INFJ - good and "bad"


I saw a similar thread online at another website, which I found pretty interesting. I just wanted to add some new profiles (including some I think is INFJ):

Mahatma Ghandi
Martin Luther King
Ram Bahadur Bomjon

Adolf Hitler
Bernie Madoff
Osama Bin Laden

As you can see, the good triumphs over "evil".
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I might mention that these are all speculation. I've seen many types associated with these figures, and will put my own opinion in bold.

Jesus (INFP, ENFP, even ENFJ, but INFJ seems to fit closest - he was all about one answer and serving others)
Buddha (Almost always INFP or ENFP. INFJ is a new one on me - he was all about the possibilities and what felt right)
Mahatma Ghandi (I've never seen anything but INFJ - he's very stereotypical of the type)
Martin Luther King (ENFJ - a very outspoken person if ever there was one, driven by his Fe, and by all reports quite in touch with his Se)

Adolf Hitler (ENTJ is the most common, with ENFJ and INTJ following close behind - Mein Kompf was about as Te as it gets)
Bernie Madoff (INTJ, possibly ENTJ - INFJs don't have the stuff for big corporate crap like that)
Osama Bin Laden (INFP, ENFJ - There is no way this guy wasn't F dominant. Look at those eyes.)
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I might mention that these are all speculation. I've seen many types associated with these figures, and will put my own opinion in bold.

Jesus (INFP, ENFP, even ENFJ, but INFJ seems to fit closest - he was all about one answer and serving others)
Buddha (Almost always INFP or ENFP. INFJ is a new one on me - he was all about the possibilities and what felt right)
Mahatma Ghandi (I've never seen anything but INFJ - he's very stereotypical of the type)
Martin Luther King (ENFJ - a very outspoken person if ever there was one, driven by his Fe, and by all reports quite in touch with his Se)

Adolf Hitler (ENTJ is the most common, with ENFJ and INTJ following close behind - Mein Kompf was about as Te as it gets)
Bernie Madoff (INTJ, possibly ENTJ - INFJs don't have the stuff for big corporate crap like that)
Osama Bin Laden (INFP, ENFJ - There is no way this guy wasn't F dominant. Look at those eyes.)

Oh boy, here is that debate. Okay, it's hard to convince you if you have your mind set, but in all the people, you can find some commonalities like their leadership, coolness, and passion about change or making a difference; the amount of time and effort they spent in pursuing their goals often surprise others, a characteristic of INFJ. Finally, they've all become highly respected (even if infamous) and very reserved.

MLK, you think, is ENFJ? Does he seem like an extrovert, sure he might be outspoken, but Hitler was known to give energetic speeches too. Also, MLK was a preacher, a profession that attracts certain INFJ, while ENFJ may not be so keen on religious institutions.

Buddha, an INFP? He's very reserved and seeks time alone meditating or praying, ever seeking to lift humanity to a new level of spiritual realization; very like Jesus.

Adolf Hitler, an ENTJ? He's known to be very reserved and difficult holding conversations, as people describe him as always spilling out his ideas and theories for the Third Reich. Also, Hitler is not a strategist, but allows his generals a high degree of freedom. This is partly why Nazi was so successful at the beginning, until Hitler interferred in the planning after he became paranoid. After all, Hitler does not seem like an extrovert, because he has few friends, though many body guards and assistants.

Bernie Madoff certain had INTJ friends that didn't know about his scam and got sucked in, but he is not into corporate affairs at all, and that's why he cheated because of greed. Madoff didn't strategically plan his operation at all like an INTJ might, which helps explain why he turned himself in after the economic downturn. Also, he's very protective and caring about family, so all the blame laid on him and his children were spared.

Finally, Osama Bin Laden displays a leadership quality, coolness, and vision that's more like INFJ than INFP. Like Hitler did with Jews, Osama laid the blame of his people's problems against the West, convincing others of his point and vision, and thus raised conflict.
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I've heard that Mother Teresa of Calcutta was another INFJ. I dunno; she seems very dedicated and passionate, as far as her calling is concerned (even when she's in doubt of it herself)
Oh boy, here is that debate. Okay, it's hard to convince you if you have your mind set, but in all the people, you can find some commonalities like their leadership, coolness, and passion about change or making a difference; the amount of time and effort they spent in pursuing their goals often surprise others, a characteristic of INFJ. Finally, they've all become highly respected (even if infamous) and very reserved.

MLK, you think, is ENFJ? Does he seem like an extrovert, sure he might be outspoken, but Hitler was known to give energetic speeches too. Also, MLK was a preacher, a profession that attracts certain INFJ, while ENFJ may not be so keen on religious institutions.

