Inspirational youtube musicians or artists and typism of them! | INFJ Forum

Inspirational youtube musicians or artists and typism of them!


Community Member
Feb 8, 2012
9w1, 7w6, 4w3
ive found two i love much, the first i give suggestive typing as ENFP:

and second i give suggestive typing of INFJ:
(the one in right)

approve or disagree with my typism?

post your inspirational ones and your speculations of their type!

oh, also got one more still:
speculation INFP:
(several videos to choose from or all)

star wars related:
(although in that video his placing much act on his expressions, though genuine.)

good as music:

in this video his personality comes best out:

could be E, but seems more like infp at healthiest. judging from the amount of emotions he keeps for himself, even while showing as much as he does.

you have to consider in the calculations that his a new ager = show as much emotions as possible.
the only working link is the second, the others are abbreviated

i'm really just here to say, uhm, hey, c grimmie?
maybe she's ISFJ or something, it's kinda whatever though
HAHA OMG the Star Wars one. I like-y.
yep, these are great, keep them coming people! ^_^
and yes, i did just say im too lazy to browse through youtube to find the good stuff which is buried under all the crap.

isfj i confirm, on retaw i'd say it seems as if hes using Fe since he concentrates keeping emotions at bay to focus, but he occasionally explodes.. xD
dont think Fi's would explode like that, as they dont even have the urge to show them visibly. maybe isfj? although i havent thought much about what that'd be like, so cant say certain.
seems ennea 9/8. (surfacial analyzis only.)