INFJ - what job do you do? Are you happy and fulfilled? | Page 12 | INFJ Forum

INFJ - what job do you do? Are you happy and fulfilled?


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Follow your BLISS - recommending Joseph Campbell, madhatter.

any job can and should be fulfilling but if you are not happy in any aspect it is usually only due to a lack of new knowledge you haven't acquired yet..
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When will somebody fix the pothole problem? Stop drilling.
"Why doesn't someone fix the potholes?", said everyone not working.
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modern (tech-internet) business plan:
  1. disrupt an already-established industry which is highly regulated, and slow to adapt
  2. strategically allow others to put their own assets on the line in support of the venture, and,
  3. at first, make it very worthwhile for those people so as to draw additional people and capital in via buzz
  4. exploit revealed legal loopholes and leverage the lack of applicable regulatory authority early on
  5. at the nexus point of desired market share and impending regulatory hassles, pivot so as to...
  6. gut the business venture for all it’s worth at the expense of the customers and the asset owners, because...
  7. wealth extraction—not from industry—but the scaled aggregate of a cohort of individuals—was always the point.
  8. enjoy the wealth, invest, come up with another legacy industry disruption, nurture and grow your personal brand
  9. in a few years, the chaos of wealth idol adulation and narrative scripting will result in your proper origin story
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What a dark read it has become. I'm in a good place right now, just about headed to my last exams and already have a job (officially starting in four weeks) that's not even bound to my exam success.

I am paid above average (not top, but it ought to be enough), work mostly from home and still have 30 vacation days per year (not counting holidays, which I also have off), up 6 weeks paid sick leave, and most importantly a humane boss. Almost too good to be true.
I am not encouraged to do more than necessary, actually even discouraged to do overtime (although I am free to do so).

I can hate on what soviety has become in solidarity of my human kin, I hate what the US is doing (and on the other hand grateful for what my boss strives to do, in contrast). I have spoken before about how awful the US is as a place to work and live, compared to the EU. There are reasons for it.

Definitely, unionize. Go on strike. Claim it as the right it should be. Work is a dumb necessity, not a privilege - that's a false narrative.

Once their environment couldn't support or sustain them any longer, our ancestors packed up and left. As the world shrank, it became necessary to protest. You can make your choice and make your world. Or if you want to astral project, then do that :D