Medieval: Total War (with cheats)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Gar
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Shai Gar

This is about playing with cheats, not playing without cheats.

What people do you play as, why, and how?

I like playing as the sicillians or the spanish.
When I play as the Spanish I up my florins to 1,000,000 (.deadringer.) and get immediate buildings (.worksundays.), then I train as many emmisaries as possible, and send my current ones out to bribe everyone in the iberian peninsula, the rebels, argonese and moors. I build my ports, inns (to buy mercs so i can keep pumping out emmisaries), and trading houses and then I enter in the cheats for copper, iron, silver and gold (.mefoundsomecu. .viagra. .mefoundsomeag. .mefoundsomeau.) and build the mines and complexes. Then I build up my training halls, focusing on the taverns and upgrades for those so I can have strong assassins. I like to flood the map with assassins and emmisaries, both my enemies and my own nation (border forts and spies everywhere in my peninsula), and then I pump out strong units, looking for those with natural command and intelligence so that I can have a stock of men to make lords and give ceremonial duties to.

I ensure that I have strong navies, and then i save game, exit, return (close a game and return to it, you dont get access to cheats), then I sit back, build armies and enjoy making war on those who are too far away from me to stop.
As soon as I type in the first letter of a cheat, the game is dead to me.

How I play normally though: Lots of cavalry and horse archers.
When i don't cheat, i like to use heavy cav, elite archers, elite spearmen, and skirmishers. I always customise my armies for the enemy.

But this is about cheating.
Make a new thread if you dont want to talk about cheating.
Was just trying to bring in at least some conversation in. You made your thread too specific I'm afraid.
I love this game, I have version 2 though.
When I cheat, I just upgrade all my cities and get lot's of florins.

I usually play as england, because their archers are awesome.
And I love killing a part of the enemy's army before they can reach me.
Awesome game. I hadn't played it for long though, so only got around to trying one group. I was playing as the English and going strong, without cheating, until I got to a bit where two or three groups came at me at once. I didn't really have time to continue on with the game, but I really wanted to beat up the French for having the audacity to attack me like they did. I'm sure I could have done it without cheating, but I just wanted to get everything done fast so I could wipe them out in my vengeful fury. Couldn't get the cheats to work though. Derp.
I love this game, I have version 2 though.
When I cheat, I just upgrade all my cities and get lot's of florins.

I usually play as england, because their archers are awesome.
And I love killing a part of the enemy's army before they can reach me.
I love playing version two, but i dont have it.

The longbowmen are great, but I always flank with a massive target coming up the middle. Archers never stand a chance.
the best fun i have had is with this game.

I conquer all but one province while cheating, then build massive armies, withdraw all of them to one place and then raise the taxes so high that they all rebel. Then, i crush them.
I love playing version two, but i dont have it.

The longbowmen are great, but I always flank with a massive target coming up the middle. Archers never stand a chance.

I also flank.
Usually, I do this:

Horses -> Enemy <- Horses
Melee fighters

I really like crossbowmen, because they're good at melee too.
I always have a diplomat standing at the paypal states' castle, so I can bribe him with 'map information'.

If I'm allied with a faction, I don't backstab them.
Unless they've been real bitches before. Like that one time The roman empire kept attacking me <.<
I just needed to wait a few turns before I could execute my revenge without the pope complaining.
When I played Rome total war I had a hard time withstanding the first few rounds (as you have massive hordes come at you immediately), but then I had to build up everything as fast as possible before everyone started coming at me. Frankly, when I started playing the medieval one I thought it was a touch too easy. Or rather, it seemed so easy that I assumed IT'S A TRAP.
fuck the pope, i take italy early, and if i need to go to war with a catholic i build my italian armies up so i can just kill the pope quickly so i am not excommunicated long.

That's almost how i flank, but i follow mao tse tung's book guerilla warfare, and surround them completely.

Using heavy cav on the back and sides of spearmen, skirmishers up the front.

I never backstab my allies either, i have only three. Byzantine empire, Novgorod and the English. Easy enough to give allies new territory, i just bribe the enemy army, move it into my land and hey presto, land with minimal forces to defend it. My ally moves in to guard my back. Then i defend against the ally.
fuck the pope, i take italy early, and if i need to go to war with a catholic i build my italian armies up so i can just kill the pope quickly so i am not excommunicated long.

I tried doing that, but he was able to flee, and then I lost him.
I keep flooding the Papacy with my own Bishops, often I'll have the Pope under my control. I like to try and get factions excommunicated and then have crusades declared against them. It can be awesome fun. XD
I keep flooding the Papacy with my own Bishops, often I'll have the Pope under my control. I like to try and get factions excommunicated and then have crusades declared against them. It can be awesome fun. XD

Oh yeah, especially if they've been busting your balls for the last 10 rounds.

Sweet, sweet revenge.
i can put the pope under my control? Just by building bishops and flooding rome with them?

*starts building bishops*
How do i control the pope? He came back after i massacred the last one, and i gave him rome, but he tried to take all of the boot. I had to kill him and his armies. I am going to fill italy with armies and rome with bishops and inquisitors. How do i control the pope when he returns?
Love the total war series, strong spear wall + masses of longbowmen + a few cavalry units for routing = invincible.

Lately I've been playing this:

It's awesome, I like to play as Dale.
Damn. I need to get that game. I've only played Rome Total War and I LOVE IT! Of course I don't need cheats though, the game mechanics are really simple for Rome. I've seen some friends play Medieval TW Two and they changed somethings. Maybe make it harder.

Damnit Shai Gar! I'm going to go shower and buy this game right now. Probably get it for 20 bucks at Walmart. I'd get Empire Total War but I'm sure it would kill my laptop.