Leadership Tip: Hire the Quiet Neurotic | INFJ Forum

Leadership Tip: Hire the Quiet Neurotic


Aug 26, 2012
Neuroticism is sometimes described as a inclination to experience negative emotions, like doubt and anxiety or whatever. It's a big five thing, as far as I know. It's important to not conflate 'negative' with 'bad'.

Neurotic can also mean a person with some kind of neurosis, which is probably a bad thing.

Also, I think neither the article nor the referenced study insinuated that all people can be put into one of these groups, just that both groups tend to perform differently than they are expected to.
Good article. Love the comments on the article.

Unfortunately, too many employers think an "outgoing, energetic personality" (very popular in job descriptions) who likes to be known and seen is naturally better "qualified" than those who are more reserved, low-keyed, and don't promote themselves during a job interview. If companies think only specific traits making someone a good worker, then the issue is with the criteria companies are using to decide who is right for the job. Going to a job interview lately is like attending a personality/popularity contest. It becomes about who "excites" them more. This is why it's a problem. Companies need to be held more accountable for their hiring practices. Introverts are just as capable of being effective in customer service, sales, etc. Everyone doesn't need to be an extroverted ball of energy to do their job well.
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Thanks for sharing the article. The new book out, 'Quiet', discusses in depth how society has come to devalue introverts and how the facts paint a different picture than perception in many cases. It's a fun read....the chapter about Tony Robbins, whom the book calls a mega-extrovert and the most extroverted person on the planet, who has chiclet teeth made me laugh so hard!