Most rewatched movies | INFJ Forum

Most rewatched movies


Capitalist pig
Dec 30, 2008
Hello everyone. I was reflecting today about how there are a few movies I go back to over and over again to watch. I'm not sure if I would call them my favorite but there is something about these movies that throughout the years I will feel the need to watch them again.

So it made me curious- what movies do you watch over and over again, and they do not need to necessarily be your favorite movies? Which have you seen the most and why?

My cousin hates the movie big fat liar because it was the only movie she had for a year as a child and every night she watched it before going to bed to fall asleep. After a while you get sick of it but it was the only movie she had.

Feel free to share similar background stories associated with your answer!
Ordinarily I am staunchly against rewatching movies. I like to think it's because I've learned what lessons there are to learn from the film / story and I don't need to rehash it or it doesn't commit a meaning to me that really sticks.

There are a few, though, that I find myself reaching for from time to time. They might be a bit on the seemingly random side but I'll lead off with just one for now.

The Book of Life
An animated classic with a famous voice cast and a great soundtrack. This story teaches you that true bravery is to love despite adversity and that, in being your true self, you are worthy of the love of those who will accept you just as you are. I never tire of the animation style, the love story, the music. A masterpiece, in my opinion.

The only movie I make a true point of rewatching is Dances With Wolves.
I was watching The Matrix pretty frequently and I still do from time to time when the mood strikes or I'm around somebody who hasn't seen it.
I will also watch the original Ghostbusters, given the opportunity, but I don't try to intentionally.
If LOTR or Harry Potter are on TV I will put them on as background a lot but I don't make a point to watch those either.

I've probably seen The Matrix the most, though I have seen Dances With Wolves a lot.
I'm really not sure which is in the lead as I've seen both probably over 20 times. I lost count. Same with Ghostbusters.
Hello everyone. I was reflecting today about how there are a few movies I go back to over and over again to watch. I'm not sure if I would call them my favorite but there is something about these movies that throughout the years I will feel the need to watch them again.

So it made me curious- what movies do you watch over and over again, and they do not need to necessarily be your favorite movies? Which have you seen the most and why?

My cousin hates the movie big fat liar because it was the only movie she had for a year as a child and every night she watched it before going to bed to fall asleep. After a while you get sick of it but it was the only movie she had.

Feel free to share similar background stories associated with your answer!

The Fifth Element
John Carter

My partner watches those with me IF I will watch National Treasure I and II; Doc Hollywood; and Dave annually with him.

What about you Slant? What movie draws you to it time and time again?
I have a few movies I seem to rewatch every few years.

Mothman Prophecies
Erin Brokovich

I've seen
"This is the end"
"Pineapple express"
"Cable guy"
"I heart huckabee's"
Quite a few times because they're my mother's favorite movies

I've seen the harry potter movies and Lord of the ring and star war movies a lot because my father and grandparents like them

Also, as a holiday tradition, I tend to watch "hocus pocus" every Halloween and Jim carrey's "the Grinch" I watch groundhog day on groundhog day if I remember
I watch High Fidelity when I need to get in touch with myself. I don't really watch any others annually. Just when the mood strikes. I am rewatching films from my childhood with my son's. Stuff that I loved as a kid
I have a few movies I seem to rewatch every few years.

Mothman Prophecies
Erin Brokovich
I had not seen Dragonfly and checked out the trailer. Gonna put it in the queue for next week. What is the pull to this movie for you?
I had not seen Dragonfly and checked out the trailer. Gonna put it in the queue for next week. What is the pull to this movie for you?
You'll have to watch it. The ending of that movie is amazing. I didn't see it coming. I'm not sure why it wasn't a commerical success because the message of that film sticks in my head. I think it touches on my spiritual side and the belief in the essence that holds us all together as one
You'll have to watch it. The ending of that movie is amazing. I didn't see it coming. I'm not sure why it wasn't a commerical success because the message of that film sticks in my head.

