Mental I 'FUG'


Community Member
FUG = For You Guys

This is actually my fourth mental thread, but being I haven't posted one here I'll call it my first.

So, been a while since I made a 'mental' thread. Unlike my other threads which contribute factors of mental disorders to other people this thread is going to having your opinions affect my mental factor. Okay, so let's being.

Part of this is fiction part of this is fact. It is your job to analyze and diagnosis this patient. So decide what is actually relevant to the case, and then describe your diagnosis and how you would treat it. This is both fun and educational; Plus Its about me so using making a story based on true events could actually help figure me out.

It's late one Saturday night and I'm traveling with my father to the movie theater. The new star trek movie is out, and I'm super excited to be going to see it, because I'm a geek. A social geek though. I like new people and I love new things. We finally arrive at the theater, and pay for our ticket. The theater is packed. I can feel the overweight geek's hot breath on my neck as we pay for our drinks and popcorn. My excitement level is raising. My hand is shaking. I want to go directly to the theater just to be there before everyone else. To find my perfect spot. I turn around and see three girls staring at me. I smile and continue to walk off. They smile back at me. I'm feeling like a million bucks flapping in the wind. We make our way to the theater pushing the door open. "FUCK!" I think to myself "Why did they allow people in?". Then informed that they had waited in line I thought "Okay, they earned it then" Instead of getting the much wanted backrow, I settled for the middle. Not expecting a big turnout at a midnight showing. *10 minutes later* My body is shaking. I'm so excited, but not because of the movie. More and more people keep coming in, more and more site down around me. I feel like I'm taking all their energy in. I think I'm overloading. My body is shaking but I remain serious. My chest doesn't hurt so I figure its not a pain attack. More of a high release of Epinephrine. *120 minutes later* I zoned off somewhere between bouncing and thinking I could climb the building. I zoned into the movie. My mind went 'hyper focus' for lack of better words. Everyone in the theater was blanked out. I feel the energy rush back to me. Like I'm some kind of creature of the night. Some creature that feeds on the energy of other people. I watch as they leave. Analyzing every movement of their body. Every facial expression. Not willing to miss any action or reaction. Every person holds knowledge and I want that knowledge. When its my rows turn to get up and leave. I shoot up fast and start speeding out the theater door. I walk around to the front and almost sprint to the car. Instead pacing in circles until my dad finally comes out. I run to the car, I feel like I could run track. Almost as if I have some kind-of "Excitement deficit disorder"


So there you go. I've given you all the information you'll need to finish this task. It'll be great to see what people come up with.
Ok, let me start by asking: have you taken any drugs in the last 24 hours? we can start from there.:m083:
This event happened 4-1 week ago. I won't give you the exact date, and I don't do drugs. As I've repeatedly said on the forum. No Drugs, No Drinking, I don't even smoke. I'm addicted to Energy drinks and frozen coffee but only drink them once a week (except frozen coffee), and didn't drink any that night. I'm also addicted to chewing (gum straws anything) I have an oral fixation with a chewing habit.

:) Let's continue, Doc.
Explain more in detail about this "taking in their energy", I'm not quite understanding it. Was it a comfortable feeling?

Also, are there any medical problems that we should be aware about.(autism, ADD etc etc etc.)?
*Asks as Patient*

It was not discomfort if that's what your asking. It was more of what I imagine jumping out of a plane would feel like. Pure energy. Pure excitement.

There are none that I know of, but I could have ADD. I don't really trust doctors. Thus you're lucky I'm only role playing part and not actually bringing that in and making it extremely difficult.
*Spinning Hand Bow* I take that as a compliment. Thank you :)
Not ADD. Just sounds like you had a manic episode.
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I have a few questions:

1) How was your stomach? Did you want to throw up during the episode?

2) Did you feel tired afterwards?

*Plays Patient*

=) I highly doubt it though. I've had multiple attacks like this one, and being I've already researched mania I'll quote something "
People with mania often have inflated self-esteem and self-confidence, and assume they have more wit, courage, imagination, and artistry than everyone else." I do not assume I have more wit, courage, imagination, or artistic ability than everyone else. I agree with maniac on hyperactive but I'm hyperactive a lot. The feeling was more of a 'super charged energy' than an 'over confident' break-down. I have fairly high self-esteem and self-confidence, but not too extremely high. I can still get shy. Me admitting this defeats the theory of Mania and Narcissism. As I pointed out I know my flaws [look at the fictional character thread]


*Plays Shrink*

You're patient seems to suffer from some sort of reverse Cyberchondria. He looks up the information on all these disorders, but doesn't believe they fit him. Denial is likely, but admitting his problems defeats lots of the disorders.


*Plays Doctor*

He could suffer from a body disorder which doesn't allow him to contain his energy when excited, and combined with his hyperactive state it would cause shaking and feelings of an adrenaline-like kick.


*Plays Patient*

My stomach had butterflies, but not like the in love kind, but more of the kind; how did I describe it?; Jumping out of a plane? It felt like a huge boost in adrenaline. It has happened multiple times.

Nope; I went from Super High energy to Just high energy.

ADD-On Information: Sometimes I can't get to sleep because the same energy kicks in while I'm trying to sleep and my body vibrates the bed until I get up and get rid of it. It normally happens after dreaming a bit and than I wake up randomly and it kicks in.

'Butterflies' are a result of adrenaline being released in the body due to stress.
*Plays Patient*

However, my body was not under stress. Perhaps my body does not comprehend when its stressed and when it is not, and for that I'd need to contact a doctor.


*Plays Doctor*

There is a body disorder which tricks your body into releasing Epinephrine by making itself believe it is under attack when it actually isn't. However his body could just not be use to the temperature or the lights. Which are both known to trigger adrenaline reactions.


“After we eliminate the impossible, whatevers left, no matter how improbable, must be true.”
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People get 'butterflies' and go into flight or fight mode even if they aren't under stress though. Typically if one is feeling 'embarassed' 'excited' 'nervous', sometimes even 'angry', the body will take this as a sign of stress and release adrenaline. It's really not all that serious, nor abnormal.
"People with mania often have inflated self-esteem and self-confidence, and assume they have more wit, courage, imagination, and artistry than everyone else."

I'm not doc, but that's not necessarily a reason to rule out mania. Just because you don't think you're better than everyone else doesn't negate the other diagnostics.

Anyway, I still speculate mania. It sounds exactly like one of my episodes.
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@ Slant:

*Plays Doctor*

It is abnormal for a patient to experience this as a common thing. What you're talking about should happen only one through five times a year for most people.



*Plays Shrink*

Mania has not been eliminated but instead put in the back sit to make way for different possibilities. It could be Mania.

1-5 times a year?

People are only allowed to become nervous or excited 1-5 times a year?

That must really damage their sex life.
*Plays Doctor*

No, I misunderstood. I thought you were saying the large amounts of adrenaline. I apologize. This decision is about a patient who experiences large amounts of energy leaks as a common thing.



*Plays Shrink*

Those traits are high factors in rather a person is experiencing Mania or not to ignore them would be like saying "The lack of evidence is not evidence" when I completely disagree with that statement. [NOTE: Not saying you said that]


This is a fun thread :)
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I just don't understand what the problem is supposed to be.

The problem is that I'm experiencing to much energy when I shouldn't be. Like when I'm trying to sleep as you can see I stated above. The movie theater was just an example of the incident to give you information about the situation surrounding it.

Analogy time:
It's like a computer glitch. Sometimes the computer glitch is cool. It helps you or it just looks cool, but sometimes it happens when you don't want it too, or when it will be an annoyance.

Now do you understand?

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