Let's talk about health


life is good
What are thoughts on health? Anything and everything, from the simple to the mundane to the controversial and unbelievable..

I LOVE health and well-being, I wish everyone was healthy and well. And I REALLY want to talk about it... especially from a beyond-conventional medicine perspective :) So I'm kicking off this thread about health, without having anything specific to say. I'm hoping someone will be interested and maybe the thread will take off, who knows where :)
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I think it's interesting that people try to buy health but can't get wellness. As don't get me started on medicine and policy. Those are problems that no sane person would ever want to tackle.
Life is a beautiful gift given to mankind and one can just thank GOD by staying healthy. In today's world staying healthy is not that easy. Few days back I was reading an article regarding health and I was shocked that to be healthy a person needs to walk around 10,000 steps a day. Now you can yourself imagine how tough it is to stay healthy. Eating healthy, having a good workout schedule and staying away from alcohol and smoking can be the different ways of staying healthy. I wish everyone here all the best to stay healthy. Thanks.
And I REALLY want to talk about it... especially from a beyond-conventional medicine perspective :)

I've been meaning to ask about people's experiences with alternative medicine. I personally have been vehementaly opposed to it for a long time but am considering expanding my options a bit. Similarly, I wasn't really interested in spirituality until I came to this forum. What alternative remedies do here people use? How has it effected them? Why do they believe in it? Is there a greater philosophy behind it? Are there aspects to health that convetional medicine can't solve?
Cuddle, I would think it would be based on comfort level. If you want to explore start with your diet balancing it well with whole grains and fresh produce. Maybe try different kinds of massage. One thing to remember many of the herbs and spices we use for cooking and in tea started out as medicine. Find a naturopathic doctor who has been certified. I have in the past used alternative medicine along with a traditional doctor. It can be expensive and not all insurance pays for it. For me it helped me get a better grip on how to balance activity and diet. I am still trying to find the doctor to work a miracle on me though.
I'm a proponent of positive thinking, focussing on good news, using affirmations to program positive self-belief etc. I think this all helps towards a healthy attitude of mind, which does impact on the health of the body. Also, positive thinking can lead to positive action, so in terms of continually creating a better world, it's a good place to start.

Recommended reading:
These are two books I always pick up when I'm feeling low, and they never fail to inspire me.

James Allen - As A Man Thinketh

Allen's musings on what makes a good human being are challenging and uplifting. As A Man Thinketh rarely leaves my bedside. You can read this, along with his other writings here:


Louise Hay - You Can Heal Your Life

Hay's approach to holistic health through positive affirmations is simple, yet effective. It contains chapters relevant to different aspects of life, so is handy to dip into when facing a specific crisis - eg. Job success.

I'm also subscribed to the Good News Network. It does cost to subscribe, so I won't post the link, but it's easily found on google if anyone is interested. There are also plenty of other free to access good news blogs. eg. http://www.goodnewsblog.com/, that help to create a positive mindset, especially with so much negativity in the mainstream press.
If you want to explore start with your diet balancing it well with whole grains and fresh produce.

Heh. I should be eating more grains anyway since I am vegetarian and currently trying to ween off diary as well.

Maybe try different kinds of massage.

This is something I've wanted to do for a while as I get regular aches in my shoulders or lower back, although I should go to see a doctor about that first.

One thing to remember many of the herbs and spices we use for cooking and in tea started out as medicine. Find a naturopathic doctor who has been certified.

It is my understanding that naturopathy certification is rare in Australia and not regulated by the states anyway. Meh. Probably couldn't do much harm, other than to my wallet.

I have in the past used alternative medicine along with a traditional doctor. It can be expensive and not all insurance pays for it. For me it helped me get a better grip on how to balance activity and diet. I am still trying to find the doctor to work a miracle on me though.

I have insurance that covers a few less-than-conventional things. I'll have to go over the details. Yeah I could never take alternative medicine seriously as a substitute, but as a compliment: sure. Thanks for the tips. :)
Cuddle if you are vegetarian have you learned how to balance your diet properly? It could mean the difference in feeling healthy and feeling like utter shite. I personally cannot live well on a vegetarian diet because of my anemia. Remember that you need complete protein which may be a combination of legumes, whole grains, and seeds/nuts. Also as a vegetarian I recommend you combine your iron rich food with your vitamin C rich foods in order for proper assimilation. Don't mix iron and calcium as calcium will cancel out the iron.

If you need advice on balancing your diet I can help you find a few good sites. Being vegitarian does not mean just not eating meat. If you don't have a proper diet medicine won't always catch anything more then symptoms. Many doctors are now starting to look at diet first then assesing the symptoms of patients with mysterious ailments.

Let me know if I can help.
Yes...Yes a thousand times yes!

Being a vegan/vegetarian is more than just eating fruits and veggies the rest of your life. Even though you've made a decision to eat only plant based foods your body still needs a specific combination of amino acids, nutrients and minerals.

Some of which are as easy to digest from plant matter as they are from animal matter.

I highly recommend you talk to a nutritionist in order to better understand your body's biological needs (in regards to nutrition) and how to meet them with a vegetarian/vegan based diet plan.

There are lots of nutritionally based diseases and disorders that you can fall prey to later in life becuase you've denied you body the basics it needs to remains healthy.
Worry not. My mother is a nurse and never misses and opportunity to lecture me about my diet. She is reluctantly supportive, as long as she gets to cook most of my meals. Win-win for me. :tongue: Actually I used to be anemic before I became vegetarian. My Iron is satisfactory now since I have started paying more attention to my needs. She also told me the tip about combining it with Vitamin C, which is no problem for me since I love those foods.
I'm just gonna put it out there, eventhough it will make me the bad one.

I'm only healthy right now, because of genetics. I eat poorly, for the most part, I can't get out to exercise, I don't usually sleep more than 2 consecutive hours a night, when I get mad my heart goes wild and I have uncontrollable spasms in my leg (like anxiety attacks and stuff), and I used to be stressed out and angry all the time. Ever since I left my old job and went to work as a teacher, my stress level plummeted. Leaving that place left more than work-based stressed. It got me away from selfish, terrible, black-hearted people that never thought twice about using and manipulating people. And having my son brought a lot of peace. But, having physicals on a regular basis when I was pregnant, I was constantly told by my doc, nurse, and the hospital staff that I was very healthy...if only they knew.
D'aww. I skimmed over the title and thought it said

"Let's talk about Jesus"

:/ ......