I think it touches on my spiritual side and the belief in the essence that holds us all together as one

I believe that is what appealed to me too. :D
I read something the other day about how re-watching movies reduces anxiety and stress.

Most of the movies I rewatch are easy-going and well-liked classics. They aren't necessarily masterpieces or movies that hit me hard. (Sometimes they are.) Similarly, I am drawn to movies based on books and biographical/historical stories. Spoilers don't usually bother me, either, unless the plot is about a big secret that is revealed at the end.

I won't rewatch most traumatic movies.
I read something the other day about how re-watching movies reduces anxiety and stress.

Most of the movies I rewatch are easy-going and well-liked classics. They aren't necessarily masterpieces or movies that hit me hard. (Sometimes they are.) Similarly, I am drawn to movies based on books and biographical/historical stories. Spoilers don't usually bother me, either, unless the plot is about a big secret that is revealed at the end.

I won't rewatch most traumatic movies.

Me either! I figure there's enough trauma in the world without me having to watch one again and again. Once is enough for me. I agree about rewatching movies reducing stress and anxiety. The movies I rewatch are campy and oh so predictable even when brand new.... but I feeeel so good after watching them.
I read something the other day about how re-watching movies reduces anxiety and stress.
That makes a lot of sense. Honestly, and this might just be spectrum-y behavior, but when I am stressed I tend to listen to the same things over and over again. A favorite song, a favorite podcast episode. What is familiar and has good memories comforts me so it makes sense. You don't have to expend a ton of mental energy trying to digest new content. You know what to expect and you can kinda go on auto pilot.
The movies I rewatch are campy and oh so predictable even when brand new.... but I feeeel so good after watching them.

My SO and I always joke that when we were younger we preferred dark and serious movies, but now we watch fun movies to unwind because life is dark and serious enough and we want an escape. We still watch a lot of serious movies, but the ratio to fun movies is lower.
That makes a lot of sense. Honestly, and this might just be spectrum-y behavior, but when I am stressed I tend to listen to the same things over and over again. A favorite song, a favorite podcast episode. What is familiar and has good memories comforts me so it makes sense. You don't have to expend a ton of mental energy trying to digest new content. You know what to expect and you can kinda go on auto pilot.

We call comfort food "comfort" for a reason. It is the same for our other senses. :)
Stardust and Hunger Games are my guilty pleasures. I have no idea why I like watching Hunger Games but I just do.

Ghostbusters have always been my favourites and will never get bored of them.

Short circuit movies, E.T, Pitch Perfect movies, Die Hard movies, Fifth element, The Goonies, Pirates of the Carribean, Top Gun, first Mission Impossible, Men in Black movies and this old 80's movie which I forget the name but they were these tiny flying robots come to earth and build these people's apartment building and save it from being knocked down in the city. Anyone else remember the name of it???
I make a point (or try to) not watch a movie more than once a year.

Of course there are some standard series that I happen to watch every year, like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Pirates, and every MCU movie in order of release (exception being Hulk).

Another point I try to make is to watch at least one movie with an artsy feel such as any Edgar Wright movie. I may have watched Scott Pilgrim vs the world three times within the first year :sweatsmile:

I have watched HTTYD so often, and the second is up for its next rewatch. It'll be the... *counts* sixth (?) since first seeing it in theatre.

Sometimes I just like weird, so it'll be Tim Burton, or Guy Ritchie if it's supposed to be a bit more convoluted.

Bridget Jones and the other Jane Austen movies are soul food. In the future, I might add Enola Holmes (the movie feels fresh like a Sunday :relaxed:). I have collected a few Shakespeare theatre performances, but no idea if it counts. The Branagh production of Much Ado and 10 Things I Hate About You I almost know by heart.

It's probably noticeable that I don't have many specific movies that I watch regularly. There are yearly traditions, of course, which I have left out. I decide by mood what it should be, and with the mood I have specific go-tos. Those are what I have been able to summarise in these small paragraphs.