In MBTI terms, E =/= extrovert. It just means that the first function of an individual is extroverted. Generally, this means that a person with an extroverted first function can and will appear extroverted but this does not exactly mean they are extroverted. Several ENFJs on this site describe themselves as introverted in the sense that they spend a lot of time pontificating about things and don't spend a majority of their time meeting new people. Also, why do you think that ENFJs would not be keen on religious institutions? Unless I'm mistaken, I thought ENFJs actually LOVED it, if it's their thing. Energetic speeches is just a sign of a person who's really into what they are talking about or a person who knows how to give a good speech. No type preference on that.

Buddha, an INFP? He's very reserved and seeks time alone meditating or praying, ever seeking to lift humanity to a new level of spiritual realization; very like Jesus.
Being reserved, seeking time alone, and seeking to lift humanity all seems very INFPish to me. Especially the first two points, that seems very Fi to me. I don't have a lot of knowledge on Buddha but from what I know, he seems to be concerned with every individual reaching nirvana which seems more Fi-ish to me as well, Fi users typically care about every individual that makes up humanity. Not just groups and sects of it.

Adolf Hitler, an ENTJ? He's known to be very reserved and difficult holding conversations, as people describe him as always spilling out his ideas and theories for the Third Reich. Also, Hitler is not a strategist, but allows his generals a high degree of freedom. This is partly why Nazi was so successful at the beginning, until Hitler interferred in the planning after he became paranoid. After all, Hitler does not seem like an extrovert, because he has few friends, though many body guards and assistants.

Again, Extroversion in MBTi =/= extroversion in the english sense of the word. A difficultly holding conversation could be a sign of Adolf Hitler being an INTJ, too. Or at least someone who is superbly introverted. Delegating is a very XNTJ thing to do, XNTJs are all about management. Honestly, typing an obviously delusion and crazy person is hard.
Bernie Madoff certain had INTJ friends that didn't know about his scam and got sucked in, but he is not into corporate affairs at all, and that's why he cheated because of greed. Madoff didn't strategically plan his operation at all like an INTJ might, which helps explain why he turned himself in after the economic downturn. Also, he's very protective and caring about family, so all the blame laid on him and his children were spared.
Explain to me how an INTJ would strategically 'plan' an operation. Also, being protective and caring of your family is not indicative of any type.
Finally, Osama Bin Laden displays a leadership quality, coolness, and vision that's more like INFJ than INFP. Like Hitler did with Jews, Osama laid the blame of his people's problems against the West, convincing others of his point and vision, and thus raised conflict.
What Osama Bin Laden is an effective skill that anyone with some basic understand of psychology or how to communicate should know. I'm afraid I do not know a lot about Bin Laden so I will not speak further on the subject.

I would like to clarify, I am NOT speaking for Von Hase in any way, shape, or form.
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My thoughts on these

Jesus - xNFP
Buddha - INFP
Ghandi - INFJ or ISFP
Martin Luther King - ENFJ

Adolf Hitler - INTJ gone wrong, and trying to hide his F
Osama Bin Laden - INFP
I suppose I could see Jesus as an INFJ, but not INFP or any E or S. I personally prefer to think of Christ as a very mature INTP.

He was always drained after preaching to the crowds and retreated to be with himself. (Also, he quite literally felt energy drain out of him when the woman who had been sick for 12 years touched him in the crowd.) Es would not handle 40 days in the desert well either.

His use of parables is extremely N. I can't really tell if it is more Ni or Ne, but it seems he remembers too well to use Se more than Si. While looking to the future He is well grounded in the past, and he will not forget how we treated those less fortunate.

He definitely used introverted thinking and extroverted feeling. His feeling was for others, and his thought was aimed at truth rather than efficiency. I am of the opinion that Ti was dominant. What could be more Ti that The Logos? Also, in Luke 2:46-50 a 12 year old Jesus allowed his family to go off without him and worry about his whereabouts while he sat among the teachers, listening, asking them questions, and giving answers to their questions showing amazing understanding. This is very Ti, INTP behavior. An INFJ could use Ti too, but as a tertiary function it would not be developed enough at that young of an age. His Fe was very well developed by the time of his ministry, but it seems to me like an Aspirational Role, not merely axillary. Love was not just something to help people get aolng, it was the goal (telos). He had a deep and philosophical understanding of love, the kind that comes from pondering the nature of one's deepest aspirations rather than doing what comes easily.

I see Ghandi as INFP. His feeling definitely seems introverted. He stuck to what he felt was right, and ignored how his decisions hurt those chose to him. It is hard to imagine one with Fe unilaterally deciding that he and his wife should be celibate.

Martin Luther King, Jr., still seems very INFJ to me.