is minimum wage exploitation? | Page 5 | INFJ Forum

is minimum wage exploitation?

People can read scientific studies.

Lol who do you think owns the publishing houses!

The people behind the corporations bought the publishing houses. they control the main journals....they decide who gets funded for research and they decide whose research gets published

The fact is that the tobacco companies suppressed the publishing of scientific data that would show that their product was giving people cancer

There was a film called the insider that looked at the story of a whistle blower who exposed this and how the corporations destroyed his life for doing so. Sensationalist but still interesting:


Let me ask you, have you ever seen a queue to get into a library? No, people are lazy, they don't want to learn.

Nonsense people are learning things all the time. Books are just one way to learn things

You have this weird view of corporations as evil Machiavellian entities that are out to harm people,

Well actually it is not just me

In the documentary ''the corporation'' an FBI criminal profiler who profile criminals for a living looked at the business model of the archtypal corporation and declared it to be psychopathic

This is because corporations have no inbuilt mechanism to take into account externalities such as: human suffering, environmental damage and the distortion of the truth

Here's a link to the documentary:

Corporations don't need to set out to hurt people they will just do it as a byproduct of being single mindedly focused on profit making and nothing else....this is a blinkered and psychopathic way to view the world and behave

when actually capitalism works on the foundation of win-win.

Only in your head. in the real world we are looking at: mass unemployment, increasing poverty, a growing divide between the rich and the poor, a diminishing middle class, dwindling public services, rising prices, endless wars, environmental destruction, corporate spying and a whole load of other problems

The issue of what kind of capitalism this is is another issue....anarcho-capitalists would argue that what we have now is state capitalism (ie centrally controlled by the government and the fed working in tandem)

So, for example, coca cola gives you cancer. Is the cola company evil?

I would argue that coca cola are morally reprehensible...yes

Also there is not the awareness of the dangers involved with coca cola because the perceptions of the public are created by the all pervasive corporate network and because government regulators have been corrupted and are not regulating

Sweeteners such as 'aspartame' also known as 'nutrasweet' are used in these soft drinks. This has been used as a substitute for sugar. It is the excretions of genetically modified organisms. It also damages the brain but it has been passed as safe by the FDA because the government is controlled by the corporations so the regulator that is supposed to protect the public is not doing its job. Government official donald rumsfeld was on the board of the company that makes aspartame so it was given the green light. This knowledge is not made widely available to the public.

All you need to do is look at the list of corporate members of the influential forum ''the council on foreign relations'' here: and the list of other members here: see that government and the corporations are totally integrated and that they are not focussed on the health of the public but rather on exploiting the public

No, because people are free to choose not to put harmful things into their body. People have decided that they value stimulation over health. Your car, house, TV etc were all made by corporations, be grateful that corporations exist.

It sounds to me what you are really criticising the public for is for being naive ie for not realising how treacherous the corporations really are!

Well i look at it a different way....i think that the naivity of the public is actually a cause for hope becuase it means that many of them are simply not able to comprehend that the people behind the corporations are as diabolical as they actually are

And as for corporations producing everything it is PEOPLE who produce things. 'Corporations' are merely legal structures. people produced things before corporations, they produce things within and without corporations and they will produce things when corporations are thrown into the dustbin of history

Also, all this stuff about hating the rich is dumb. 1) most millionaires are self-made (they contributed a hell of a lot more than you or me have to society) 2) on a global scale, any normal American IS the '1 percent'.

Who cares about millionaires?

I'm not talking about millionaires! I'm talking about the big boys who actually control the economy and the government...millionaires are two a penny and as individuals are not that influential

I do not hate millionaires

Concerning your comment about the average US citizen being part of the global 1% that is a very myopic way to view things

Poverty is not just about money or how many white goods you have. It is far deeper than that

Studies have found that people in indian slums are often happier than many people in the west...analyse that!

But yes the average US american does use many times the resources that people elsewhere in the world use. they have been raised in a corporate world where all the decision making has been taken out of their hands.

US citizens most definately DO have a responsiblity for trying to solve these problems and this will mean wrestling control of the economy and society back off the corporations but for people to do that they need to first break out of the bubble of limited perceptual awareness that has beenc created around their minds from birth by an all pervasive corporatocracy bent on controlling them
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muir said:
Lol who do you think owns the publishing houses!

And here we have one of the main reasons cold fusion was killed in the west, amongst academic fraud and plain old-fashioned hubris.

"Cold Fusion: A Hypothesis was written to suggest several critical experiments, which is the function of hypothesis. The masked reviewers, to a person, ignored that, and complained that I had not proved the underlying assumptions. Has the knowledge that physics is an experimental science been totally lost?"
- Julian Schwinger

It doesn't end with cold fusion. Why is it that people haven't researched the why's and how's of the placebo effect, the sinlge most significant treatment, according to ability to do good (and please don't mistake this as me saying it's the be all and end all)?

A recent nobel laureate also complained of mainstream science's treatment, and vowed not to publish in their journals anymore. That's besides Schwinger and Josephson, both early and continual supporters of cold fusion. How did so many patents disappear decades ago that could have helped all of us? Is it really that important to be the biggest fish in the sea, and sacrifice our future generations? All time is one. It's a matter of perspective, and thus a subjective experience. One in which eventually all may find their lessons. $0.02.

It isn't by merit, or lack thereof (or avarice), that Tesla died poor. QED.

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