INFJ Frequently Lost In Their Mind | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

INFJ Frequently Lost In Their Mind

Hi fellow INFJs, do any of you ever space out and get lost in your own head? Because that happens to me like 8 times a day and I was wondering if other INFJs experience this as well... And if any of you do experience this, what strategies have you used to stop yourself from doing this?

Any discussion would be appreciated

This always happens to me, my INTJ friend has to snap me back into reality from time to time...
I don't try to stop it happening, in fact I enjoy it, not many other people are able to zone out from reality and become so deep in thought in such a short period of time :)
I get lost in my own head a lot. People around assume something is wrong, when you get lost in thought and you are not talking to them about it.
I got so lost in thought one time that when my husband patted me on the back, I swung around and accidentally smacked him because I was so startled. My mind was definitely off the leash that day....
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I do this a lot as well, day dreaming and heavy thinking. Sometimes I forget to go off at the right tube stop for work and have to go back and get late, just because I zoned out thinking about something. I also get completely consumed by movies I enjoy, which is kinda nice in a way.
I do this all the time and I practically live in my head. When I hear or see something that captures my imagination, I'm gone. I go into deep thought and stare off into space. Sometimes I catch myself doing it when there's something I'm supposed to be focused on. I often imagine myself as an anime character living in one of my favorite animes with my favorite anime characters or in an anime or fantasy world that I've created myself. I also imagine real life scenarios, and think about what-ifs and theories.

It's also triggered by music, so that automatically sends me off whenever I listen to it. I think I have this thing called Maladaptive Daydreaming, which is basically an addiction to daydreaming.
Off and on and quite often, which doesn't do me any favors when I'm trying to study or if I'm in class. I'm not sure how to make it stop either but it will on it's own.
It can cause trouble when one needs to focus. One time I tried Valium and it seemed to kill my imagination pretty effectively.

However in my spare time, daydreaming is a reliable form of recreation! There's nothing like laying back to some Bach, Mozart, Apex Twin or Shpongle and getting lost in your mind. Good vibes man.
I do this all the time. I'm often going for a walk while I'm actually in my head going for a walk elsewhere. Like let's say I'm walking through town here in upstate NY, while also walking in my head through Central Park and even talking with someone else while I'm talking with someone in real time next to me. My wife hates this, but I could be talking with my wife in NYC, too. It's just a different conversation and not even usually better. My daughter says I'm like a machine that doesn't work. She's ask a question and two hours later I will respond. It was in a queue of other questions that she didn't see. I am usually on the planet so I don't know why people say Earth to Problemz. I rarely go into outer space in my imagination. When I'm on another planet I try to make it much like this one, except with one change, like everything is pink except dogs, which are blue.