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Just a political rant

I agree with a few people on here.

First, yes, do rant. Ranting is good.

Lerxst, overall, I really do agree. Particularly on the subject of the "liberal media." There is no such thing as the liberal media - this is the part where people go, "NUH-UH, JUST LOOK AT MSNBC, YOU DOLT!" So, I'll save those people time. Yes, MSNBC hosts shows that are hosted by self-proclaimed liberals. Does that make it liberal media? Nope. At the corporate level, MSNBC is still run by conservatives, and so are our liberal hosts. They can't "say whatever they want" or "spread their liberal propaganda." They wouldn't survive. Gee, maybe that's why so-called liberal media is always the most fair and accurate...hmmm...

Unfortunately, I have reached a point in my life where I can no longer understand how people can proudly call themselves conservative Republicans. NOW, before you jump on me, I will be the first to say that there are plenty of respectable, intelligent conservative Republicans out there, it's just that the idiotic ones are louder and far more terrifying. For me - a very politically aware person - the face of modern American conservatism is that of a gun-toting, truck-driving, oil-loving, U.S. flag-bearing, terrorist-hating, liberal-hating, atheist-hating Southern person with a poor vocabulary. That's not because I'm somehow prejudiced, it's because that's how the conservative Republican party is being represented in local news, international news, opinion articles, and elsewhere. It's just because the dumber ones are louder. Obviously, this goes both ways. Someone could easily say liberals are all socialists, brain-washed zombies, America-haters, etc. But when I watch the news, the liberals are never the people who are advocating for their "Second Amendment remedies" or bashing the president for being a socialist. So it's just hard for me to comprehend being so proud of the party that blatantly advocates crony capitalism (a.k.a hypocrisy) and violence.

And, let's be completely honest, the Republican runners right now...I wouldn't exactly call any of them a threat. I mean, there are certainly things that could eventually make them a threat, if things played out right; but for the time being, I'm of the impression that Obama's got it in the bag.

Rationality usually prevails. For now.