Is Event Management a wise career choice for an INJF? | INFJ Forum

Is Event Management a wise career choice for an INJF?


Aug 2, 2012
don't know
Hello there,

I'm new to this forum. I have taken several personality tests online and have repeatedly typed as an INFJ. When I read the description, I identify with most of what is said about this type. But I don't have an in depth knowledge of the classification system.

I have recently taken an interest in the field of Event Management. I find it a very fun and challenging profession. But it kind of goes against my being an introvert. I wouldn't describe myself as outgoing and that seems to be required from an event manager.

I was wondering what you all thought about event management as a career choice for an INFJ. Any input would be appreciated.
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IMHO, (though i know nothing about the major itself) don't let a personality type or test box you in or limit you.
Career-wise, do what you want to do not what you think might be a good fit for whatever your personality test results appear to be.


if you find the field interesting, definitely consider it...
I agree with the above poster! It's about what you want to do and what you're passionate about.

In some ways event management is perfect for an INFJ (lots of behind the scenes work) in other ways you might need to learn your limits and what you can cope with (introversion vs. extraversion). I have a lot of friends in that field and they all love it....good luck! :)
Thank you guys so much for your advice. I appreciate it.
Event planning is a huge drain on your emotional resources. If you thrive on lots of people and making people happy and being "up" most of the day, then you could probably do it. If people drain you if you're around them too much I wouldn't do it.

To me, event planning is more of an introvert/extrovert clash, which is easier to manage. I hated it when I had to do it, during one of my stints as a temporary. Mind you, there are different types of event planning gigs. Some may require you to just talk on the phone and make reservations, plans, etc. Others expect you to be front and center during the day, running around, putting things in place, calling new people for last minute changes you don't expect, making sure your client (and the companies you're using for the event) are happy. It can get extremely complicated.

Personally, I think event planning is a job for a strong, detail-oriented extrovert who can multitask like a devil.