INFJ and Fi

I been wondering this for a long time, and after searching around the forums for some results, I noticed that a lot of INFJ's reported to have a better Fi than Fe even though our supposed auxiliary function is Fe...I include myself in this as I always scored higher on Fi than Fe, any ideas for this?
I been wondering this for a long time, and after searching around the forums for some results, I noticed that a lot of INFJ's reported to have a better Fi than Fe even though our supposed auxiliary function is Fe...I include myself in this as I always scored higher on Fi than Fe, any ideas for this?

Very simply, your Ni and Fe are working in tandem to create a shadow Fi. Because this is a mixture of the two functions, it will sometimes seem to midpoint them. Keep in mind that the cognitive function quiz that most of us are drawing these conclusions from tends to cause INFJs to bias more toward Fi than the old cognitive function quiz which seems to bias toward Ne - because of the way the questions are worded respectively.

This is perfectly normal.

However, it is also possible that someone could be mistyped as an INFJ, and actually be an INFP who over estimates their shadow Ni. Statistically, this is more likely the case.