Lost track of time


Community Member
I've noticed when I talk to other Intuitives the reference to time dissipates the more we talk. It dawned on me that perhaps we are both inside one another's intuition. I've read and experienced that Ni's especially are almost glassy-eyed lost in their own imagination at times. Both Intuitives are looking for patterns and exercising their preferred cognitive functions.

This breeds a tangent. When Sensors talk they are in the here and now as I understand it, but do they forget about time also in the same way?
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I dont know what you are talking about. However there have been times where I have literally lost time while wide awake. One was with a conversation with my brother. We were in a car with what is a 2 hour trip. I was talking about something and it seemed that only 30 minutes went by before we were at the destination.
Puts me in mind of two types of time: discreet time and aeviternal time. The former is measured by physical change, the latter is measured by the progression/dialogue of concepts. These two types of time can run completely independently of each other.
Puts me in mind of two types of time: discreet time and aeviternal time. The former is measured by physical change, the latter is measured by the progression/dialogue of concepts. These two types of time can run completely independently of each other.

Whoa. I did not expect that answer :) Aeviternal time. Yes, I think that is it.

I'm thinking that our Ni almost apprehends us insomuch that the measure of time is lost and considered an insignificant variable because for all intents and purposes the situation at hand far outweighs what our minds are ruminating over at the time. Especially, with another who co-ruminates.
Had that happened, but I really don't think it's as....spiritual/metaphysical as you're putting it here.

I think the more we enjoy something (and that can be everything), the more our sense of time is going to be faster--

And the reverse if we don't. (ever waited for something that never comes without anything to distract you? Or a lecture you just CANNOT STAND?)

Your interest is probably Ni-related in this case?
I think both sensors and intuitives can experience time passing quickly when doing something enjoyable. I do think there is a subtle difference between Se and Ni users though. Se types I know are easily aware of the current moment so possibly have a better sense of time passing in relation to other changes in their immediate environment. Ni users can easily push awareness of the immediate environment into the background. So possibly they can get lost more readily in their own internal sense of time which misses external cues as to what is happening outside.

I find this experience happens mutually with my ENTJ and ENFJ friends when we are talking about anything visionary. We lose track of time together.
Time with no end and no beginning. Time where one second is the same as a trillion years. Time does not exist. Time is a human conception created by a humans inability to conceive anything else.