interesting... but some questions...


Regular Poster

i only recently discovered i was an INFJ.

Slowly i have been discovering the personality types of the people around me and reading up about them and so far it has really given me great inisight into why i am the way i am and how it effects the relationships around me and even my emotions at times.

my girl friend is an INTP and god bless her soul, but INTP's can be difficult at the best times but at least i know now it is just how they run.

i am also being careful not to box everyone into neat little boxes of personality types as i am sure most INFJ's know, there is that other level to people.

i have some questions to the forum:

I have done the test several times... 2 out of 7 times i was placed as a INFP... but i cant relate to that personality description as a whole.

any other INFJ's experience this? just curious as I place myself squarely as an INFJ.

does the day affect you? by that i mean when you watch twilight does it often fill you with a sense of longing? a burning desire to be in 'touch' with that greater sense of being within us, be it god, our souls, the universe or simple personality delusion.

when i see a twilight at times - it causes my emotions to stir...

i am enjoying this forum thoroughly. you should ignore my post count as it had to be artifically inflated by an admin to defeat the ends of a spam blocker.

see ya round :)
i flip flop back and forth between infj and infp. id guess alittle more than half the time im an infp. i resonate with both descriptions but not with everything about both however. i guess the results of my tests depend on how im feeling that day.

i share your wonderment and awe while im experiencing nature.(rather than it just being "wallpaper" for lack of a better word) just like if you say a word over and over again it starts to lose its meaning, if you see something all the time it gets pushed to the backround and becomes part of the wallpaper. you dont see twilight all of the time so when you do its newer/fresher to you so its easier for you to appreciate it. you said you have a burning desire to be in touch with The Source when youre looking at a twilit sky, id say that you are in touch with The Source as youre doing that. live in that moment of wonder while its happening and appreciate it, but try not to analyze it. experience it, but try not to categorize it and youll be in harmony with The Source.

In Lak'ech
when you watch twilight does it often fill you with a sense of longing? a burning desire to be in 'touch' with that greater sense of being within us, be it god, our souls, the universe or simple personality delusion.

when i see a twilight at times - it causes my emotions to stir...


I was just saying that to someone this morning!
does the day affect you? by that i mean when you watch twilight does it often fill you with a sense of longing? a burning desire to be in 'touch' with that greater sense of being within us, be it god, our souls, the universe or simple personality delusion.

when i see a twilight at times - it causes my emotions to stir...

I'm really, really, really sorry. Really.

I couldn't resist:

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I don't think that the longing experienced by taking the time to notice the beauty of the natural world has anything to do with personality disorder...

If anything, it's in moments like those that we receive true clarity. There's so much more to life than working and filling some societal niche and all the conventional expectations that go along with it.

The standard way of living doesn't leave much room for moments like those. It's unfortunate.

"What I desire is a return to the profundity of experience. I want a society where everyday activity, however mundane, is centered upon how incredibly profound everything is."
---Jon Landau "Wildflowers"

What he was talking about, was living off nature's bounty wholly. Instead, humanity for the most part has alienated itself from nature as civilization thrives on destroying it.
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Yeah that happens to me. I'm only slightly more J than P; however, I'm not actually P because that would result in a re staking of the cognitive functions, and I don't really fit into the INFP description.

I'll try to get to the other part of your post at a later time because I think my answer is going to be a bit long, and I don't have time atm.
I don't think that the longing experienced by taking the time to notice the beauty of the natural world has anything to do with personality disorder...

i do not neeed time to notice the beauty of the natural world. it is asynchronous and part of who i am. it is not something i subconciously do, rather something that happens just btw.