Introverted Thinking


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How would you guys describe Ti in it's Dominant, auxiliary, tertiary and inferior position?
What experience do some of you have in real life that shows noticeable differerence between Ti-Fe/Fe-Ti pairs from Te-Fi/Fi-Te pairs?
Would you agree that Ti is more unconventional compared to Te? Yes or No?
The idea that introverted functions are less conventional than extraverted ones comes from Jung, it dates back way back, but there is something to be noted, namely that Jung did not mean by introversion the very specific thing we do now. He initially viewed it as an overall inner vs outer world orientation, and included in this the dichotomy between mind-orientation and sensation, much of which has been subsumed in modern N-S.

Jung's introverted thinking "function" was actually just describing the consciousness typical to the thinking function users who were also introverted -- it wasn't a "separate" thing from extraverted thinking except in that one is the thinking belonging to an introvert, the other the thinking belonging to an extravert.

I personally think it makes sense to call the T of a S type more conventional, but it makes little sense to me that say an INTJ's T is going to be more conventional than say a ISTP's because one supposedly has Te, the other Ti. The functions theories floating around nowadays are rather implausible.
Example of Ti in INFJ:

Example of Te of INFP:
Ah yes I've seen this. I think I have some kind of insight about the differences between the two.

Do you know how an INTP would look like with this kind of presentation?

External thinking Te is only interested in carrying out work. That is like going from point A to point B. That thinking is extrovert means that it is expressed outsize of your own body, that is, in the real world. It is wide and shallow.

Introvert thinking Ti means that you make internal concepts and models to process information. One difference is that you can make make explanations in steps (A, B, C, D, E, ...) to describe a theory, event or something, which is more difficult for Te users.

Introvert functions take more time to than an extrovert function. Te doms are faster to respond to external information (sounds, voices, smells) from the outside than Ti doms. All introvert functions are deeper and slower than the extrovert functions.

Also, introvert functions are part of your own personal identity, whereas extrovert ones are not (not exactly sure though).

You process information from the first function and down the hierarchy, until there is a function that responds to it. Yo You use your dominant most of the time, then your auxiliary function, tertiary, and finally inferior. The higher the level of function, the greater the maturity. You can say that the dominant function is like a 30 year old, the secondary like a 20 year old, the the tertiary like 10 year old and the inferior like a 5 year old person.

The first function matures first. Once you get some understanding of it, you will learn how to use your auxiliary function, then tertiary and inferior. You inferior function matures last of all, and that should happen when you are about 25-35 years old.

I like these descriptions from that describe Ti rather poetically in all its different positions:

Dominant Ti (IXTP): I don’t need to use my emotions to fix this problem, thanks. I know how this machine works. Let me take it apart and put it back together for you. That doesn’t seem logical. The facts of the situation are unimportant; we can solve this, though it might seem impossible. There is a way around every problem. I can give you a two word answer to your question, and those two words will solve everything. The fewer words used, the better. Most explanations are too long-winded and technical, and could easily be simplified. Let me hear the idea or new data; I’m going to analyze and criticize it, and if it doesn’t work, I’m going to throw it out. Come on, you know my impartiality is sexy. Have you ever seen me overreact to anything? No!

Auxiliary Ti (EXTP): Hmm, give me a second… okay, I know what to do. I know how this works and how to fix it. I just analyzed it from six different angles in my head and feel comfortable with diving right in. I can take this situation or problem apart and reassemble it. That sounds illogical, so I’m going to ignore it. If I have time, I’ll argue with it. Look, cut the crap and get to the point. THIS is the problem and THIS is how we fix it. Did you enjoy my three word answer? It really annoys me when people take too long to explain something, because it’s easy for me to sum it up in a few words. No, I understand the system, I have it, let’s start in on it and get things done! Hop to it! Chop chop!

Tertiary Ti (IXFJ): I am interested in learning how to make things run more smoothly and efficiently. Please be as clear and concise in your explanation as possible, so the message isn’t lost in theatricality. I’m sorry, but I see a logical inconsistency in the statement you just made; may I point it out to you so we can talk about it? I really love thinking about my ideas (Ni) and experiences (Si), and analyzing them to see what meaning they hold for me, and why. I’m good at putting a name to what is happening around me.

Inferior Ti (EXFJ): I want to be objective in our conversation, but I’m having a hard time not feeling upset that you have shut me out. I don’t feel comfortable discussing this person like they are a thing or a problem to be solved. How can you be so detached? That feels heartless to me! I want to get things right, so I will study this until I understand it, then take what I know and use it to help others reach their own understanding. I’m okay with calling a problem a problem, and willing to analyze it.