Lighting Conditions?


Have you ever been profoundly moved by the lighting conditions in your environment? I have been experiencing this my entire life. The effect only occurs with natural lighting and it can produce strong emotions in me or remind me of some other time in my life.
Yeah, storms affect me greatly.
Lighting is extremely important to me.

Yes lighting is a huge factor for me, and does effect my mood quite alot. However, the types of light that effect me in the ways that they do might seem counter-intuitive to most.

Types of lighting I like (these improve my mood, or keep me happy):
+ Very dim lighting. Usually a room light by christmas light strings give off this soft red glow that I find really appealing for me.
+ No light. Or as little light as possible. I usually only seek this when I am sleeping.
+ Reduced light in general. For example, rooms with small windows, or something to that effect.
+ Low light. Such that you might find in sume resturants.
+ Bright light through tinted glass. This removes alot of the yellow, and allows blue colorations to be the most prominate element. Sunglasses can give this effect, and as such I usually wear them when outside. This is great for studying in, and or taking a nap.
+ Ambient pattern lights. Pretty much any light from an LED source that changes.
+ Half lit flourcent room. Rooms where only 1/2 or less of thethe capacity of the furorecent lights are turned on.
+ Bright light in a dark colored room. Such as sun shining in a room that is furnished with darkwoods, and dark green, blues, and purples.
+ Shaded light / indirect light. Such as being in a really shady area on a very bright day. Again this filters out most of the yellows. Or light that shines in a room, but the sun is at an angle behind the window.
+ "The orange glow" light. This happens when it is snowing really hard here in Bozeman. The falling snow reflects the streetlights and causes this very calming soft orange color that can be seen in every direction.
+ Light through preciptation. Such as the light given off durring a period of heavy overcast rain, or snow.
+ Primary color light. Light where all three of the primary colors are exposed. This is hard to picture, so view this link to see what I mean. sunglasses can sometimes give this effect.

+ Most of these things involve either low light, or light with yellows filtered out.

Types of lighting I do not like (these decrease my mood, or prevent me from being completly happy):
- Sunset light. I do not like the light from setting suns at all. It is too yellow and orange in color.
- Direct sunlight into a window/room. I can't explain it, but I just do not like this, it is kind of depressing and lonely for me.
- Excessive lighting. When there is too much lighting in a room in general.
- Incandecent light. This light is too yellow and "soft".
- Bright lights in a light room. Such as a room with many pastel colors and whites.
- Television light / computer light. When an area is only light by a computer or tv screen.
- Cloudless sunlight. On days when there are no clouds in the sky.
- Bright light in general / everyday lighting. General everyday lighting from the sun or rooms and what not. After a while I will become unhappy. I have actually seen in myself becoming depressed if it goes weeks on end with very sunny skies.

- Most of these involve too much light, or overpresentation of yellows.
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Have you ever been profoundly moved by the lighting conditions in your environment? I have been experiencing this my entire life. The effect only occurs with natural lighting and it can produce strong emotions in me or remind me of some other time in my life.

Yes. Why do you think photography has the ability to be so powerful? It is essentially composing light. :)

I love the light right before a big storm. That weird greenish-purple hue the world gets. Or the deep blue-silver light of a full moon (or a nightlight). The light produced by fire (candles, fireplace, campfire) and nothing else. There is something very relaxing and comforting about the light produced by a fire. And I really love the quality of light in the very early morning, just after sunrise. It looks and feels so crisp and clean, the rest of the world is asleep or just waking up, and the air seems to virbrate with a kind of energy I associate with the concept of "living things".