Is the Left Eating Itself? | INFJ Forum

Is the Left Eating Itself?

*om nom nom*
Yeah, the only class that the Democratic Party establishment talks about is the middle-class. Their millionaire and billionaire donors don't want it any other way.

There's a lot of things that need to be fixed.
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The Top video I had already seen; I just got done watching the second one.

This thread is a pile of birdseed... so inviting....

I need to mull and as i'm still exhausted from the previous thread where I was serious I'm not going to jump into this right away. However, I largely agree with the gentlemen seated on the ends; most especially with the perceptive British gentleman who really seems to grasp the significance of the problem.

I need to go be silly for a while but I will be back- count on it.
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Free speech is the most important issue of our time, you could make the argument that it is the most important issue of any time, but in the here and now it's in serious jeopardy so it is at least to my mind's eye the most important issue at the moment with campaign finance reform as a close second. Bit of a tangent, but campaign finance reform needs to be renamed "anti-corruption law" to get people to recognize how integral it is to solving most of our problems as a nation. I would also like it noted that the right is also eating itself. So for my responses i'm going to break this topic down into 3 subtopics:

1. Is the left eating itself?

2. If so, why is this happening?

3. What is the solution?
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1. Is the left eating itself?
I think this depends on (as mentioned in the video) whether or not you consider what we call "the left" to actually be liberal in the classical sense. I'll let that point go for the sake of brevity. Also there is a separate debate for what should be allowed on a college campus rather than society as a whole since there are certain considerations with regard to academic standards for speakers in university that do not apply elsewhere. I'll skip that point as well for the sake of time.

The problem with the far left is twofold:

First, that people actually seem to be vying for the title of "extremist" and that creates a competition that is actually a race to the bottom. If a radical feminist declares all men rapists then any others who cherish the title of "radical" have to go at least that far to get the title. Then that is your new baseline for conduct- meaning that if you want to be radical after most feminists have made that step you must go even further. Normally this story of exponentially increasing madness would end with ridicule and public opinion destroying the extremists whether they are on the far left or the far right but the crucial difference in this age is that both sides have carved out "safe spaces" and are becoming totally insulated from reality.

Second, the left has an additional fuel for the fire of craziness in that they control the culture so completely that their brand of crazy is protected. If someone on the right or even fellow liberals question the quantum leaps in belligerence or the faulty logic that so often characterizes extremism, they can be destroyed by the far left. You can wreck a person's career or even their life for disagreeing with your ideology, ignoring any greys in your black and white conclusions about them. Indeed even if a person is totally wrong, and I can think of many on the right who are, it reflects poorly on us as a society that we might silence them with a sort of mob mentality. The theoretical from the discussion in the video "would you invite a Nazi to speak to an American college in the 1930s" no- I wouldn't, but I wouldn't support barring them from speaking either. If they're wrong then just hearing their ideas does not damage me. If you begin censoring terrible people and terrible ideas you allow the scenario that someday in the future, in addition to the moral implications, that you might be eaten alive by the censorship beast that you created. Principles aren't principles when they benefit you only, they are only principles if you apply them equally in situations where it is inconvenient for you to do so.

Standards on the left have gotten so high that few on this Earth could ever live up to them. Not one person could be politically correct all the time and have anything interesting to say. Not one person fits perfectly into all the competing categories on the left that is nominally a coalition of disenfranchised people but in reality is increasingly becoming a checklist- because if you disagree with 1% of liberal ideology and you frustrate the cause you might be disposed of (depending on several pragmatic considerations and certain political/social circumstances) as a heretic. A similar situation has developed on the right, and I don't think I need to work to hard to prove that. The wave of immense pressure that the right will exert on a conservative that renounces Trump is self-evident. I believe it was Ted Cruise who called Trump cancer and then flopped to asking to be his running mate- Trump/Cruise 2016, "I'm with cancer" has a nice ring to it doesn't it?
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2. If so, why is this happening?
Because some on the left have adopted the belief that they have a right not to be offended, and that is absurd. Also this rule strangely doesn't apply to the right for some reason, it's perfectly alright to upset them.

The right does think something like this as well, when they say "you have no right to mock my beliefs" in any discussion on religion.


EDIT: The third subtopic i'm going to take some more time to reflect on before I comment.
Ideas have swept down the slippery slope.

I remember a doctor telling me many years ago to look down my throat in front of a mirror with a flashlight. He said it was supposed to be pink. Mine was a darkish black/purple. He told me I had created a breeding ground for cancer and all kinds of nastiness. I quit smoking. He said it would regain its true coloration in a couple of years and he was right.

We have created what is going on in the minds of people. It needs cleaning up so we can think more clearly.
If ideas are totally harmless then how did people get this way to begin with
Political Incompetence on the part of the masses.
and more importantly why is it spreading?
The act of recognizing political incompetence on the part of the masses becoming taboo.
3. What is the solution?
The best solution I can imagine is to just continue to be a leftist who doesn't fit the mold, the more the extremists tighten their grip the more supporters slip through their fingers. Fight the right, and fight the loonies- not all the time because that shit is exhausting but don't be afraid to repel moronic ideas no matter from what quarter, this problem goes beyond left and right, liberal and conservative, there are large portions of the American public that are immune to reality and resistant to change and they get their way far too often. Strike back, its our patriotic duty to shame the mouth-breathers!
Viruses dont eat themselves. They replicate and generally will do so until they kill the host. That is unless some countermeasure is introduced.
Viruses dont eat themselves. They replicate and generally will do so until they kill the host. That is unless some countermeasure is introduced.

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EH, belittle the political left all you like, but please do not spread scientifically inaccurate information. Virophages are a thing.
What am I missing? Nowhere does it say viruses eat themselves. Also I counter with this.

If viruses are responsible for humans ability to think perhaps they are controlling your thoughts as well making you think your post says something about them eating themselves.
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Viruses don't eat, so the analogy doesn't fit the premise of the thread. Unless you want to argue that the left is not eating itself because it is a virus...then you could posit that it is being attacked by a virophage where by it becomes a gateway to the host. Also a virus will use the host to get to another host where it may mutate into another variation of itself.
But the intention is really to make the left seem to be something other than what it is.