[INFJ] INFJ + INFJ romance: need advice


Hi everyone!

So here it goes:
I've know this friend (male) for almost 10 years, but I was in a relationship (an abusive one) for 7 years. When I became single, this friend started to approach me and showing a little bit of interest. At first I didn't see it, and when I saw that he might want to ask me out, I saw myself ditching his advances - can't explain... maybe it's an INFJ thing. Besides I always though him to be the flirting type of guy, and so I put my guard towards him.
The thing is: he is very closed. He has more colors than a chameleon, and when he is around someone or in a place which makes him uncomfortable, he closes himself. Sometimes, when I dress up or put makeup on, he looks at me and runs away (this actually happened of New Year's Eve)...

Since October, we have been having dinner alone once a week (work reasons) and we speak a lot about pretty much everything. We look very deeply into each others eyes, and in the last month or so we began touching each other in our conversations. Sometimes he invites me to some of his important events (which I don't know if it is because of our friendship our some love interest in me) and he even shows by surprise in places he knows I am going to be.
The thing is... I haven't been consistent with my signals. Nor has he... even though he is always texting in front of me, he takes a lot of time replying to my texts and returning my calls.
Last week, on his birthday, I gave him a little letter, with a drawing of a doll saying "happy birthday". When I slid it into his pocket, he asked "is this for me to read at home?", as if he was expecting something more intimate and private. He liked the surprise, but looked like he was expecting a little more from me. The next day he invited me and his close friends to have some drinks, which made me really happy, being allowed to enter his inner circle of acquaintances. We spent most of the night fluently speaking, and sometimes we gazed into each others - I was really beautiful that evening. BUT, when we went home, he just disappeared... I was expecting something sweet, like a kiss on the check, and he just said a quick goodbye, and run into his car.

So, we have been in this back and forward thing for almost a year, and it is driving myself insane! I want to get out of the friendzone, but the thought of being rejected always makes me scared and back of!
And his behavior only started to make some kind of sense when I discovered he might be and INFJ too (first I thought he was an INFP, but now I am almost sure he is an INFJ).

Having explained all of this, I would like to ask what is your advise to me: I am willing to approach him more, but I am afraid of getting too much into his space. I also don't want to look like a stalker, or too needy.
Next Friday we are going to have dinner again, and the day after that he is going to have a concert. He hasn't invited me for that one, and I am thinking in appearing there by surprise... but should I? He has already invited me to another one next week (two months ago, and he made sure he wanted me to be there)...
Sometimes, when I dress up or put makeup on, he looks at me and runs away (this actually happened of New Year's Eve)...

LOL. Sounds like every INFJ guy ever.

Yeah, don't go if you're already going to another one the week after, unless you really want to for whatever reason. Maybe try a different kind of surprise. There will always be another opportunity.

INFJ + INFJ is akin to watching same-sex pornography to me. *fans self*
LOL. Sounds like every INFJ guy ever.

Yeah, don't go if you're already going to another one the week after, unless you really want to for whatever reason. Maybe try a different kind of surprise. There will always be another opportunity.

INFJ + INFJ is akin to watching same-sex pornography to me. *fans self*

That's why I was resentful: I'm going to be with him next Friday. I want to look available but not needy, and since he asked me to go there next week, I think if I appear out of nowhere he will be nervous; next week is different because he made clear he would like to have me there. Anyway, I would like to appear by surprise in other occasion, maybe some causal night out or something like that.

Don't know what will be his reaction if I asked him to get a drink with me...
Should I ask him out, or should I continue to show subtle signs and wait for him? I don't want him to run away from me... and he truth is, I have the feeling he thinks the same about me too! It's so confusing... I find ourselves having mirror behaviors...
Honestly; go straight to the point.

The best way is the most boring way but it is also the most effective.
Message him; tell him that you're interested-- and wait for his response
the flirting can come after, if he's interested :P

I can see him being wary and keeping his distance after so long knowing you and seeing your own mixed message.

Either way, Good luck!
Honestly; go straight to the point.

I agree with the above poster. I personally prefer directness, so I'm not guessing, so I'm direct myself. Besides, it's better than the hell of not knowing. Even if he isn't interested, at least then you will know what rules you are both playing by.

I once went out with a guy who I really liked, but we were supposed to just be friends, and his energy was really confusing, and I was trying to project openness, but I was not sure what was going on. We had wandered into a book store for coffee and to look around, and I saw an oversized book I wanted to look at so I asked him to hold my coffee. After I put the book down, I stepped towards him to get my coffee and he stepped back, but it was like he was moving out of my way, so I stepped towards him again and he stepped back again. At this point I couldn't tell if he was playing with me or just being polite, so I took a big step towards him to where I was just a few inches in front of him and he was pinned against a bookshelf. He surprised me by kissing me. So sometimes you just have to push past polite lines into the intimate truth to know what the hell is going on. I don't know if that helps or not, but that was the best kiss of my life, so I enjoy reminiscing about it. Oh, and if he would have been unhappy I was that close I would have just asked for my coffee and stepped back, I had a plan B, but then I'm never afraid of embarrassing myself in the search for emotional truth.
i have a male INFJ friend who literally unable to read hidden signals or read the girl's gesture because he has feelings for her and thought that he's out of her league (in fact, the girl liked him as well). Getting straight to the point is a good idea and make sure you're making your message clear enough and to the point where he couldnt assume anything else but that you have interests for him.