800 (as the one depicted in Terminator 2).

Too many characters and poor time management skills is what lead me to give this film a sub par rating.

And I own that one *ugghh*.

- Stars: Dennis Quaid, Ben Foster

Genre - Science Fiction

Score - 8/10

I have a soft spot for Sci-Fi-Action Horror movies; Aliens, being the shining example of perfection in my eyes. I also happen to like Dennis Quaid in most of the roles he's played since seeing "The Right Stuff" almost an entire lifetime ago. That said, the movie itself is a rather surprising bit of fun, perfect for an otherwise rainy day.

I was surprised I never heard of it before seeing it on the Netflix Instant list. Most movies that make it on there aren't all that great and there's a reason they disappear into obscurity. Once in a while though, there are fairly recent movies on there that surprise me with a treat.

There are enough plot twists (some obvious and some not) to not let you predict the whole thing from the start, but not so many that you get lost in the web along the way. The action is balanced nicely with the suspense and the movie keeps a steady, fast pace the majority of the time. There are some "WTF?" moments, but they eventually explain themselves after time.

Acting, was good, but as I said - I like Dennis Quaid. Ben Foster I only recognized as the ring leader in "Hostage" with Bruce Willis, but apparently he isn't that bad as an actor overall; not great, but not bad.

If you liked movies like "Event Horizon", "The Abyss", "Deepstar 6", "Leviathan" and to a lesser degree, "Sphere", you'll probably like this one just as well. I should also add that the special effects are of a good, standard quality, which was the biggest shocker to me since I was expecting a lower-budget movie.
Reviews are perfectly doable.
I could always revert to "This movie rocks!" or "This movie sucks!" posts for the less patient forum members :)
I could use some good movie recommendations, evidently I very rarely watch any....most mainstream movies seem predictable and unoriginal and lower budget movies have poor cinematography and bad actors.