

How do you define insanity? What differentiates sane behavior from insane behavior? And have you ever (seriously) questioned your own sanity?
Er.. by definition insane is that which is very different from the average. I questioned my sanity, but after looking at a definition like that, I'm really quite sane.
Er.. by definition insane is that which is very different from the average. I questioned my sanity, but after looking at a definition like that, I'm really quite sane.

so it's purely relative to the majority? there's nothing absolutely definable as insane, regardless of how many people do it?
I do it all the time.
I honestly believe I'm batshit insane.

honestly, you're not alone! *jumps up and down with Jester on an invisible trampoline* :P

edit: if enough people thought like we did, if the majority thought they were insane, then would they be sane?
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I honestly do not know what to reply to that.
I found it funny, but this was so random..

being speechless might be a sign of sanity - having no standard response to a course of action implies it is foreign; if it's foreign to most, it would imply it's only familiar to a minority, and by [MENTION=1798]notmeganfox[/MENTION]'s definition, that would make it technically insane, and those who behold it as foreign would be by the same definition, sane.

How do you define insanity? What differentiates sane behavior from insane behavior? And have you ever (seriously) questioned your own sanity?

Maybe -
When it becomes apparent that you have the inability to leave a habitual lapse of reason by your own volition.

I've questioned my own sanity, but not seriously at any great depth. I don't know that much about it.
Maybe its more helpful to question your reasoning rather than your sanity?

Reason is a bit different to logic, since you can reason with emotions and values.
Maybe -
When it becomes apparent that you have the inability to leave a habitual lapse of reason by your own volition.

I've questioned my own sanity, but not seriously at any great depth. I don't know that much about it.
Maybe its more helpful to question your reasoning rather than your sanity?

Reason is a bit different to logic, since you can reason with emotions and values.

good idea, but then the question shifts from what is insanity to what is reason? how do you define with any degree of accuracy what's reasonable (especially in regard to emotions and values, two highly subjective concepts to begin with) and what's not?
Dove wears bunny ears, a strawberry pin, bounces on her chair while having fun, and makes random noises while playing video games.

She is, by my account, completely insane, and I love it.
I believe reason is the capacity to doubt your own infallibility and to recognize the uncertainty present in honest decisions.

Thus, I may be one of the least qualified people on this board : )
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Dove wears bunny ears, a strawberry pin, bounces on her chair while having fun, and makes random noises while playing video games.

She is, by my account, completely insane, and I love it.

hehe, that's cute. however, the fact that i find it cute (and am probably not the only one) suggests it actually isn't that outside of what you'd expect, and therefore isn't insane but perhaps slightly unusual (whether there's a difference between unusual and insane though is another question! feel like i'm splitting hairs here ><)

also, people say people are "special" and everyone's a unique individual. if that was true though, then technically no one would be unique, since the word itself implies rarity. just how "unique" would you have to be to not be average, to actually be special? is it just a matter of opinion, or is there some overall rule?
I believe reason is the capacity to doubt your own infaliability and to recognize the uncertainty present in honest decisions.

Thus, I may be one of the least qualified people on this board : )

haha, perfect are you? ;) i think the extreme version of that would be paranoia though. and what you've got could perhaps be labeled a god complex. j/k!
My idea of insanity is not being able to identify the agreed upon reality of the whole from the reality that you know.
it's a law term that states that a person in no longer capable or able to be held accountable for their actions due to the nature of their mental illness which prevents them from making rational decisions or distinctions.
haha, perfect are you? ;) i think the extreme version of that would be paranoia though. and what you've got could perhaps be labeled a god complex. j/k!

Although, some people can wrongly refuse to believe that they are incorrect about someone being out to get them.
So I think insanity and paranoia can probably co-exist. Although insanity may not directly mean god complex.
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