INFJ going crazy | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

INFJ going crazy

It depends on the scenario. I've seen my mind go off to terrible places when my I snap. Sometimes I wonder how closely I tread the line of insanity.

I found that writing helps. There needs to be an outlet for my madness and I don't really trust people to be that outlet. Once everything is dumped out, I begin to feel serenity again.
Can't say. When I go crazy it's usually a lot of stockpiled crap that builds up - usually all related to the same thing. It's when people ignore my subtlety, don't listen to anything I say, make the exact mistakes I saw coming to begin with and get "duped" by others that I tend to "go crazy".

I turn into a very unpleasant extrovert, to say the least. And I usually know I went crazy because those aforementioned people are usually stopped dead in their tracks, with their jaws left hanging, wondering "what's my problem?" but being too afraid to say anything or else I'll bury them under a vile outburst of insults and examples of how idiotic they are.

I never feel guilty about it though....

Whoa. Wow. I identify with this too much.

I will admit right here and now that several minutes ago, I went crazy. It doesn't happen often b/c yes it is a stockpile of things building and building. My oldest, getting older grows more disrespectful by the day. I do what I can, but I'm not a perfect parent. Yet again, I found myself in a power struggle with him and absolutely lost it. During my "heating up" moment I TOLD him to go upstairs to his room and separate himself from me. He was not interested. He was interested in winning the argument. I obliged him, and he lost. My tongue becomes my switch (as they say in the south ... a "switch" being a birch tree branch used to whip a child).

Though I am very remorseful of "losing it". I am not remorseful of what I gain, and that is he learns that his mother is NOT a doormat. This is not one of my best moments, so even sharing this is difficult. :(

ETA: OMG, perhaps I should change my avatar now. lol
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INFP. I'm cray cray on a regular basis, but when I actually snap and have a complete mental breakdown it's a nightmare to both my sanity and those around me.

Usually I'll cry, scream, lash out at anyone who speaks to me. Self-harm, smoke a lot, drink when I can get my hands on some alcohol. If someone makes me feel worse during an episode I have the tendency to get really paranoid and manipulative and skew the meaning of what they say to make them feel bad about themselves. Try to completely tear apart the mind of whoever hurt me and strike at their weak points.

I typically feel immense regret afterward when I'm cooled down.
I don't sleep.
Become defensive and withdrawn and lonely.
I become over emotional and want to cry about stupid things like seeing roadkill in the street that I have passed several times before I was feeling unhinged.

I am mean and rude to others because I am impatient.
Mean in that I lash out and say lots of unkind things on my mind.
I may become so angry that I cry tears of rage.
I have been known to punch a pillow to pieces.

That is under extreme stress and I think it's all pretty out of control behavior.
And would definitely cringe if someone showed me hidden footage of it.
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I just get obsessive. That is my going crazy. I am more of the achilles heel type people have mentioned if I am just angry at a person, but I tend to step away from that anyway because of the guilt that I would feel. They have to really deserve it. However, a friend of mine that tested INFJ (though I had assumed she was a mistyped ISFJ because she acts very differently from me - perhaps it's the other way around - well, I'm not an ISFJ but I could be an INTP or something?) tries to cut other people down. It seems very obvious to me how she's doing it. The weird thing is, she usually asks me about other people and I'm usually the one that encourages her to do a little subtle cutting down if people are being twats. She seems to cut people down if she feels they are getting above their station, rather than them actually hurting others. It's more that if someone says something quite arrogant she will make sure they realise that they are not that good by subtly pointing out their flaws. Perhaps that is more ISFJ of her because it's more about people not getting too up themselves (but being otherwise good people) rather than people actually hurting others. Dunno, some answers here just reminded me of her.

But yeah, I get obsessive and overanalyse, think too much, can get myself into a real state of madness. Self-absorption because I can't work out what's wrong and it bothers me so I end up thinking and talking about it all the time, trying to find the answer (and always failing seeing as often it isn't as simply as that). I get obsessive, my thoughts race, I feel endlessly frustrated and unhappy and then eventually burn out. Often end up not sleeping, sometimes to a severe degree (and if I am extremely sleep deprived I can start to lose judgement, which makes me hate myself even more). I never shout. I have raised my voice once in the last few years and I couldn't stand the guilt afterwards. This is more an enneagram one thing than an INFJ thing though.

I very rarely lash out at others, but this again, has to do with avoiding guilt and also has to do with my state of mind when unhappy - if I assume that I must suffer for my bad deeds, then no one else should suffer. See what I mean? If I believe that the most important thing is for me to be punished, then I would believe it to be immoral that others are punished. That tends to override any anger at others and be turned in on myself. Even if I can tell that others have done wrong to me, I balance it against my mistakes and assume mine are far worse, thus more punishable, and tend to prioritise that way. This just tends to perpetuate the unhappiness, though, which has an indirect effect on other people anyway since I eventually become too needy and a burden. So my own skewed logic never works out for the best.
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What is you at your worst, when you are "going crazy"? Do you scream and yell, do you get frustrated, do you get agitated and restless, do you become extremely productive, do you drink a lot, do you break down and cry? Has you going crazy changed over time as you have developed, or have you continued going crazy the same way but learned how to deal with it more adaptively?
If someone's pushing my buttons, I usually give them plenty of chances and warnings (subtle, followed by more overt warnings) to "stand down". If they are still dense or just plain defiant, then I verbally nuke them (i.e., "tear them a new asshole").

I don't really like this about myself, as it's definitely a relationship destroyer. (But then again, I did give them several chances.)

If it's that I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, then I'm pissy, whiney, complainy-like. I am always sarcastic, so perhaps I dial up the sting a bit more than usual.

The best way for me to deal is to just get away, go for a walk, get some fresh air, and cool down...
depends.. mostly I just shut the world away, esp the source of my annoyance and then try to rebuild from there.
Go crazy...?
