Let's talk about the Mentalist and Marvel's Legion! Spoilers!!


First of all, may Stan Lee rest in peace, unfortunately I just found out about his death quite recently because my life got a bit busy. Anyway I've been watching the Mentalist, I'm on season 3, going on episode 4. No spoilers please. So I just wanted someone to talk to about it since I have zero friends. So to start, the Red John thing is really taking it's time to be solved. How the heck does Patrick Jane do that, is it real or is it just fantasy, are there people who are so attuned to other people like that. I hope I used the right word. And then Marvel's Legion, I'm on season 2 chapter 13. It's so mind boggling so I usually have to watch it ten minutes at a time. So this whole shadow king thing, and then Sydney in the future. I really don't get it, and is David a villan or a hero?
And then Marvel's Legion, I'm on season 2 chapter 13. It's so mind boggling so I usually have to watch it ten minutes at a time. So this whole shadow king thing, and then Sydney in the future. I really don't get it, and is David a villan or a hero?